英语奥林匹克竞赛题初三谁能帮我把全国英语能力竞赛的样题打出来啊?决赛在12月13 日,那请问 书 多少钱呢?我想买一本,可我哪里有时间啊?另外去哪里买呢?买的是什么样的书啊?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 22:37:06

英语奥林匹克竞赛题初三谁能帮我把全国英语能力竞赛的样题打出来啊?决赛在12月13 日,那请问 书 多少钱呢?我想买一本,可我哪里有时间啊?另外去哪里买呢?买的是什么样的书啊?
谁能帮我把全国英语能力竞赛的样题打出来啊?决赛在12月13 日,
那请问 书 多少钱呢?我想买一本,可我哪里有时间啊?另外去哪里买呢?买的是什么样的书啊?

英语奥林匹克竞赛题初三谁能帮我把全国英语能力竞赛的样题打出来啊?决赛在12月13 日,那请问 书 多少钱呢?我想买一本,可我哪里有时间啊?另外去哪里买呢?买的是什么样的书啊?

II 单项选择0.5*30

11 .When Jenny heard the bad news, she couldn't keep back her tears. A. take back B. return C. stop D. make back
12. Uu Fang joined the League last month.
A. became a League member B. went into the League C. took part in the League D. came in the League
13. The students worked out the physics problem ia no time. A. at once B. at any time C. at last D. very quickly
14. Tom is ill. His mother has sent for the doctor.
A. asked the doctor to come B. set the doctor free C. gone to meet the doctor D. took the doctor
15. At last they reached the top of the mountain. A. Last time B. Finally C. In end D. In the end of
16. He made for the light he saw in the distance.
A. look at B. went toward C. worked at D. switched on 17 .They worked all the time and finished the task in time.
A. every time B. many timesC. day and night D. for a long time
18. He doesn't fear to die.
A. isn't afraid of dying B. doesn't afraid of dead C. doesn't want to die D. isn't going to die
19. There are around 80 pyramids in Egypt. A.about B.more than C.only D.just
20. She was sorry for getting to school so late.
A. worried B. get a letter from C. regretted D. pardon
21. "Isn't he a teacher of English?""_____. He is a worker." A.Yes,he is B. No, he is C. No, he isn't D. Yes, he isn't
22. Your mother is kindness _____.
A. itself B. herself C. oneself D. himself
23. On my way to school I suddenly heard someone ______ my name.
A. call B. called C. to call D. to calling
24. Mike is _____ university student. He likes to play _____ football. A.an;the B.a;the C.an;(/) D.a;(/)
25. It's 850 p.m. Yes, it's_____.
A. twenty fifty B. ten to nine C. eight fifty D. nine past fifty "
26. The picture on the right looks _____ than the one on the left. A. the nicest B. as nice as C. the nicer D. nicer
27. The guard caught the man when he was spying _____ the soldiers. A. at B. on C. in D. to
28. Do you know _____ ?
A. how old he is B. how is he old C. how old is he D. he is how old
29. Mr Zhang told them in class that the sun ______ in the east.
A. rose B. will rise C. would rise D. rises
30. How far ______ from here to the station?
A. is it B.does it take C. do you take D. is there
C .辨错.下列A B C D 四个选项中只有一处是错误的,请指出.
31. There was the best meal I have had at the restaurant last night.
32. That is highest building I have ever seen.
A B . C D
33.1 didn't understand what you says because you spoke too fast.
34. Everyone in the class is reading their book.
35.1 would like a few salt on my vegetables.
36.After you leave the room, please turn off the light.
A B C D'
37. The villagers were very thankful for the seagulls because they saved
their crops.
38. We study Chinese, maths, chemistry and biology at school.
39. After reading the letter, he went on writing a reply.
40. The teacher gave me an advice on how to learn English.
III 情景交际1*15
41. —Do you mind if I open the window? — _____. A.Yes,I do B.NoJamnot C. Certainly I do D. Not at all
42.—If you're not going to do anything tonight, how about having dinner
together? — _____. A. That's all right B. Not at all C. Fine with me D. Right
43. —Excuse me, are you Mr Read?
—Yes, I am. How do you do?
A. How are you B.How do you do C. Fine, thank you D. I'm fine, and you
44.—Would you do me a favour?
—Would you please bring me a cup of coffee?
A. Give it to you B.Here you are C. Here it is D. It's here
—It's chilly( 有点儿冷).
—Do you like this kind of weather?
—No, I don't.
A. Do you think it might rain today
B. Do you like rainy days
C. What's the temperature
D. What's the weather like today
A: Hell, Jane.
A: 46 ?
B:Yes,I am.
A: I'm going to see a movie tonight. 47 ?
B: Which theatre are you going to?
A: There's a good movie at the Hoover.
B:That's OK. 48 ?
A: It'll begin at seven, so I'll pick you up at six.
B: No, thanks. _49_.
A: Let's meet at the gate of Hoover at half past six.
B: 50 .
46. A. Are you busy tonight B. Are you free tonight C. How are you D. What's wrong
47. A. Why don't we go to a movie tonight B. Would you like to join me C. What's playing D. Must you go with me
48. A. What time is it B. How long will it last C. When will it begin with D. What time will it start
49. A. I'll go there B. I'll go there with you C. I'll go there myself D. I'll get there with you
50.A.OK B.You are right
C. I'm fine D. It's good idea


