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colour 1
(US color) / ˈkʌlə(r); ˋkʌlɚ/ n
(a) [U] visible quality that objects have, produced by rays of light of different wavelengths being reflected ...


colour 1
(US color) / ˈkʌlə(r); ˋkʌlɚ/ n
(a) [U] visible quality that objects have, produced by rays of light of different wavelengths being reflected by them 颜色: The garden was a mass of colour. 花园中五彩缤纷. * You need more colour in this room. 你这房间的色调需要丰富些. (b) [C] particular type of this (某种)颜色: Red, orange, green and purple are all colours. 红、 橙、 绿、 紫都是颜色. * `What colour is the sky?' `It's blue.' ‘天空是什麽颜色的?’‘是蓝的. ’ * a sky the colour of lead, ie a grey sky 像铅一样颜色的天空(灰色天空).
(a) [C, U] substance (eg paint or dye) used to give colour to sth 颜料(如油漆、 染料): paint in `water-colour(s) 水彩画 * use plenty of bright colour in a painting 画中使用了大量鲜艳的颜色. (b) [U] use of all colours, not only black and white 彩色: Is the film in colour or black and white? 这胶卷是彩色的还是黑白的? * [attrib 作定语] colour photography, television, printing 彩色摄影术、 电视、 印刷.
[U] redness of the face, usu regarded as a sign of good health (used esp as in the expressions shown) 脸色, 气色(尤用於以下示例): He has very little colour, ie is very pale. 他脸色不好(苍白). * change colour, ie become paler or redder than usual 变脸色(变得较平常苍白或红润) * lose colour, ie become paler 失去红润 * She has a high colour, ie a very red complexion. 她气色很好. * The fresh air brought colour to her cheeks. 因空气新鲜, 她双颊红润.
[U] colour of the skin as a racial characteristic 肤色(作为种族特徵): be discriminated against on account of one's colour/on grounds of colour 因为肤色[由於肤色]的关系受到歧视 * [attrib 作定语] colour prejudice 不同肤色的种族偏见.
colours [pl] coloured badge, ribbon, clothes, etc worn to show one is a member of a particular team, school, political party, etc or worn by a racehorse to show who owns it 彩色徽章、 绶带、 衣物等(用以表示为某队、 校、 政党等的成员由参赛的马披戴作其主人的标识).
colours [pl] (Brit) award given to a regular or outstanding member of a sports team, esp in a school 颁给体育运动队, 尤指校队正式成员或杰出成员的奖: get/win one's (football) colours 得到[赢得](足球)奖.
colours [pl] flag(s) of a ship or regiment 船旗; 团旗; 军旗: salute the colours 向军旗敬礼.
[U] (a) interesting detail or qualities; vividness 有趣的细节; 令人感兴趣的特性; 生动: Her description of the area is full of colour. 她对这地区的描述绘声绘色. (b) distinctive quality of sound in music; tone 音色; 音质; 音品; 格调: orchestral colour 管弦乐的音色 * His playing lacks colour. 他的演奏没有什麽格调.
(idm 习语) give/lend `colour to sth make sth seem true or probable 使某事物显得真实或可信: The scars on his body lent colour to his claim that he had been tortured. 他说他受过折磨拷打, 从他身上的伤疤看来倒也可信. lose colour => lose. nail one's colours to the mast => nail v. off colour (infml 口) unwell; ill 不舒服; 有病: feel, look, seem a bit off colour 感觉、 看起来、 似乎有点不舒服. see the colour of sb's `money make sure that sb has enough money to pay for sth 弄清某人的钱是否足以偿付某事物: Don't let him have the car until you've seen the colour of his money. 先弄清他确实有钱再把汽车给他. trooping the colour => troop. one's true colours => true. under false colours => false. with flying colours => flying.
> colourful (US colorful) / -fl; -fəl/ adj
1 full of colour; bright 鲜艳的; 鲜明的: a colourful dress, scene 艳丽的连衣裙、 景色 * colourful material 颜色鲜明的材料.
