
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 18:13:12


Langlang,the famous pianist,will go on vocation,who intended to
go to the US but eventually choose France.Despite the fact that the scenery of US is brilliant,France is more romantic,together with a number of well-known artists and high-quality art exhibitions.He also plans to go walking on the beach.And he is sure to have a wonderful holiday.

Lang Lang, the famous pianist, will be going on holiday. 原本打算去美国度假,但最终还是准备去法国。 Originally intended to go to the U.S. holiday, but eventually going to France. 因为美国虽然很美丽,但是法国更浪漫,而且法国有很多著名的艺术家和美丽的画展。 Bec...


Lang Lang, the famous pianist, will be going on holiday. 原本打算去美国度假,但最终还是准备去法国。 Originally intended to go to the U.S. holiday, but eventually going to France. 因为美国虽然很美丽,但是法国更浪漫,而且法国有很多著名的艺术家和美丽的画展。 Because the United States, though very beautiful, but France is more romantic, and France has many famous artists and beautiful paintings. 他还打算去法国的海边散步。 He also intends to walk along the beach in France. 他确信自己会有一个很快乐的假期! He was sure he would be a very happy holiday!


Lang Lang, the famous pianist, will be going on holiday.Originally intended to go to the U.S.holiday, but eventually going to France.Because the United States, though very beautiful, but France is mor...


Lang Lang, the famous pianist, will be going on holiday.Originally intended to go to the U.S.holiday, but eventually going to France.Because the United States, though very beautiful, but France is more romantic, and France has many famous artists and beautiful paintings.He also intends to walk along the beach in France.He was sure he would be a very happy holiday!


英语翻译朗朗,这个著名的钢琴家,将要去度假.原本打算去美国度假,但最终还是准备去法国.因为美国虽然很美丽,但是法国更浪漫,而且法国有很多著名的艺术家和美丽的画展.他还打算去法国 钢琴家朗朗的故事 求世界著名钢琴家求现代的钢琴家,像朗朗 maksim等那些的,越多越好, 关于介绍钢琴家朗朗的英语短文姓名:朗朗 身份:国际著名钢琴家 出生日期及地点:1982年6月14日 辽宁省沈阳市 中国著名的钢琴家(英语翻译) 朗朗是国际著名钢琴家,很小便和钢琴结下了不解之缘.朗朗练琴一丝不苟(填不得四字词语)朗朗是国际著名钢琴家,很小便和钢琴结下了不解之缘.朗朗练琴一丝不苟——谁谈的好,他就会记 钢琴家朗朗简介不要太复杂的不要太长的只要大概的 朗朗简介(英语版)他是第一位与维也纳爱乐、柏林爱乐、美国五大交响乐团等所有一流乐团长期合作、并在全世界所有著名音乐厅举办个人独奏会的中国钢琴家;第一位在美国白宫举办专场 “朗朗是中国最著名的钢琴家之一”怎么翻译成英文? 我们将要去野营.英语翻译 有一天我将要回到我的小学去.英语翻译 英语翻译 我将要去吃重庆的火锅 那有一些将要去北京的记者.英语翻译怎么说啊, 我们将要去哪里?我们将要去博物馆?英语翻译 英语翻译我将要去参观奥运赛场(这个..叫鸟巢也可以,就是奥运的赛场)要用be going to .. 名人小时候的理想一条一条的,如:周恩来小时候的理想是为中华之崛起而读书、朗朗小时候的理想是当钢琴家 他是一个又创造的天才的钢琴家的英语翻译 请帮我写一篇初三的英语作文吧这个是题目与要求:朗朗是当今世界最杰出的(outstanding)钢琴家之一,被誉为(name is)“一位改变世界的青年”请根据下表中的信息并以“Lang Lang — A Well -kn