The Great Wall of China
The Great Wall of China is 51 longest wall in the world. It 52 from west to east, 53 mountains, 54 valleys and finally 55 the sea.
The Great Wall 56 a history of over two 57 years. People began to build the wall in the Spring and Autumn PeriodC^if^B'J"^) 58
Chinese history. In about 221 B. C. (公元前) Qin Shihuang had all the walls 59 . 60 ,
the Great Wall came to the world. The Great Wall is more than 6,000 kilometres long, 6—7 metres high and 4—5 metres wide ( 宽 ) • In 61 places it is wide enough for five horses or ten men to walk 62 along the top. It was very 63 to build 64 a great wall in the old 65 Thousands of men 66 when they built it. The Great Wall was made not only of stones, but millions of 67 .
Today, the Great Wall has become 68 interest (名胜) not only to the Chinesebut also to people all over the world
-69 the Egyptians feel proud ( 自豪) of their pyramids, 70 Chinese people also feel proud of our Great Wall.people,
51.A.an B.a C.the D.(/)
52. A. comes B.goes C.is D. stands
53. A. through B.&om C.over D. turns
54.A.and B.of C.to D.through
55. A. arrives at B. comes C. reaches D. arrives in
56. A. have B.has C.was D.is
57. A. thousand B. thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of
58.A.of B.at C.in D.on
59. A. joined in B. joined up C. connected D. connected in
60. A. Since then on B. Since now on C. From then on D. From then
61. A. much B. any C. more D. most
62. A. side to side B. side and side C. side by side D. side a side
63. A. easy B. difficult C.good D.bad
64. A. like B.look C.so D.such
65.A.times B.time C.days D.day
66. A. had died B. was died C. died D. dead
67.A.life B.live C.lives D.living
68. A. the place of B.a place of C. place of D. a place
69.A.Just as B.As if C.Look like D.Such
70.A.us B.we C.our D.ours

V 阅读理解1*10

(A) The First Race
It was time for the first race.Tlie raee-horse8(职业赛马) were .ready to ^ start.
Whish() ,whoosh(嘶嘶声)! Away ran Dobbo,to join them.
The race-horses were just starting. Fanner Smith shouted. All the people shouted. Some people laughed. Bill the Bull(公牛) looked over the fence and laughed. Dobbo took no notice. He-was a race-horse now. :
The race-horses ran like the wind. How fast they rani Poor Dobbo was left far behind. He could not catch them. He ran as fast as he could, but he could not catch them.
His heart went thump, thump, thump( 砰砰的跳 ) • He was out of breath. His legs ached .Oh, how tired he was!
At last he came to a stqp,a long way behind the other horses. He could hear people laughing at him. ,
"Just look at that cart-horse, "they said. "He thinks he is a race-horse. How foolish he is!" , ,' -
Then Dobbo knew he would never be a race-horse. He was too big and heavy. He was only a cart-horse. He would never be really important.
71. What was the farmer's name? • .
A.Bull B.Jones C.Smith D.Bill
72. Why did Dobbo run after the race-horse? Because
A. he felt frisky(欢乐跳跃的) B.his master told him to run C. he wanted to he a race-horse D.he liked it
73. Which kind of horse was Dobbo? _____..
A. A race-horse B. A cart-horse C. A foolish horse D. A clever horse
74. Why could Dobbo not run as fast as the race-horse? Because _____ A. he was too big B. he was too heavy C. he was only a race-horse D.both A and B
75. Why do you think Dobbo thought the race-houses were very .important? Because _____.
A. racing looks important B. people watched him C. he admired them D.A^B and C
Be Happy You Are Studying English! Nickolas: Sometimes English is very difficult! Mrs Lee: That's true. It isn't the easiest language in the world.
Nickolas: Think about t-h-e-r-e and t-h-e-y'-r-e and t-h-e-i-r. They sound alike, but they have different meanings. And the plural(复数) of ox is oxen, but the plural of box isn’t boxen! And hard can mean
"difficult" or it can mean the opposite (相反的 ) of soft. I don't
think I'll ever learn English. Mrs Lee: Oh, don't be discouraged (气馁). You're doing very well. Andthings could be worse! Nickolas: What do you mean?
Mrs Lee:Be happy you aren't studying the Eskimo(爱斯基摩人) language! Nickolas:Why? Is Eskimo harder than English?'
Mrs Lee: It certainly is. You were talking about the two different meanings of
hand. Some Eskimo nouns have more than a thousand meanings!
Nickolas:I'm glad I don't live in Alaska! I don't think I'm strong enough to study Eskimo!
Mrs Lee: Don't you mean clever enough? Nickolas: No, I mean strong enough. I don't think I'm strong enough to carry an Eskimo dictionary!
76. Why does Nickolas say he is not strong enough to cany an Eskimo dictionary? Because ^___.
A. he is a very weak boy B. some Eskimo nouns have more than a thousand meanings, the dictionary must be terribly large and thick C. it is his excuse. He is so lazy that he doesn't want to carry a dictionary D. he doesn't want to live in Alaska, so he doesn't want to carry an Eskimo dictionary
77. Mrs Lee says _____.
A. the Eskimo language is not as difficult as the English language B. the Eskimo language is a little bit more difficult than the English language
C.the Eskimo language is a lot more difficult than the English language D. the Eskimo language is the most difficult language in the world
78. According to(根据) this dialogue ,why should you feel happy if you are studying English? Because _____. A.English is easy and interesting B. English is one of the most important languages in the world C. English seems much easier than the Eskimo language D. you have to be happy with what you are studying
79. (1) In English some of the words are pronounced in the same way, but they mean quite different. (2) Sometimes the same English word can have different meanings. ( 3 ) Because of ( 1) and ( 2 ) , the English language seems very difficult.
A. All of them are true. B. Only (1) is true.
C.Only (2) is true. D.Only (3) is true.
80. And the plural of ox is oxen,. . .' TTie plural of ox' means ______.
A. the meaning of ox
B. the word or form to show "more than one ox"
C. another word for ox D. the name of the baby ox


