九年级英语选词填空求讲解几个空.选词填空:选项:What usual name complain feel special hear understand which celebrate before 正文:Do you really care about your parents?66 this question,most of may give a quick answer"Of cour

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 21:27:36

九年级英语选词填空求讲解几个空.选词填空:选项:What usual name complain feel special hear understand which celebrate before 正文:Do you really care about your parents?66 this question,most of may give a quick answer"Of cour
选词填空:选项:What usual name complain feel special hear understand which celebrate before
正文:Do you really care about your parents?66 this question,most of may give a quick answer"Of course,I do."But maybe you don't.It is true that all parents can remember clearly when to 67 their children's birthdays.However it is a pity that few children know exactly when their parents birthdays are.Most parents can easily 68 the food their children favor.The other way round,some students don't know 69 their parents like most of all.Sometimes we can hear parents 70 that their children don't talk with them as often as 71 .Children are growing and the generation gap(代沟)are widening.If you love your parents well,let them 72 your love.Give them a birthday gift on their 73 day,help them do some housework as often as possible,bear in mind wthat your parents like or don't like.Don't always say things 74 your parents.Talk with them more often and 75 hem more.
第66个为什么是Hearing 第67为什么是 to celebrate 71为什么是 before 73为什么是 unusual?

九年级英语选词填空求讲解几个空.选词填空:选项:What usual name complain feel special hear understand which celebrate before 正文:Do you really care about your parents?66 this question,most of may give a quick answer"Of cour
66.应该是省略了when you are
67.就如how to 一样 when to 指什么时候该……
71.as often as before 指孩子不像以前一样经常和他们聊天了
73选unusual 有点奇怪 个人觉得应该是special ,unusual day 指不寻常的一天

66 现在分词作状语 67 不定式表目的 71 不像以前一样和他们聊天 73 on their unusual day 不寻常的日子 就是指他们生日那天