net operating loss carryback and carryforward什么意思?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 11:47:03

net operating loss carryback and carryforward什么意思?
net operating loss carryback and carryforward什么意思?

net operating loss carryback and carryforward什么意思?

Good translation.


net operating loss carryback and carryforward什么意思? sales,operating income和net income怎么区分啊 INCOME - LOSS = PROFIT 那么 NET PROFIT怎么来? operating 翻译the largest type of internal operating or profit and loss organization NOI 就是net operating income等于什么?,和EBIT什么区别? net operating working capital 在财务管理里中文是什么意思?free cash net income 和 after-tax operating income完全等同吗?指什么?扣息扣税吗? 英语翻译这些名词具体包括日本邮政财务上的什么方面的内容.还有operating income和net operating income又分别指什么内容呢. ------her death is.A.what great loss Bwhat a great loss C.How great loss D.How great the loss a net loss Aquaculture is often ptomoted as a way to relieve pressure on overexploited wild fisheries,but it can actually result in a loss of fish and protein.请问这句中的a net loss of怎样翻译咧? Net income is considered a better indicator of future operation cash flows than is current net operating cash flows.中than relative net operating income to sales是什么意思Firms in the retail industry are categorized according to their high/low relative net operating income to sales and asset turnover ratios. 零售企业通常按?和资产周转率的高低进行归 net NCF(net working capital )与 OCF(operating cash flow)的区别?到底哪个是经营活动产生的CF? net operate op = new operate();.net(c#) .net 里 operate op = new operate(); 关于财务会计的问题 Accounting(ROI- i )>0 debt ratio =total liabilities/equity ROI=returned on investmentROI = operating profit /total assetsRDE= net profit /equity operating为什么不能做句子主语?它是形容词,为什么不能做名词?______ immediately______ the only way to save this patient.A Operating …is B To operate …is C Operating ….are D Operating …are