John Smith is ___ of the two young men.A.strong B.a stronger C.the stronger D.the strongestJohn Smith is ___ of the two young men.A.strong B.a stronger C.the stronger D.the strongest答案给的是C,可关键是这里没有than而且stronger前面有

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/13 21:50:38

John Smith is ___ of the two young men.A.strong B.a stronger C.the stronger D.the strongestJohn Smith is ___ of the two young men.A.strong B.a stronger C.the stronger D.the strongest答案给的是C,可关键是这里没有than而且stronger前面有
John Smith is ___ of the two young men.A.strong B.a stronger C.the stronger D.the strongest
John Smith is ___ of the two young men.
A.strong B.a stronger C.the stronger D.the strongest

John Smith is ___ of the two young men.A.strong B.a stronger C.the stronger D.the strongestJohn Smith is ___ of the two young men.A.strong B.a stronger C.the stronger D.the strongest答案给的是C,可关键是这里没有than而且stronger前面有
答案是对的,因为后面有OF THE TWO ……,特指两个中较壮的那个.


答案是对的,因为后面有OF THE TWO ……,特指两个中较壮的那个。of the + 可数复数是表示范围吗?那为什么Peter is the tallest student in our class.中是最高级?in our class不也是表范围么?Peter is the tallest student in our class.是对的,多人相比用最高级 而你所问的是两个人相比,要用...


答案是对的,因为后面有OF THE TWO ……,特指两个中较壮的那个。



John Smith is ___ of the two young men.A.strong B.a stronger C.the stronger D.the strongestJohn Smith is ___ of the two young men.A.strong B.a stronger C.the stronger D.the strongest答案给的是C,可关键是这里没有than而且stronger前面有 英语翻译User Dr.John SmithDermatology Assigned Procedures General Medicine CryotherapyIf somebody sets up a Clinic that Dr.John Smith is assigned to (assume that Dr.John Smith is the only user assigned to this particular Clinic),the only type of where is your brotherAt______A.Mr Green's B.the Smith'' of Mr John为什么选A Mr Smith is John's f____.Marry is his daughter. My name is John Smith.You can call me___.A.Mr.John B.Mr.Smith C.Mr.Smith John D.Mr His full name is john smith.John is his_____name.空格填什么------------ Mr Smith caught hold ___ Bob and said,This is a good lesson___ you. A.ofMr Smith caught hold ___ Bob and said,This is a good lesson___ you. A.of; forB.for; of C.of; of D.for; for Both Smith and Jones ___ fond of music,but neither ___ able to sing well,is B.are,is,areD.are,are John Smith中文 John Smith是谁 John Smith,Senior Mr.Smith is the h____ of Mrs Smith. 英语翻译This lesson is much __ difficult than that lesson.John is one of ___(good) student in our class. 英语翻译This lesson is much __ difficult than that lesson.John is one of ___(good) student in our class. Look at that young man. He is ___.A. a friend of him B. a friend of John’s father’s C. John father’s father D. John’s father’s friend理由 理由 为什么不是A C D 1、John: Paul, this is Mr Smith, my landlord. Paul: I'm pleased to meet you. Mr Smith: _______. AGo Who is the girl ___ Mr.Smith and Mrs.Smith .用恰当的介词填空. 英语改句式John is a ninth grade student.He dreams of becoming a famous actor.(合并为含定语从句的复合句)John is a ninth grade student ___ _____ ____ ___ a famous actor