为什么是there is something wrong而不是there are something wrong

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 14:25:52

为什么是there is something wrong而不是there are something wrong
为什么是there is something wrong而不是there are something wrong

为什么是there is something wrong而不是there are something wrong
something 是不定代词,作主语时只能用单数 ,be 的形式用is.


something 是不定代词,作主语时只能用单数

there is no egg at home 为什么是no 为什么是the boys is playing football over there? There is no ()without fire,为什么是smoke而不是smoking 为什么是“There is little water in the glass,is there?” 为什么是there is no need that 而不是 it is no need that为什么是there is no need that 而不是 it is no need that 为什么是there is something wrong而不是there are something wrong is there any跟are there any有什么不同请你详细解答为什么是any there is only ten minutes left在这个句子中,为什么是there is 不是there are.left,在这里是什么在这个句子中,为什么是there is 不是there are.left, Only by working cooperatively is there a possibility of finishing the hard job on time?A is it Dis there为什么是 is there,而不是 is it There is some water in the bottle.水不是一个,为什么是is不是are? There is also paper money,dice and metal game tokens like...为什么是is There’s little meat and milk in the refrigerator, ?A.is there B. hasn't there C.isn't there D.has there 为什么是A 是is there something new in newspaper还是anything是is there something new in newspaper还是is there anything new in newspaper答案上为什么是something There is too much in the media that is harmful to young people 为什么是there is 不是复数吗?不应该是there 为什么是 there (is)some good news in today's newspape为什么是 there (is)some good news in today's newspaper?而不是are?news不是复数吗? There is nobody but loves his country为什么是loves不是love,主语是什么,为什么用There is 不是there are discount可数吗?为什么是there is a discount为什么说:there are no dicount,这分明是不可数 There isn’t any water in the glass(同义句)为什么是there is no water in the glass,