用not……until……句型改写句子After she lost her hearing in an accident,she realized how beautiful sounds were

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 00:26:51

用not……until……句型改写句子After she lost her hearing in an accident,she realized how beautiful sounds were
After she lost her hearing in an accident,she realized how beautiful sounds were

用not……until……句型改写句子After she lost her hearing in an accident,she realized how beautiful sounds were
She didn't realise how beautiful sounds were until she lost her hearing in an accident.

She didn't realise how beautiful sounds were until she lost her hearing in an accident.

She didn't realize how beautiful sounds were until she lost her hearing in an accident.

I didn't have any close friends until I know her.

用not……until……句型改写句子After she lost her hearing in an accident,she realized how beautiful sounds were not…until 句型的用法,例句 not.……until句型主从句用什么时态 He saw the bag when his bike hit it.用not……until……改写句子He saw the bag when his bike hit it.用not……until……改写句子 【初二英语】1.用not…until…改写before I received a watch from my father ,time never had anyimporttance in my life.2.改写句子:Looking at my fathers's face. not……until……的强调句型 The boy got up after his mother came into hie room.(用not…until改写) 用not until或until改写句子I know nothing about it until he told me. It is until……that It is not until ……that 分别是什么意It is until……that It is not until ……that 如果until 后面接句子用不用倒装 帮忙分析一下这个句子It was not until then did i realize that life was so beautiful“尤其that后边是但是含有it is… that的强调句型not until后不就不能用倒装了嘛, not…until 造两个句子 配中英文 英语翻译:我们会一直呆到吃完晚饭 用not……until句型 用将来时 not…until,的一些句型(如倒装,强调)用法,例子(详细些) not …until 的用方法,until后面加句子还是词语,这个句式和till又有什么区别, 用括号中的连词改写下列句子:I had made a mistake.I had criticized his work.(not only……but……as well)还有在各种句型中not only……but also都是加在什么位置的(主语后?动词后?还是句首或是别的位置? 英语翻译能使用not until句型来翻译下面的句子吗?“你不能到老了才意识到这么重要的事情!”not until是“直到……才”的意思.如果翻译成“You should not conscious such important things until being old.” 1.陈述句的强调句型 2.一般疑问句的强调句型 3.特殊疑问句的强调句型 4.not … until … 句型的强调句 1.陈述句的强调句型 2.一般疑问句的强调句型 3.特殊疑问句的强调句型 4.not … until … 句 用not…until; Not until两种说法翻译下列句子,就一句句子5.直到孩子们走出博物馆他们才意识到下雪了.