求一份五个人的英语短剧 五分钟左右

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求一份五个人的英语短剧 五分钟左右
求一份五个人的英语短剧 五分钟左右

求一份五个人的英语短剧 五分钟左右
A ah, let me talk to everyone say a thing last night, ah, I made a dream, I this dream! Special oddness, I dreamt that I this facial features ah, from... B oh! Head. A ah. B ha ha! Ha ha! A hello, hello! B you recognize me? A I can't recognize! May I have your name, please? B: my name is eye. Armour surname... His name? B surname eye. A have you this cuture surname? B first: yes, that's right. Armour which sentence? B zhao money sun "eye". Armor never heard of it! Zhao money sun "eye"? Zhao money sun li! B ah, ZhouWu zheng "eye"! Armour ZhouWu ZhengWang. B FengChenChu "eye". Armor you don't "pestle"! You are not afraid of "pestle" blind? B no, I... A what name do you call? B I'm eyes. Armour eyes? B oh, yeah! A oh, you say that people have called eyes? Ah? B that you this part called? A: don't touch! B no, I ask. Armour touch with bad, where this part son go to? B do you call it? This is a my eyes. B I is you eyes. A you are my eyes? B rightness. A my eyes long with hairtail like this? You up here? Why! B days disappear, strange to you, I came to see you. A: ouch! Thank you, you find a place to sit down and watch. B ah, sit down and watch. A I added I this dream! C yo! You here? A how come again to one? C: hello! You also know me? Armor you also ask me this sentence? Can't recognize it. C ouch, is really the waters blunt LongWangMiao, families disown family! A: may I have your name? C: my name is nose. A oh, surnamed... How this surname is so difficult? Surname nose, you this cuture surname? C there. Armour which sentence? C zhao money sun "nose". Armor! Never heard of it! Zhao money sun "eye"! Cough! "Samson eye" he said! What is your name? C I ah, that nose. A nose. C: oh, I is this your nose. A bad! My nose is also down! You up here? Why! C days disappear, strange to you, I come, smell you. Armour smell me! Go to! Don't smell! Sitting there, sit down there. C ah, ha ha. A my this dream! Butyl yo! A how come again to one? Hello, hello! Butyl you here? You also know me? A how all ask me this sentence? I dare not disown! Butyl you is really the roof open the window - no one! A excuse me, who are you? Butyl I am your ears! A my ear has come. Butyl