问一个句子的语法for the last time in my life but oneThat night,for the last time in my life but one for i was a big boy twelve years old - I cried.那夜,我哭了,这是我一生中倒数第二次哭,因为当时我已经12岁了for the last

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 10:43:38

问一个句子的语法for the last time in my life but oneThat night,for the last time in my life but one for i was a big boy twelve years old - I cried.那夜,我哭了,这是我一生中倒数第二次哭,因为当时我已经12岁了for the last
问一个句子的语法for the last time in my life but one
That night,for the last time in my life but one for i was a big boy twelve years old - I cried.
for the last time in my life but one 放在前面我看的有点晕,这个是不是倒装的问题?
这样写可以吗That night,for the last time in my life but one - I cried,for i was a big boy twelve years old

问一个句子的语法for the last time in my life but oneThat night,for the last time in my life but one for i was a big boy twelve years old - I cried.那夜,我哭了,这是我一生中倒数第二次哭,因为当时我已经12岁了for the last
the last but one time.
而且,第二个句子for i was a big boy twelve years old与第一个句子的联系不够紧,for是表示原因的.因为我12岁了,所以这是我一生中倒数第二次哭?表达有点不清晰(别人难以理解你要表达什么意思).
That night,for the last but one time in my life ,I cried,for i was a big boy twelve years old

问一个句子的语法for the last time in my life but oneThat night,for the last time in my life but one for i was a big boy twelve years old - I cried.那夜,我哭了,这是我一生中倒数第二次哭,因为当时我已经12岁了for the last 问一个英语句子的语法现象When does it reach the end of the time for which it can be used?我想知道它什么时候到使用的最后期限.其中这个for which 把我给搞糊涂了, 问一个简单句子的语法问题It could ultimately answer questions about the nature of life itself.It could also answer riddle about addictions such as gambling or provide treatments for sleep disorders or mental illness.questions 和 riddle i'll be there for you if you're there for me 这句话语法上有没有错?这句话是不是一个正确的句子,我不是问意思 一个语法简单的句子:我想问:Many people get the job .中的job可以用单数么? 英语的语法知识是怎样的?- I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week?- Is the why you had a few days off.为什么用why而不用when?第二句是什么类型的句子? 谁能帮我分析一个这个句子的语法结构?Nowhere do 1980 census statistics dramatize more the American search for spacious living than in the Far West. 分析一个简单的语法,一个句子The last time I saw the dawn was a long time ago.为什么用was而不是is?我的理解是is可以用来表示陈述状态,可以不用过去时. 问一个英文句子的结构和语法问题.句子来源于傲慢与偏见第四章倒数第二段最后第二句.Darcy,on the contrary,had seen a collection of people in whom there was little beauty and no fashion,for none of whom he had felt the Wasn’t Sydney the host city for the Year 2000 Olympics?翻译一下句子.分析这个句子的语法知识. 弱弱的问一个很简单的英语问题像I will never forget the day____we met each other last week,或i will never forget the last day______we spent together.这种题如何分析少没少宾语?主要是老师不讲语法,我快被语法弄晕 study for the math test 请详解与此句子有关的语法并翻译, 我想问一个that从句的用法,replicating the odd alignment of smiles that are affected by delayed baby teeth.这个句子的语法, 求问一语法问题Go For It 听力材料的一段Pierre:By asking the teacher for help.She was really happy I asked。其中I asked 是作句子什么成分?是状语从句吗。可是没有连接词。求问。 英语牛人请进,帮忙分析下面两个句子的语法结构,把各个句子成分帮我清晰地梳理下.1.Last year the Alliance for Childhood called for a stop to the further introduction to computers for young students.2.It was once consider 问这个句子语法问题what is the matter with the fellow that he was so happy想问下这个句子所含的语法 帮忙解释几个英语句子的语法Should you fail to return the ticket,or show for the event,you will be responsible for the cost.这个句子 是倒装,should打头.怎么句子分析下语法. 英语句子的一个细节问题.Every day the manager has to account to chairman for how he spends the company's money.其中用“for是什么语法结构?