
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 01:16:17


think it was handled as well as can be expected.The leader ship at VT can not plan for every possible contingency.I have no doubt that the top priority of all decision makers was the safety of the students.Of course hindsight will allow us to evaluate and criticize every decision in this chain of events,but these decision makers did not have the luxury of time,they were caught in the middle of a situation that I am guessing none of you would be willing to be put in.
As for a lockdown...you can't lock down a university of 30k students,especially one in which many of the students are commuters.That school is bigger than the town in which it is located...we do not expect the police to shut down an entire town during a violent incident.

美国校园枪击案英文评论 美国枪击案 英文怎么说? 校园枪击案英语怎么说 弗吉尼亚校园枪击事件,英文怎么说 请问美国一共有几个洲发生过校园枪击案?如题,分别是哪几个洲? 校园枪击事件 怎么说 枪击事件英文是什么 美国弗吉尼亚理工大学(Virginia Tech university)十六日上午发生恶性校园枪击案件求助这句话的英文翻译 英文翻译 大多数凶手在实施大规模校园枪击案之后选择了自杀 杀父是反人类吗什么是反人类 违反大陆法规会怎样大家怎么看待杀父 大家怎么看待希特勒 大家怎么看待美国校园枪击案 希特勒有杀父倾向吗 “枪击案”用英语怎么说? 谁有关于美国选举的英文评论? 校园枪击事件英文报道有谁可以搜到校园枪击事件的英文文章 新闻性质的 本人英语4级水平不要太深奥的 大家还是给个适合于演讲3分钟的稿子吧 我是为了应付英语课 美国哪些城市治安比较差啊,底特律,纽约,洛杉矶,芝加哥,旧金山,拉斯维加斯,华盛顿,费城,波士顿西雅图,休斯顿,这些城市哪个治安比较差点,枪击案比较多点的枪击案比较多属于治安差 英语翻译这句话是11月7日芬兰校园枪击案中,作案者之前上传录像中,所穿T恤上印的文字。 怎样评论最近校园暴力事件频发现象? 请问,“弗吉尼亚理工大学枪击案”用英语怎么说?谢谢! 傲慢与偏见的英文评论