2 interesting or exciting; vivid 有趣的; 激动人心的; 生动活泼的: a colourful character, life, story, period of history 活泼的性格、 活跃的生活、 生动的故事、 丰富多彩的历史时期.
colourless (US colorless) adj 1 without colour; pale 无色的; 苍白的: a colourless liquid, eg water 无色的液体(如水) * colourless cheeks 苍白的面颊. 2 dull and uninteresting 呆板而无趣的: a colourless character, existence, style 呆板而无趣的性格、 生活、 格调.
# `colour-bar n (US `color line) legal or social discrimination between people of different races, esp between whites and non-whites 肤色障碍(法律上的或社会上的种族歧视, 尤指白种人与非白种人之间的).
`colour-blind adj unable to see the difference between certain colours, esp red and green 色盲的. `colour-blindness n [U].
`colour code system of marking things (eg electrical wires, parts of a filing system, etc) with different colours to help people to distinguish between them 色标, 色码(用不同颜色对物件, 如电线、 档案分目等作的标记). `colour-coded adj marked in this way 用颜色标记的.
`colour-fast adj (of a fabric) having a colour that will not change or fade when it is washed (指纤维织物)不褪色的.
`colour scheme arrangement of colours, esp in the decoration and furnishing of a room 色彩调配(尤指室内装修): I don't like the colour scheme in their sitting-room. 我不喜欢他们起居室的色调. colour 2
(US color) / ˈkʌlə(r); ˋkʌlɚ/ v
[Tn, Cn.a] put colour on (sth), eg by painting, dyeing or staining 给(某物)着色(如以绘、 漆、 印、 染等方式): colour a picture 给画片着色 * colour a wall green 把墙壁涂成绿色.
(a) [I] become coloured; change colour 变为有色; 改变颜色: It is autumn and the leaves are beginning to colour, ie turn brown. 秋天到了, 叶子开始变黄了. (b) [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (up) (at sth) become red in the face; blush 脸红: She coloured (with embarrassment) at his remarks. 她听到他的话(因受窘)而脸红了.
[Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] affect (sth), esp in a negative way; distort 影响(某事物)(尤指不良方面); 歪曲: His attitude to sex is coloured by his strict upbringing. 他所受到的严厉教养, 影响了他对两性的态度. * Don't allow personal loyalty to colour your judgement. 不要因讲义气而影响了你的判断. * She gave a highly coloured (ie exaggerated) account of her travels. 她把旅行的事大大地渲染(夸张)了一番.
(phr v) colour sth in fill (a particular area, shape, etc) with colour 给(某面积、 图形等)着色: The child coloured in all the shapes on the page with a crayon. 那孩子用蜡笔把这页上所有的图形都涂上了颜色.
> coloured (US colored) adj
1 (often in compounds常用以构成复合词) having colour; having the specified colour 有色的; 有某种颜色的: coloured chalks 彩色粉笔 * `cream-coloured 奶油色的 * `flesh-coloured 肉色的.
2 (a) (becoming dated 渐旧) (of people) of a race that does not have a white skin (指人)有色人种的(非白皮肤种族的). (b) Coloured (in S Africa) of mixed race (在南非洲)混血种的人.
colouring n 1 [U] action of putting colour on sth 给某物着色; 上色; 染色; 涂色: Children enjoy colouring, eg with crayons. 儿童都喜欢涂颜色(如用蜡笔). * [attrib 作定语] a colouring book (为练习涂色用的)空白画册. 2 [U] (a) way or style in which sth is coloured 着色法. (b) way in which an artist uses colour in paintings (艺术家在绘画中的)用色风格, 色调. 3 [U] colour of a person's skin; complexion 肤色; 面色: She has (a) very fair colouring. 她面色白皙.
[C, U] (type of) substance used to give a particular colour to sth, esp to food 着色剂(尤指用於食物的): This yoghurt contains no artificial flavouring or colouring. 这种酸乳酪不含人造香料或着色剂.
