
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 12:08:00


I have an interest in management, and i have decided to enter a multinational company engaged in administration, i want to become a corporate manager. To become a successful manager, one has to start from the very beginning and work their way up, adding knowledge and experience on their way and expand their social circle. After all this, they will reach self-perfection. One who tries, gets. I believe that everyone's destiny is in their own hands!


I am full of strong interests to management, I plan to enter a trans-corporation, engaged in administration, I want to become a senior executive of enterprise. If you want to become an outstanding man...


I am full of strong interests to management, I plan to enter a trans-corporation, engaged in administration, I want to become a senior executive of enterprise. If you want to become an outstanding managerial talent, you need to start from the ground floor, constantly accumulate experience and knowledge, widen the visual field, expand the interpersonal society to enrich yourself. The strong-willed one, the thing succeeded unexpectedly! I believe, everybody is the founder of one's own destiny!


I am filled with a strong interest in management , I intend to enter a multinational company engaged in the administration, I would like to become a senior corporate managers. In order to become an ou...


I am filled with a strong interest in management , I intend to enter a multinational company engaged in the administration, I would like to become a senior corporate managers. In order to become an outstanding management talent, they need to start from the bottom, continuous accumulation of knowledge and experience, to broaden horizons and expand social circles people, thus more self-perfection. There is will ,There is hope ! I believe that everyone is the founder of their own destiny!


I was filled with the thick thick interest to the management, I plan into a multinational company, being engaged in the administration management work, I like to be a business enterprise high class ma...


I was filled with the thick thick interest to the management, I plan into a multinational company, being engaged in the administration management work, I like to be a business enterprise high class manages the personnel.To like to be an outstanding management professional, need to does to rise from the first floor, right alone backlog knowledge with experience, open widely the visual field, extend human relations social intercourse turn, from but more perfect ego.Where there is a will, the matter is unexpectedly!I believe that the everyone is all an oneself the destiny creates!


I am interested in management , I intend to enter a multinational company engaged in the administration, I would like to become a senior corporate managers. In order to become an outstanding manageme...


I am interested in management , I intend to enter a multinational company engaged in the administration, I would like to become a senior corporate managers. In order to become an outstanding management talent, they need to start from the bottom, continuous accumulation of knowledge and experience, to broaden horizons and expand social circles people, thus more self-perfection. Where there, things become! I believe that everyone is the founder of their own destiny!


英语翻译我对管理充满了浓厚的兴趣,我打算进入一家跨国公司,从事行政管理工作,我想成为一名企业高级管理人员.要想成为一名出色的管理人才,就需从底层做起,不断的积累知识和经验,拓宽 语文对我发生了浓厚的兴趣怎么改 英语翻译“我发觉自己对英语口语有着浓厚的兴趣”求大神帮助 修改病句:生动有趣的科学故事对我产生了浓厚的兴趣. 语文对我发生了浓厚的兴趣(修改病句)“发生”也要改哦! 英语翻译我是一个充满动力和激情的人,喜欢做有挑战性的工作和任务.我特别喜欢并善于与他人沟通,进行团队合作.进入银行领域是我的梦想,我对投资银行充满了浓厚的兴趣.相信这两点正是 用英语翻译:当我进入大学正式接触英语口语,我便对它产生了浓厚兴趣 英语翻译原文:我的家乡4面环山,从小我就对大自然的奥秘充满了浓厚的兴趣,高中毕业后我选择了福州大学的生物科学与工程学院作为我进一步学习关于生物与人之间的存在的千丝万缕联系 英语翻译这个展览让我对恐龙充满了无穷的遐思与好奇,并产生了浓厚的兴趣.于是我想如果把电影故事情节与恐龙展结合,会是一个很不错的创意.与展览的负责人交流后,他也认为可以把这个 英语翻译我叫子欣.在米旗工作有1年时间了,也具备了面包制作的能力.另外,我对英语和计算机有浓厚的兴趣个爱好.我个性随和,力求上进. 英语翻译我叫子欣.在米旗工作有1年时间了,也具备了面包制作的能力.另外,我对英语和计算机有浓厚的兴趣个爱好.我个性随和,力求上进. 清高手翻译一下?我发觉自己对英语口语有着浓厚的兴趣.(find...doing) 翻译1.我发觉自己对英语口语有着浓厚的兴趣.(find...doing) 我对围棋有浓厚的趣味 英语翻译本人对英语有浓厚的兴趣,希望自己以后在英语领域中实现自己的理想,但我不清楚英语领域中有哪些职业,希望大家给我些意见, 英语翻译我是一名留学生.来日本已经3年了.在大学的这一年里,通过老师的细心栽培,我对英语产生了浓厚的兴趣,并且取得了优异的成绩.我很喜欢英语会话这一环节,它让我提高了口语表达能 英语翻译1我发觉自己对英语口语有着浓厚的兴趣(find…doing)2驱车行使在高速公路上,我意识到近几年来,中国的公路糸统发生了巨大的变化(roalize;enormous)3我简直不敢相信他这么快就学会 英语翻译我对设计有着浓厚的兴趣,一方面是因为我高中学艺术,所以收到很多不同风格不同国家的艺术家和设计师作品的影响,使我逐渐加深对设计的兴趣,英语作为我的第二语言,我也在努力