down! A ah, you up here about why come? Butyl days disappear, strange to you, I'm here to listen to you. Armour listen to me? You sit here listen to! I this dream ah, E yo! You here? A oh. Armour, e you recognize me? E ah! The what great strength son? A I know you, you are not ZhaoYan well. E! Not... I where ZhaoYan? Armor you not ZhaoYan? E again good look. Armour how see... I look not to come out. E your eyes how? A my eyes rested there! E: I ah, surnamed mouth. A surname mouth? Call what ah? E called mouth ah! Armor you call lips mouth? E never heard of it! Armour lips mouth... E indecent! My name is mouth, so that the mouth, full name or mouth, I is you the mouth. A oh! You are my mouth? E good. A my this mouth can be enough rich. E mouth big eat directions! Armor you up here? Why! E this days disappear, strange to you, I'll chew chew you ah. A ah... When you get my head meat sheep? E affectionate intimacy! A so affectionate? You this facial features full up here stem! E this congratulations! C give you what, congratulations to come! Butyl congratulations, achievements! B congratulate you won the honor. A: is there anything I honor? You so congratulations on me? C ah? This you still not understand? A what's happening? C soon, before you was named smile a star list. A oh, have it. Close ah! I can hear butyl! Armour heard what? Butyl you also received such a large testimonials. A look my ear true enough the spirit. B also hair so many bonuses. A do you see? B at night, you not also identified several once. Armour who number? E: no, the key is you have the honor, we want to ask: you this honor ah, is how of Cyprus. Close relatives. Armour or am I the mouth can speak. Honor how to get it? Close ah. A superior to the correct leadership, peer support, the audience enthusiastic help, plus my personal a bit of effort. B me? C I? Butyl me? E me? A bad! This honor enough also have four points. His description you anything! Fits well? C ungrateful. Ding, vendanges sont faites! B finish by playing the monk. E full scolds cook. A where so many useless talk! C: I can tell you, head! You therefore have made so great honor, with our senses that several elder brother play function has the very big relations. Armour facial features each have each 中文: 甲哎,我来跟大家说个事儿啊,我昨晚作了个梦,我这梦啊!