在英语中mankind man human 有什么区别

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在英语中mankind man human 有什么区别
在英语中mankind man human 有什么区别

在英语中mankind man human 有什么区别
man, mankind这对词都表示“人类”的意思,但用法有所区别.
man一般以单数形式出现(现在也有人以复数men表示“人类”),其前不能置任何限定词,其相应的代词应是he, him, his, himself.例如:The changes between the states have been used by man to work for him since ancient times. 自古以来,人类就利用这两种状态的变化为自己服务.Engels pointed out a hundred years ago that labour created man himself. 恩格斯一百多年以前就指出,劳动创造了人类本身.
mankind前也不可加任何限定词,但可用形容词修饰.它是集合名词,可作单数或复数使用.作单数概念时,谓语要用单数,其相应的代词一般为it, its, itself(也有人用he ,him, his, himself);作复数概念时,谓语要用复数,其相应的代词是they, them, their, themselves.例如:Mankind is much cleverer than it was one thousand years ago. 人类比一千年前是聪明多了.All progressive mankind love peace. 所有进步人类都热爱和平.That is one small step for a man, but one giant leap for mankind. 对于个人来说那是小小的一步,但对于整个人类来说却是一次巨大的飞越.
请注意:human being也可表示“人类”,它是可数名词,有单复数之分.其意义比较具体,它一般用来区别人以外的事物,特别是动物或者是“神”,“鬼”之类.例如:Without its light and warmth there would be neither plants nor animals nor human beings. 没有光和热,就不可能有植物,动物,也不可能有人类.Although the Negroes were human beings just like the whites, they were not treated as humanbeing. 尽管黑人和白人一样都是属于人类,但是他们并没有被当作人对待.


mankind 人类 侧重 与动物的区别 在大自然中的位置
man 人 一般指男人 更靠近社会学的范畴
human 人类 侧重人类历史上 进化的过程 比如 猿人-类人猿-人类

在英语中mankind man human 有什么区别 man,mankind,human的区别? the proper study of mankind is man 在英语中man怎么读 man mankind human person四个词有什么区别, The proper study of mankind is man.怎么理解? 谁能帮我翻译一下这段英语是什么意思?I like he,because he is very brave,and very clver. he is a good man.This film is very good,it is so exciting. At the beginning of this movie,he is helps the human being,but he does not like the huma A small step for a man,a giant lean for mankind的出处 I believe that all mankind is created equal 此句中equal在句子中做什么成分,be created equal 该怎么 英语中by的近义词是什么?在The ole man is sitting by the pool.中的 in exchange of和in exchange for有何区别?在DEATH NOTE中有一句话:The human who becomes the owner of the DEATH NOTE can,in exchange of half of his/her remaining life,get the eyeballs of the god of death which will enable him/her to see a huma That’s one small step for a man ,one giant leap for mankind.谁有这句话的英文原版录音?That’s one small step for a man ,one giant leap for mankind.谁有这句话的英文原版录音? man与men在美语中的应用美国人非正式口语中怎么那么多men与man,Hey man?oh man 英语高手帮忙分析下感叹句结构How tall a man Yaoming is!How tall a man Yaoming is!句子的主语是Yaoming,谓语是is,a man 在句中充当什么样的成分? To avoid the various foolish opinions to which mankind are prone,no superhuman genius is required.本句中 to which 是什么用法?在句子中作什么成分? 人的总称是mankind动物的总称用英语怎么说? 请问:All mankind is created equal.句中equal 是什么词性?怎么辨别? Every man dies,not every man really lives.在这句话中挑几个字母改为大写every man dies,not every man really lives在这句话中挑几个字母改为大写,再由这几个大写字母组成新的词组.求英语大咖帮忙解决,我的