请英语高手给我看看一简单英文信函Billy DAHU. about YIDN sample engines delivey time. JIM told me maybe in early June. if so, it is too late, now YIDN is pushing us the delivery time. they want to HDHDH supply the sample engines in mid

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 02:28:26

请英语高手给我看看一简单英文信函Billy DAHU. about YIDN sample engines delivey time. JIM told me maybe in early June. if so, it is too late, now YIDN is pushing us the delivery time. they want to HDHDH supply the sample engines in mid
Billy DAHU. about YIDN sample engines delivey time. JIM told me maybe in early June. if so, it is too late, now YIDN is pushing us the delivery time. they want to
HDHDH supply the sample engines in mid May. kindly you can confirm that, if HDHDH can short the delivery time?. i will looking forward to your information, thank you very much.

请英语高手给我看看一简单英文信函Billy DAHU. about YIDN sample engines delivey time. JIM told me maybe in early June. if so, it is too late, now YIDN is pushing us the delivery time. they want to HDHDH supply the sample engines in mid
格式不对,语法不对,有的词写得不对,语气也不对.if HDHDH can short the .
short要改为shorten delivey写错了.每个句子第一个词要首字母大写.
i(我)要大写,they want to HDHDH supply the sample engines in mid May 语法不对可改为they want HDHDH to supply the sample engines in mid May.还有很多.

称呼是不是用Dear Mr.(或者Ms.)好一点。

请英语高手给我看看一简单英文信函Billy DAHU. about YIDN sample engines delivey time. JIM told me maybe in early June. if so, it is too late, now YIDN is pushing us the delivery time. they want to HDHDH supply the sample engines in mid 请英语高手给我看看一简单英文信函Billy DAHU. about YIDN sample engines delivey time. JIM told me maybe in early June. if so, it is too late, now YIDN is pushing us the delivery time. they want to HDHDH supply the sample engines in mid 请英语高手给我看看一英文信函Billy DAHU.about YIDN sample engines delivey time.JIM told me maybe in early June.if so,it is too late,now YIDN is pushing us the delivery time.they want to HDHDH supply the sample engines in mid May.kindly y 请英语高手帮我写一封简单的英文信函称呼和结尾不用写了 就帮我写下中间的内容很高兴收到您的来信,我方很高兴和您合作.如果您在确定5-6周内有货 政府也同意 并且能按时发货给我们的 谁给我份 英语信函 速回 商务信函的标准格式是什么样的有知道的朋友请告知如果方便给我附上一封商务信函那就更好了, 英语高手帮我写封英文信函,内容大概就是:1:关于packing list和railway bill毛重不同的问题,这其中肯定有错误,由于我方负责这件事的人这几天出差了,下礼拜才回来,所以不知是中国外运的错误 英语翻译那句英文是always together forever apart请英语高手给我翻译一下 请高手给看看写的什么 如何委婉询问是否收到邮件(英文)想表达的意思如下:我不知道您是否已经收到我的邮件,冒昧地请允许我再次发送.请用商务信函的语气来写,而不要简单直译,另外再加一句:如果我的产品 感谢客户安排付款的英语信函,请给个范本,THANK YOU 谁给我一篇英文邮件的范文,不要商务信函,就是普通的问候邮件? 请把它们给我看看用英语怎么说 请高手帮我看看这篇英文短文翻译正确吗? 我想学首英文歌请给我介绍一首简单的?要吐字清楚的 我英文不是很好 来个高手麻烦给我把这两道题做了小朋友问我的 把我难住了 请高手看看 请懂英文商务信函书写格式的高手请进 帮我检查下我的信函作业有没有错 谢谢第一部分是我的信封内容:Allen Hai LinAmoy International Trading Co. Ltd1 Binhai Road Xiamen,Fujian,361000(我不确定这个邮 问一下请推荐一本现代诗歌精选的书高手都看看吧,我在此先谢谢给位朋友了2d