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Book 6 Module 2 参考答案及部分解析
1-5 BCACA 6-10 BCCBB
11-15 ACCAB 16-20 CACCB
21-25 BDBAA 26-30 ABBCD
31-35 DDADD 36-40 DGFCB
41-45 CBDBA 46-50 BCADC
51-55 ABDCA 56-60 DADCB
61. that 62. invisible
63. it 64. driving
65. involved 66. profoundly
67. an 68. be restricted
69. for / to 70. have done
71. ... took part in the ... the → a
72. Upon arrive ... arrive → arrival / arriving
73. ... our coach introduces ...
introduces → introduced
74. ... in various activity. activity → activities
75. ... so with the ... so → but
76. ... with the encourage ...
encourage → encouragement
77. That impressed me ... That → What
78. ... helped each one another ... 去掉each
79. ... had a photo taking ... taking → taken
80. ... which gave us good ... good前加a
One possible version:
The Sword of Truth is a series of fantasy novels written by Terry Goodkind, a famous American novelist.
The hero in this story is named Richard Cypher. He enters a strange world full of magic and wars, after receiving a mysterious message left by his father. Then Richard Cypher finds that his fate is connected with this strange world because of an old prediction and he has to try his best to save the endangered world. Having experienced many adventures, Richard Cypher eventually saves the world.
The publishing of this novel was regarded as “one of the greatest events in the world” by the Americapress. It has also been translated into more than twenty languages.
本文是记叙文.文章主要介绍了美国童书作家Joanna Cole.
21. B.细节理解题.由第一段中的but her books ... easily understood explanations of difficult technical subjects可知,Joanna Cole能够用易懂的语言让读者了解科学知识.
22. D.细节理解题.由第二段中的I would have done an experiment every week if she had let me可知,Joanna Cole非常喜欢做科学实验.
23. B.细节理解题.由第二、三段可知,Joanna Cole在小学时就发现了写作的乐趣(c),从纽约城市大学毕业(d)之后,担任过图书管理员(a),后来把她写的第一本书送到William Morrow出版社(e),在1980年,她成为了全职作家(b).
24. A.推理判断题.本文主要介绍了美国童书作家Joanna Cole,由文中的描述可知,Joanna Cole是一位有才华并富有创造力的作家.
25. A.推理判断题.由第一段中的I am delighted ... is very positive可知,作者今年的工作做得很出色.
26. A.推理判断题.由第三段中的These programs ... within the firm可知,A项正确.
27. B.写作目的题.由第二段及倒数第二段的内容可知,作者写这封信是想申请升职和加薪的.
28. B.细节理解题.由第一段中的A man sees ... a tree branch可知,庞德在诗中把那些乘客的脸比作了树枝上的花朵.
29. C.细节理解题.由第二段中的... and he figured he would try this style可知,《在地铁站》受了日本俳句的影响.
30. D.细节理解题.由第三段中的... they were the highest form of speech. By finding the right image, the poet can express the true, spiritual reality of a thing ...可知,意象派诗人用意象去表达他们的思想.
31. D.推理判断题.由最后一段可知,庞德认为词语能够表达一切思想,只要肯花时间去找,一定能够找到最恰当的词语.所以D项说法正确.
32. D.推理判断题.由第二段中的Secondly ... but not the second以及第三段中的By limiting your child ... can make them brave可以推断,C.S. Lewis认为应该让孩子们阅读奇幻文学来了解真实的世界.
33. A.细节理解题.由第四段中的It's a keeper, if you can find one to buy可知,St. George and the Dragon是一本值得珍藏的书.
34. D.细节理解题.由第五段中的... fairy tales comfort them and offer solutions可知,Bruno Bettelheim认为童话故事可以教孩子们如何解决问题.
35. D.标题归纳题.概括全文可知,作者引用作家C.S. Lewis以及儿童心理学家Bruno Bettelheim的观点来说明为什么阅读奇幻文学对孩子是重要的,故D项标题符合文章的主旨.
36. D.由下文所列举的几项可知,D项内容符合此处语境.
37. G.由本段的主题句Education makes better citizens以及responsible citizens等信息可知,教育使我们理解我们作为公民的职责并鼓励我们去履行职责.
38. F.由本段的主题句Education ensures a productive future可知,设空处指“通过教育我们获得新的技能和才智,我们也提高了生产力”.
39. C.由本段的主题句Education helps in decision-making和段中的... take decisions throughout our lives ... 等信息可知,设空处指“决策是我们生活中必不可少的一部分”.
