cost与 price有什么区别?what if your grandmother happened to need assistance with some medical costs?为什么这里要用cost而不是price?在这个句子里medical costs作何解释??

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 18:00:53

cost与 price有什么区别?what if your grandmother happened to need assistance with some medical costs?为什么这里要用cost而不是price?在这个句子里medical costs作何解释??
cost与 price有什么区别?
what if your grandmother happened to need assistance with some medical costs?为什么这里要用cost而不是price?
在这个句子里medical costs作何解释??

cost与 price有什么区别?what if your grandmother happened to need assistance with some medical costs?为什么这里要用cost而不是price?在这个句子里medical costs作何解释??
medical costs在此句中意为“医疗费用”,此处不能用price,price作为名字,在词组中应为the price of something.或者The price is $2.而不能是 something price.cost可作为名词和动词使用.

cost 当成本,代价讲
而price只能当价钱讲,如果做代价后要跟of或 for