特别奇怪,我梦见我这五官啊,从…… 乙哟!脑袋. 甲哎. 乙 哈哈!哈哈! 甲 你好,你好! 乙 您还认识我吗? 甲 我可不敢认啦!请问您贵姓啊? 乙 我姓眼. 甲姓……姓什么? 乙 姓眼. 甲 百家姓有你这姓吗? 乙 头一个就是啊. 甲 哪句呀? 乙 赵钱孙“眼”. 甲 没听说过!赵钱孙“眼”?赵钱孙李! 乙啊,周吴郑“眼”! 甲 周吴郑王. 乙 冯陈楚“眼”. 甲 你别“杵”啦!你不怕“杵”瞎啦? 乙不,我…… 甲 你叫什么名字吧? 乙 我叫眼睛. 甲 眼睛? 乙哎,对对! 甲 哎呀,您说这人有叫眼睛的吗?啊? 乙 那你这部分叫什么? 甲 别摸! 乙不,我就问问. 甲 摸坏了,哪儿配这零件儿去呀? 乙 你这叫什么? 甲 我这是眼睛. 乙 我就是您的眼睛. 甲 您就是我的眼睛? 乙 对对对. 甲 我这眼睛长的跟带鱼似的?你上这儿干吗来啦? 乙 多日不见,怪想您的,我来看看您. 甲 哎哟!谢谢您,您找个地方坐下看. 乙啊,坐下看. 甲 我接着说我这梦啊. 丙 哟嗬!您在这儿呢? 甲 怎么又来一位? 丙 您好!您还认识我吗? 甲 你也问我这句呀?不敢认啦. 丙 哎哟,真是大水冲了龙王庙,一家人不认一家人啦! 甲 请问您贵姓呀? 丙 我姓鼻. 甲啊,姓……怎么这姓都这么别扭啊?姓鼻,百家姓有您这姓吗? 丙有. 甲 哪句呀? 丙 赵钱孙“鼻”. 甲去!没听说过!赵钱孙“眼”!咳!“孙眼”他说的!你叫什么名字吧? 丙 我呀,叫鼻子. 甲 鼻子. 丙啊,我就是您这鼻子. 甲 坏啦!我这鼻子也下来啦!你上这儿干吗来啦? 丙 多日不见,怪想您的,我来呀,闻闻您. 甲 闻我!去去!甭闻啦!坐那儿,坐那儿. 丙哎,哈哈. 甲 我这梦啊! 丁 哟嗬! 甲 怎么又来一位?你好,你好! 丁 您在这儿呢?您还认识我吗? 甲 怎么全问我这句呀?我不敢认啦! 丁 您真是房顶上开窗户——六亲不认啦! 甲 请问您是谁? 丁 我是您的耳朵呀! 甲 我耳朵也来了. 丁 下来啦! 甲 哎约,您上这儿干吗来啦? 丁 多日不见,怪想您的,我到这儿来听听您. 甲 听我?您坐这儿听!我这个梦啊, 戊 哟嗬!您在这儿呢? 甲啊. 甲、戊 您还认识我吗? 戊哎!这位怎么这么大劲儿啊? 甲 我认识您,您不是赵炎嘛. 戊啊!不……我哪儿赵炎哪? 甲 你不是赵炎吗? 戊 再好好看看. 甲 怎么看……我看不出来了. 戊 您的眼睛怎么啦? 甲 我眼睛在那儿歇着呢! 戊 我呀,姓嘴. 甲 姓嘴?叫什么呀? 戊 叫嘴呀! 甲 你叫嘴嘴? 戊 没听说过! 甲 嘴嘴…… 戊 不像话!我姓嘴、叫嘴,全名还是嘴,我就是您这张嘴. 甲哦!你就是我这张嘴? 戊 不错. 甲 我这嘴可够富态的. 戊 嘴大吃八方嘛! 甲 您上这儿干吗来啦? 戊 这不多日不见,怪想您的,我来啃啃你呀. 甲哎……你拿我当羊头肉啦? 戊 亲热亲热嘛! 甲 有这么亲热的吗?你们这五官全上这儿干吗来了! 戊 这不给您道喜来啦! 丙 给您哪,祝贺来啦! 丁 祝贺您,取得成绩呀! 乙 祝贺您获得了荣誉. 甲 我有什么荣誉?你们这么祝贺我呀? 丙哎?这您还不明白吗? 甲 怎么回事儿? 丙 不久之前,您被评为笑星之首. 甲啊,有这事儿. 合哎! 丁 我可听说啦! 甲 听说什么? 丁 您还领了这么大一奖状. 甲 您瞧我这耳朵真够灵的. 乙 还发了那么多奖金. 甲 你看见啦? 乙 夜里三点半,您不还数一回. 甲 谁数啦? 戊不,关键是您有了荣誉,我们想问问:您这荣誉呀,是怎么得来的. 合哎. 甲 还是我这嘴会说话.荣誉怎么得来的? 合啊. 甲 上级正确领导,同行的支持,观众们热情的帮助,加上我个人的一点努力. 乙 我呢? 丙 我呢? 丁 我呢? 戊 我呢? 甲 坏啦!就这点荣誉不够也们四个分的.碍着你们什么事啦! 合嗯? 丙 忘恩负义. 丁 过河拆桥! 乙 念完经打和尚. 戊 吃饱了就骂厨子. 甲 哪儿这么多废话啊! 丙 我可告诉您,脑袋!你所以取得这么大的荣誉,跟我们五官这哥几个发挥功能可有很大的关系. 甲 五官各有各

求一份五个人的英语短剧 五分钟左右 英语短剧五分钟左右. 求五分钟的英语短剧剧本 急求一个五分钟左右的英语搞笑短剧 ,谢谢啊^^^^^^^ 求一个英语小短剧求一个英文短剧的剧本,要求适合三个人去扮演,长度在五分钟左右,难度适中,可以是名著,电影等的节选,要求给出剧本内容. 搞笑英语短剧 剧本(有追分~)五分钟左右的短剧·一定要搞笑 无厘头类型的更好·中文英文都要有·五个人表演 三女两男最好是要没有任何道具的 就是那么几分钟 求英语短剧剧本!(两人的)最好是搞笑一点的!大概五分钟左右,最好中英文对照! 8个人的10分钟左右的英语短剧 我急需一个英语六人的短剧.五分钟左右的, 帮忙找一下4人演的大学英语短剧最好五分钟左右 以欧债危机为背景的政治小短剧,求一段五分钟左右的短剧对白.人物最好是欧洲各国总理 求英语短剧剧本啊!要五六分钟左右,5个人的,最好是电影节选最好是搞笑的,越快越好, 我想找适合五个人表演的八分钟左右的英文短剧用于课前的口语表演谁有谢谢了麻烦把剧本展示出来 英语课要我们表演短剧配音有好的推荐吗?就是有五个人左右的,大概在十分钟就可以.最好能是搞笑的. 各位有没有适合五个人表演的英语电影片段?大概五分钟左右, 急寻英语短剧剧本,6个人演,去外国朋友家做客.如提,不要太长五分钟 求一英语短剧求一英语剧,大概十分钟左右,带点幽默的 大学英语短剧4或5个人,10分钟左右的英语短剧,最好是比较新的.对此了解的朋友麻烦帮助一下,感激不尽……