一句话看不懂.Tony Blair has largely delivered on the resources where it is within his power to do so but recommendations that depend on others are proving elusive.这句话前面主句部分我能看懂,关键是后面状语从句后面还有

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 22:31:58

一句话看不懂.Tony Blair has largely delivered on the resources where it is within his power to do so but recommendations that depend on others are proving elusive.这句话前面主句部分我能看懂,关键是后面状语从句后面还有
Tony Blair has largely delivered on the resources where it is within his power to do so but recommendations that depend on others are proving elusive.

一句话看不懂.Tony Blair has largely delivered on the resources where it is within his power to do so but recommendations that depend on others are proving elusive.这句话前面主句部分我能看懂,关键是后面状语从句后面还有


一句话看不懂.Tony Blair has largely delivered on the resources where it is within his power to do so but recommendations that depend on others are proving elusive.这句话前面主句部分我能看懂,关键是后面状语从句后面还有 请问这句英语有什么语法错误啊?The actual British Prime Ministeris Tony Blair. Tony Blair told the Iranian people:We bear you no ill will. 英语翻译RTGossip girl里Blair的一句话,翻译要准确些! no further .than.Tony Blair has gone no further in public than calling the camp an anomaly that sooner or later must end mike is 13.tony is 13.合成一句话 mike is 13 ( )tony is 13,( ) 英语翻译David Cameron could be what Britain needs,a confident and natural Prime Minister in the style of Tony Blair,but without the endless spin and arrogance what defined Blair's tenure as Prime Minister.句中关于spin和natural两个词的确 英语翻译London bowl officially changed its name to oolong Tea bowl ,the British queen and former prime minister Tony Blair to attend,barack Obama sent a congratulatory message,Hu J intao said his relief. 英语翻译But their relationship has been ups and downs over the past century.Just last year,there were fierce disagreements over the Iraq war-which British Prime Minister Tony Blair supported despite French President Jacques Chirac speaking out 求翻译一句话.实在看不懂啊.英译汉. Blair这个英文名字的含义 Blair and Chuck Chuck and 英语翻译s.com otambienmosotrosrerdona alos queno nscmo enelciel erdon avengaanosotrostureto;ha 这个东西我完全看不懂 pretty healthy有一句话是 Tony is pretty_____ 请问后面填health还是halthy? Thank you ,But the princess is in another castle!Ha ha!Just kidding!Bye bye!是超级玛丽的台词,但是看不懂啊、 一句话的英语笑话能有翻译吗,我看不懂! 这部电影里有一句话看不懂 求助大家啊~~~ 生辟字 看不懂的一句话诀锝圯茎长哒勒 僦蒜匙葙祢 噎钚崽莓锂茂锝祛褡铰荏盍人勒这句话什么意思?