IX 智力测试0.5*10

81. What animals are always with you? ______..
82. If you throw a white stone into the Red Sea,_____.

83. What is it that is found in the very center of America and Australia?

84. What can you see with your eyes shut? _____.
+ T 0 M,A T 0

86. What tree comes in twos? _____.
87. Take one from nine and leave ten! What is it?
88. How many months have twenty-eight days? __ ^-^

89. If three cats can kill three rats in three days. How many cats can kill one hundred rats in one hundred days? _____.
90. If there are ten little friends to be divided by five groups to play "Two Persons Have Three Feet", how many feet are there together then?
VII 句型转换 5小题5分
91 .When I pass there, I always think of my old friend. (用 never 改写句子)
I _____ pass there _____ thinking of my old friend.
92. There is no getting along with her.
It is _____ _____ get along with her. (同义转换)
93. You have only to follow his advice.
______ you have to ______ is to follow his advice. (同义转换)
94. He went to see his mother once a week. (对划线部分提问) _____ _____ did he go to see his mother?
95.Ann said,"You must be there."变间接引语 Ann said that he _____ _______ be there.
VIII 动词填空5小题共5分
96.1 ______ (use, eat) eggs and bread every morning.
97. He _____ (leave) for America tomorrow.
98. He _____ (paint) his house all yesterday afternoon.
99. My grandfather _____ (smoke) for forty years and now he has been advised to stop.
100. John ______ (play) tennis every evening but he no longer plays now.
101. 老师要我们用这个词再造几个句子
The teacher asked us _____ _____ a few _____ sentences ______ the word.
102. 虽然他是个孩子,但他知道的却很多
________ he is still a child, he knows _____ _____ _______.
The lecture ______ _______ _______ ___________.
104. 直到最近十年才广泛使用计算机.
Computers ______ ______ ______ ______ the late ten
105. 我们认为不可能在短时间里学好英语.
We _________ ______ ______ _____. to learn English well in a short time.

1.D2.B3.A4.D5.B6.B7.C8.C9.B 10. C 11. C 12. A 13. D 14. A 15. B 16.B 17.C 18.A 19.A 20.C 21.C 22.A 23.A 24.D 25.A 26.D 27.B 28.A 29.D30.A31.A32.B33.B34.C35.B36.A37.B38.B39.B40.B41.D 42.A43.B44.B45.D46.B47.B48.D49.C50.A51.C52.B53.C54.D 55.C56.B57.A58.C59.B60.C61.D62.C63.B 64. D 65. A 66. C 67. C 68.B69.A70.B71.C72.C73.B74.D75.C76.B77.C78.C79.A80.B 81. A pair of calves. 82. Wet. 83. The letter "R". 84. A dream 85.
345954 + 5 46 9 54
86. Pear tree. 87. IX—-X 88. Twelve. 12 89. Three cats. 90. Twenty. 91. never;
without 92. impossible; to 93. All; do 94. How; often 95. had to 96. am used to eating 97. is leaving/will leave/is going to leave 98. had been painting 99. has been smoking 100. played 101. to make; more; with 102. Though/Although/; quite a lot 103. is worth listening to 104. were widely used until 105. don't think it possible