40. B.由本段中的An educated person is a confident person和believe in ourselves以及Self-belief等信息可知,该段主要说明:教育提升自信.
41. C.当时,地球正在“经历(experiencing)”冰河时代.
42. B.由上文中的the Ice Age可知,分割亚洲和北美洲的水在那时“冰冻了(frozen)”.
43. D.由下文中的that people were able to walk across可知,这有可能“形成(formed)”一座冰桥.
44. B.由上文中的they were adventurous可知,他们喜欢冒险,想要去“探索(explore)”.
45. A.由上文中的the earliest people可知,他们可能成为土著美国人的“祖先(ancestors)”.
46. B.由下文中的描述可知,我们知道“最早的(earliest)”北美人是游牧民族.
47. C.他们从一个地方旅行到另一个地方,“而不是(instead of)”定居在一个地方.
48. A.由上文中的settling in one place可知,最终,这些游牧民族开始建立永久的“定居点(settlements)”.
49. D.由下文中的Agriculture is raising ...可知,他们开始学习“农业(agriculture)”.
50. C.由上文中的... raising plants and animals for human use可知,他们有了更多的食物“来源(sources)”.
51. A.由上文中的... began to establish permanent ...可知,他们开始寻找更“固定的(permanent)”家园.
52. B.他们想“住(live)”在靠近水源的地方.
53. D.由上文中的water sources可知,这有助于他们“浇灌(water)”庄稼.
54. C.由上文中的specific locations可知,大多数早期的村庄都“位于(located)”水源附近.
55. A.前后表示转折关系,故用“但是(However)”.
56. D.由下文中的that area可知,他们还在慢慢迁移到其他“地方(areas)”.
57. A.58. D.每当他们搬到“不同的(different)”自然环境中,他们得“适应(get used to)”那里的气候和资源.
59. C.他们的穿着、住所和饮食“取决于(relied on)”他们生活的环境.
60. B.随着时间的推移,在北美洲“形成了(developed)”四大文化区.
61. that.考查连接词.设空处引导主语从句且从句中不缺少成分,故填that.
62. invisible.考查形容词.设空处所在句意为“中国电影业面临的另一个问题是它对大众无形的(invisible)影响”.
63. it.考查代词.设空处指代上句中提到的another problem,故填it.
64. driving.考查非谓语动词.Many male characters与drive之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且drive表示的动作与谓语动作同时发生,故用动词-ing形式.
65. involved.考查非谓语动词.设空处作后置定语修饰scenery,且involve与scenery之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故填involved.
66. profoundly.考查副词.设空处修饰动词influence,故填副词profoundly.
67. an.考查冠词.play an important part in ...是固定搭配,意为“在……中起重要作用”.
68. be restricted.考查被动语态.be restricted to是固定搭配,意为“限于”.
69. for / to.考查介词.show respect for / to ...是固定搭配,意为“对……表示尊重”.
70. have done.考查时态.由时间状语so far可知,此处用现在完成时.

1-5 BCACD 6-10 BDBCA
A 篇(自然)
1. B.细节理解题.根据第一部分第二段的due to storm damage, and the storms have had other effects too可知,这里收容的海豹或是因为暴风受伤,或是因为暴风失去亲人,都是恶劣天气的受害者.
2. C.细节理解题.根据第一部分第三段的you can even go behind the scenes in the seal hospital可知.
3. A.细节理解题.根据第二部分第二段的But the centre's big selling point is watching its birds do what do best. “We try to make sure that no one leaves without seeing them fly和下文的描述可知,这里最吸引人的是游客可以看到鸟在天空翱翔.
4. C.推理判断题.根据倒数第二段的The in-house medial teams and behaviouralists provide some of the best treatment available, and all the monkeys have large, natural living space可知,猿类在这里被照顾得很好.
5. D.推理判断题.根据第一部分的aiming to help injured or lost seal babies和第三部分的This is a rescue centre可知.
B 篇(体育)
6. B.细节理解题.根据第二段的because colleges make lots of money through their football and basketball programs可知,支持给大学生运动员报酬的人们认为,这些运动员给学校带来了巨大的收益,故应该分得一杯羹.
7. D.推理判断题.根据第三段的How many others in the student body would feel exploited working for salaries like that? 可知,作者引用此分析的目的是为了说明:大学生运动员在大学学习本身已经很受益了,他们应该心存感激,不该想着再索取比赛的报酬了.
8. B.推理判断题.根据倒数第二段可知,一方面,学校获得的收益又用于发展其他体育项目了,另一方面,并非每所大学都能因比赛获得收益,故学校里没有钱可以用作大学生运动员的报酬了.
9. C. 细节理解题.根据倒数第二段的He says that he and several other coaches feel so strongly about it that they're willing to pay it themselves可知,他认为大学生运动员应该获得报酬.
10. A.推理判断题.根据第一段的And it's shocking to see the level of support the answer “yes” is getting,倒数第二段的stupidity及最后一段可知,作者对此事持反对态度,认为不应该给大学生运动员报酬.