这个句子not only的位置1,Responsibilities should be shared by not only authorities,but mass-media.2,Responsibilities should be shared not only by authorities,but by mass-media.你们各说一种,到底哪种对?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 20:03:33

这个句子not only的位置1,Responsibilities should be shared by not only authorities,but mass-media.2,Responsibilities should be shared not only by authorities,but by mass-media.你们各说一种,到底哪种对?
这个句子not only的位置
1,Responsibilities should be shared by not only authorities,but mass-media.
2,Responsibilities should be shared not only by authorities,but by mass-media.

这个句子not only的位置1,Responsibilities should be shared by not only authorities,but mass-media.2,Responsibilities should be shared not only by authorities,but by mass-media.你们各说一种,到底哪种对?
1.不对,not only如果不是前置的话,应该跟在动词后面.
2.可以,你可以在google 搜 not only by,but by 这些句型的文章,很多

should not only be shared by...

1 可以。 shared by算是个固定搭配吧。
2 不确定是不是可以。

应该这样说 Responsibilities should not be shared by authorities only,but by mass-media. 别强求not only,

这个句子not only的位置1,Responsibilities should be shared by not only authorities,but mass-media.2,Responsibilities should be shared not only by authorities,but by mass-media.你们各说一种,到底哪种对? 这个句子语法上有没有错误?Independence refers to not only material independence,but also the spiritual independence.句首要不要加the?not only but also的位置有没有放错?but also后面要不要加to? not only but also的位置 Independence refers to not only material independence,but also the spiritual independence.这个句子语法上有没有错误?句首要不要加the?not only but also的位置有没有放错?but also后面要不要加to?not only but also还可以放 not only,but also句型not only,but also,主语是不是not only后的句子? 英语语法问题only在句子中的位置1.Books will only be on computers,not on paper.2.There will be only one country.为什么only的位置不一样? only的位置在句子里的位置 We should not only love ourselves but also others. 这个句子对吗,whynot only but also 用的对不对啊 only 和for 的 位置比如 We have great bags for only 12yuan 可 这个句子里 ; The food here is only for 10yuan. Not only does my brother like reading but also he likes playing sports 这个句子有毛病吗?Not only does的这个does 为什么放在这里? 关于英语连词的疑问:not only...but.as welli had made a mistake.i had criticized his work.用not only...but...as well,连接,应该放在句子中什么位置,动词的前面还是后面? Exp Cell Res这个杂志的中文名称是什么? 请问not only...but also...的用法:下面的两个句子哪个对?还是两个都对?(要有把握才能答哦!)1、You must not only wash the dishes but also sweep the floor.2、You not only must wash the dishes but also sweep the floor.这个 not only.but also 位置的语法问题1 I like not only apples but also bananas.我不但喜欢苹果而且喜欢香蕉 not only 位置 能不能提前到 I not only like apples but also bananas.我不但喜欢苹果而且喜欢香蕉 可以吗? not only置于句首时的句子格式是怎么样的 not only but also引导句子的倒装例句 英语-Not only开头的句子要倒装?求例子 I only ate there slices of pizza这个句子为什么是错的要改成I ate only there slices of pizzaonly 在句中的位置是怎么样的不好意思,是I only ate three slices of pizza