
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 14:42:02


Life is full of options and choices.The choices we make shape our future.As we stand at the cross roads after high school we must have the right vision to make the decision to go to college.
1.A college education secures our future.The number of employment opportunities is greater and statistics reveal that most leaders are college grads.
2.If you have a college education you will make more money which in turn will enable you to have a better lifestyle.If a high school graduate earns US$ 34,303 annually,a college graduate will earn US$ 56,334,and a person with a professional qualification will net at least US$ 99,411.
3.It is not just earnings.A college education makes you a rounded person.It shapes your communication skills,expands your knowledge base,makes you methodical and organized,and exposes you to a whole new world of learning.
4.People with a college education have better value systems and are healthier.They are able to guide their family positively.
5.College can help you qualify in fields you are interested in.So if you are an innovator,inventor,or healer,or artist you can train in the specific field and qualify.
6.According to experts,college graduates are self confident,have greater knowledge of governance,are less likely to become criminals,are emotionally and financially secure,make better partners and parents,and have a deeper understanding of human nature.
7.College instills a deep sense of right and wrong and is they very essence of a democratic world.
8.Education opens the doors to many things like multiple jobs,career choices,the chance to further education at any point in life,and the option of teaching others what you have learnt.Be it a child,family member,or a poor person you meet.
9.College education is an investment in you that yields much more than Wall Street investments.
10.College educated citizens will ensure the continuing success of the "American Dream." The ability to see the right path and work for peace and prosperity.
Students according to Jose Marti a patriot are the very ramparts of a nation and the strongest advocates of freedom.Education creates a conscience and as a result a better human being.College education eventually becomes a legacy for future generations.Most succeeding generations of college educated people go to college themselves.The value of a good education becomes ingrained in their genes.Huge stones can be moved with muscle power but it is brain power that tells you how to move it and what can be done with it.

learn how to learn,how to do and how to be

What the hell do u want us to write exactly? At least give the name of the targeted college!

going to college means you have to learn more things for the future

英语翻译要写一篇你为什么上大学的英文短文,一百字左右,并附上大概中文意思 写一篇介绍你最喜欢的活动的英文短文 冬天的英文作文!写一篇关于冬天的英文短文.“说明你为什么喜欢它,在冬天我们可以做什么.”这种的要100字左右, 一篇 为什么要上大学 在大学应该怎么做的 英语作文 150个单词 急 写一下大学教育的意义,需要的是什么,达成你的目标 英语水平台有限 在线翻译不准确 用英文写一篇简短的短文! 写一篇介绍朋友的英文短文 写一篇介绍成龙的英文短文 写一篇小短文,描写你的宠物或你喜欢的小动物.(英文) 请写一篇以“我们为什么要上大学”为题的英语作文 根据提示,写一篇英文短文:上周日,你的牙刷断了,你和妈妈去超市选牙刷,最后买了广州生产的佳洁士牙刷, 帮忙写个英语小段文 根据汉语提示及要求,用英文写一篇短文介绍你将来想从事的职业1.想成为一名记者2.打算给报纸、杂志写文章3.高中毕业后想去纽约上大学4.想在一家电台工作并环游世界 英语翻译能帮我写一篇短文吗?内容如下:写一篇英语短文,介绍你最喜欢的宠物小狗,根据表格内容,完成短文,要有60词 假如你是某英文报社的记者,写一篇短文介绍英国女王伊丽莎白二世 你是如何过六一儿童节的?请写一篇英文小短文 你如何过六一儿童节的,请写一篇英文小短文 用英文写一篇小短文,描述你朋友今天的衣着,50词左右. 再求一篇英文短文 假如我是班长200字左右要和上一篇不一样的 写一篇小短文,描写你的宠物或你喜欢的小动物.(英文)十个句子