几道高中英语介词题1.We were all at a loss,wondering what was ___this sudden change of plan.(against)2.My mom said,"don't get off the bus ____it is stopping."(while.为什么不用until?)3.Global warming pushes the temperature higher ___Janua

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 17:12:07

几道高中英语介词题1.We were all at a loss,wondering what was ___this sudden change of plan.(against)2.My mom said,"don't get off the bus ____it is stopping."(while.为什么不用until?)3.Global warming pushes the temperature higher ___Janua
1.We were all at a loss,wondering what was ___this sudden change of plan.(against)
2.My mom said,"don't get off the bus ____it is stopping."(while.为什么不用until?)
3.Global warming pushes the temperature higher ___January in China.(for这个我不能理解.)
4.-Is football John's favorite sport?-Yes.___football,basketballis his greatest love.(next to.我更加不能理解.)
还有就是correspond 后面用with还是to.except for怎么用?

几道高中英语介词题1.We were all at a loss,wondering what was ___this sudden change of plan.(against)2.My mom said,"don't get off the bus ____it is stopping."(while.为什么不用until?)3.Global warming pushes the temperature higher ___Janua
We were all at a loss, wondering what was behind this sudden change of plan.
2、My mom said,"don't get off the bus while it is stopping.
这边选while,因为后面是it is stopping,如果要用until,那么句子就得变成
My mom said,"Don't get off the bus until it stops."
3、Global warming pushes the temperature higher for January in China
e.g. He is tall for his age.对于他的年纪来说,他算是高的了.
It is warm in November.十一月天气暖和.
It is warm for November.对于十一月来说,这天气算是暖和的了.
4、Is football John's favorite sport? -Yes.Next to football,basketballis his greatest love.
这里next to 翻译为次于的意思
e.g. Next to good judgment, diamond and pearl is the rarest thing in the world.
A、Except for a few words he didn”t say anything.
word 和 anything 不属于同类事物,用 except for ,再如:
Your composition is good except for some spelling mistakes. composition 和 mistakes 不属于同类事物.
B、Everyone is here except Jimmy.
everyone 和 Jimmy 都是人,属同类事物,用except,再如:
We go to school every day except Sunday.
C、Five other representatives arrived late besides me. 除了我还有五位代表来晚了.(晚到的代表中包括"我")
besides 意为"除了……(还,也)",表示的是追加关系,整体中包括了"除了"的部分;

几道高中英语介词题1.We were all at a loss,wondering what was ___this sudden change of plan.(against)2.My mom said,don't get off the bus ____it is stopping.(while.为什么不用until?)3.Global warming pushes the temperature higher ___Janua 一道介词填空题We were faced ____ a difficult situation. 几道高中英语冠词题HE really wated to drop his physics,but on ____second thoughts he decided to give it a second try.答案是不填,为社么填the 2.we were greatly shocked to hear the news that two Chinese engineerswere shot to death,Worse 几道定语从句的题目1.Have you found the woman__whom the purse was lost?2.The tower is 40 meters high,on the top__which we can see a large part of the city.3.The fox_which the chicks were killed was shot分别添什么介词阿?能准确点啊 1.We were flying ()the sea when we saw the spaceship.用介词填空 one day,we were having lunch when a foreign boy came( )our classroom.填一个介词~! 几道高中英语单项选择题,请详细解析哦!—where did you pick up the wallet?—it was on the beach ___we were taking a walk.A.where B.that C.when D.whichRecently some Chinese experts ___that another law on wildlife protection 几道高中英语题,求解哦~~~20分 详解加分哦1.__well prepared you are,you still need a lot of luck in moutnain climbing.A.Whatever B.No matter C.Although2.Animals suffered at the hand of Man__they were destroyed by people to make way for a 几道初三英语的同义句转换题,1.we were all in after the running.2.young children enjoy helping with the housework3.I'd like to be a friend of yours. 请教一道高中英语短文改错题~My friend as well as I often go to cinema.____Yesterday,we heard a new film was being on.We hurried to the cinema,only find that the tickets had been sold out.____We were very sad.While we were about to leave,a 1.Alice fell____the rabbit hole and we were worried____her2.Our teacher was smiling _-___everyone when we were reading填介词 高中英语定语从句:关系副词与介词+关系代词We will never forget the days _________ we spent our honeymoon in Beijing.A.thatB.whenC.whichD.on which选出正确答案,并且给出详细解释.为什么不用介词+关系代词?或者 几题英语题目,盼解答.谢谢连词成句:1. we, heard, we, were, on , a ,walking, the , when ,noise ,street2. they, been ,to ,severl ,already ,Shanghai, have, times翻译句子:他们到达那里时,会议已经开始了. 几道英语题,大家帮忙解析一下1. the goods_____when we arrived at the airport.Awere just unloading B had just unloadedC were just being unloaded D were just been unloaded2.the wind _____heavily last night.A blew B was blowing C has blown if we were a boy 高中英语填介词 英语介词题We never quarrel now _____ we did when we were childen有as,if,like,for四个选项 高中英语选择、英语好的进、谢啦~There ( ) no busses, we had to walk home after work yesterday. A.was B.were C.being D.had