the issuze whether it is a good trend for people in some countries to choose to live and work anywhthe issuze whether it is a good trend for people in some countries to choose to live and work anywhere they want or not has been into focus.这句话

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 18:08:05

the issuze whether it is a good trend for people in some countries to choose to live and work anywhthe issuze whether it is a good trend for people in some countries to choose to live and work anywhere they want or not has been into focus.这句话
the issuze whether it is a good trend for people in some countries to choose to live and work anywh
the issuze whether it is a good trend for people in some countries to choose to live and work anywhere they want or not has been into focus.这句话有没有语法上的错误,我特指的是,whether or not的用法有没有错误?

the issuze whether it is a good trend for people in some countries to choose to live and work anywhthe issuze whether it is a good trend for people in some countries to choose to live and work anywhere they want or not has been into focus.这句话
说说个人的见解.Whether 和or not不一定非要用在一起.因为本身whether就能代表“是否”这个意思了.加上你这个是一个长句.or not放在那里有歧义的感觉.
the issuze whether it is a good trend for people in some countries to choose to live and work anywhere they want has been into focus.

the issuze whether it is a good trend for people in some countries to choose to live and work anywhthe issuze whether it is a good trend for people in some countries to choose to live and work anywhere they want or not has been into focus.这句话 the boy asked( )any noise from outside.A.whether had I heard B.whether I had heard C.whether have I heard D.whether I have heard I wonder whether he knew the manager一句中whether是否可换成if Time will whether I made the right choice or not. I ___ whether he is telling the truth. I ___ whether he is telling the truth. i wonder whether you can come to the party I wonder whether he The things that matters,I think is not whether you fail or not,but whether you try or not. Do you know whether I could pass the exam? 为什么whether后面用的是could?不是can? 请问I went to the window to make sure whether something had happened.这个句子中的whether对不对? I went to the window to make sure whether something had happened.这个句子中的whether是不是错误的? I went to the window to make sure whether something had happened.这个句子中的whether是不是错误的? I don't know _____ Lucy will go to Shanghai ______ the weather is fine.A.whether;whetherB.whether;if C.if;untilD.if;whether I don't care whether you like the plan or not.我不在乎你是否喜欢该计划.whether 和whether ot not区别是什么?不都是 是否 I don’t doubt whether I’m able to finish the work on time.改错 I'm not sure whether I can complete the work on time.这句话对吗 I give ten minutes to decide whether I should reject the offer.