帮我分析三个英语句子题目1.As he went into the building,Mr.Wang came out.As能不能换成When?2.She did ___ she could ___the lost child.He found his parents with the help of the police.A.what; take care of B.and; take care of C.whta; to t

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 22:08:54

帮我分析三个英语句子题目1.As he went into the building,Mr.Wang came out.As能不能换成When?2.She did ___ she could ___the lost child.He found his parents with the help of the police.A.what; take care of B.and; take care of C.whta; to t
1.As he went into the building,Mr.Wang came out.
2.She did ___ she could ___the lost child.He found his parents with the help of the police.
A.what; take care of
B.and; take care of
C.whta; to take care of
D.what; take care of
3.Can you lend me the book__the other day?My mother wants to read it .
A.that you talked
B.you talked about it
C.which you talked with
D.you talked about
the other day 为什么选择D?

帮我分析三个英语句子题目1.As he went into the building,Mr.Wang came out.As能不能换成When?2.She did ___ she could ___the lost child.He found his parents with the help of the police.A.what; take care of B.and; take care of C.whta; to t
第二题:what she could是did的定语从句,句子的意思是她做了她所能做的一切来照顾走丢的孩子,在警察的帮助下他找到了他的父母.后面的一个空是表示目的,要用to来连接……
第三题:the other day是不久前的某一天的意思,you talked about是book的宾语从句,所以在talked后面不能再加it,talk with是与……交谈,不符合句子的意思,如果选项A后面再加上about的话也是对的……你可以看一下宾语从句的语法……句子的意思是你能把你不久前的某一天说到的那本书借给我吗啊?我妈妈想读一读……

1可以2感觉是个定语从句.She did what she could (that)to take care of the lost child.He found his parents with the help of the police.她做了她能够做,去照顾这个走丢的孩子。警察帮他找到了父母the other days是几天前the other day 联系句子,可能是几天的意思

要选的这句先分析下中文,也可以从意群角度选出来的。what she could 做did 的宾语,谓语动词是did,后面再出现take这个动词就不能用原形了,to表目的。
3.the other day 前几天。你能借我前几天你谈起的那本书吗?you talk about 作定语,修饰t...


要选的这句先分析下中文,也可以从意群角度选出来的。what she could 做did 的宾语,谓语动词是did,后面再出现take这个动词就不能用原形了,to表目的。
3.the other day 前几天。你能借我前几天你谈起的那本书吗?you talk about 作定语,修饰the book 。


as的意思是“正当……时候(just as,at the same moment that)”“随着……(while,when)”,它既可表示一个具体的时间点,也可以表示一段时间。a...


as的意思是“正当……时候(just as,at the same moment that)”“随着……(while,when)”,它既可表示一个具体的时间点,也可以表示一段时间。as可表示主句和从句的动作同时发生或同时持续,即“点点重合”“线线重合”;又可表示一个动作发生在另一个动作的持续过程中,即“点线重合”,但不能表示两个动作一前一后发生。如果主句和从句的谓语动词都表示持续性的动作,二者均可用进行时,也可以一个用进行时,一个用一般时或者都用一般时。例如:
(1.) As I got on the bus, he got off.
(2.) He was writing as I was reading.
(3.) The students were talking as the teacher came in.
when的意思是“当……时候(at the time that)”“无论什么时候(whenever)” “一……就……(as soon as )” “在……以后(after)”。它表示的时间概念比较广泛,上述例句中的as或while均可用when代替,因为when不但可以表示具体的时间点,而且也可以表示一段时间。在时间上它既能表示“点点重合”“线线重合”,又能表示“点线重合”。例如:
(1.)When he came in, she went out.
(2.) When he came back, I was doing some washing.
(3.) When Mary was writing a letter, the children were playing outside.
2.could to do sth
3.th book用which修饰,谈到用talk about。the other day 特指那一天。


1。可以的 2。意思是她做了她能做的去照顾这个失踪的孩子。在警察的帮助下他找到父母。what 引导的宾语从句做did 的宾语。实际上就变成了she did sth to take care of .....
3.the other day 几天前。,the book是先行词,you talked about是个定语从句,省略了关系代词that 或which...


1。可以的 2。意思是她做了她能做的去照顾这个失踪的孩子。在警察的帮助下他找到父母。what 引导的宾语从句做did 的宾语。实际上就变成了she did sth to take care of .....
3.the other day 几天前。,the book是先行词,you talked about是个定语从句,省略了关系代词that 或which


帮我分析三个英语句子题目1.As he went into the building,Mr.Wang came out.As能不能换成When?2.She did ___ she could ___the lost child.He found his parents with the help of the police.A.what; take care of B.and; take care of C.whta; to t 关于一个英语句子,我迷茫了……he was as not normal as it is possible to be这句话怎么理解呢?as it is possible to be请帮我分析一下这里 enough as many or as much of something as necessaryenough 修饰谁?三个AS 哪两个是固定搭配?帮我分析一下句子成份? 求英语高手帮我从语法角度分析分析下面的句子,句意我理解As for John,he was a man I so esteemed as a colleague and so loved as a friend that his loss is indescribable.这句话esteemed、loved我理解为动词过去式,不是 高手帮我分析一下这个(超简单的…)英语句子He is the same age as me.age是名词对吧,那么is+名词=?为什么能这样用?那 他和我一样高出了用he is as tall as me外还可以怎么表示?(最好也是用名词的 帮我分析一下这句英语句子.the decision-makers do not see themselves as being accountable to the common people.问题是分析一下各部分成分,和AS在句子里做什么成分,和AS的意思 帮我分析一下这个句子的结构和成分.Young as he is ,the child is so skilled in riding bikes. he unlocked the door as quickly as he could请帮我分析本句的成分 As he walked away with tears streaming down his face,he wonder if he'd ever see her again.帮我分析下这个句子的语法谢谢:)he’d是什么的缩写.) He‘s got this great sense of humor.能不能帮我分析分析这个句子啊.. 帮我分析下句子 帮我分析这个句子. 请帮我分析一句英语句子(高中),What would he not have given to be able to see his mother!请帮我翻译一下并且分析一下句子的成分! 英语倒装问题倒装感觉很乱,思路理不清.1.____,received law degrees as today.A.Never have so many women. B.Never so many women have. 2.____,the boy is not very diligent. A.Clever as he is. B.Clever as is he.请帮我详细分析下这 such as结构分析请大家分析英语句子结构,意思我理解的,谢谢he inaugurated generally a system of civil government such as is required for the management of the internal affairs of a great empire. ————,the boy really knows a lot a as young as he is b a child as he is c as child he isd young as he is帮我分析一下答案和考点 请哪位英语高手能帮我翻译这句话,最好能分析一下句子结构:Being African American is more than visual as blacks define themselves as much by self choice and societal definition as by ancestry. 完成句子题目求分析这有两组完成句子的题目,任选一组回答即可,一组:1.----------------------,he managed to conteol his tempen.(as)尽管他十分生她的气,他还是设法控制住了自己的脾气.2·-------------------