帮忙汉译英(紧急)明天也就是十二月三日,在张红家举行周末晚会.我是想来请你一起去的,碰巧你不在.你从友谊宾馆出来后,沿着Black Street往西走,到了White Road再向北走.等到了Stone Road再往西,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 20:40:36

帮忙汉译英(紧急)明天也就是十二月三日,在张红家举行周末晚会.我是想来请你一起去的,碰巧你不在.你从友谊宾馆出来后,沿着Black Street往西走,到了White Road再向北走.等到了Stone Road再往西,
明天也就是十二月三日,在张红家举行周末晚会.我是想来请你一起去的,碰巧你不在.你从友谊宾馆出来后,沿着Black Street往西走,到了White Road再向北走.等到了Stone Road再往西,过了电影院不远就是张红家了.晚会时间为7:00~10:00,可以唱歌跳舞,请你准时来参加.

帮忙汉译英(紧急)明天也就是十二月三日,在张红家举行周末晚会.我是想来请你一起去的,碰巧你不在.你从友谊宾馆出来后,沿着Black Street往西走,到了White Road再向北走.等到了Stone Road再往西,
Tomorrow is third December.there will be a party at Zhanghong's house.I want you to go with me,but you didn't at home.You go out from Youyi Hotel and go down the Black Street.Then turn right at The White Road and turn left at The Stone Road.When you pass the cinema you will find Zhanghong's home.The party is from 7 to 10,you can sing and dance.Make sure you won't be late.

Tomorrow is December 3, Zhang Hong-held weekend evening. I want to join you, by chance you do not. You came out from the Friendship Hotel, go west along the Black Street, White Road to the north to fo...


Tomorrow is December 3, Zhang Hong-held weekend evening. I want to join you, by chance you do not. You came out from the Friendship Hotel, go west along the Black Street, White Road to the north to follow. When the Stone Road to the west, near the cinema is the home of Zhang Hong. Show time is 7:00 to 10:00, can sing and dance, please time to attend
明天也就是十二月三日,在张红家举行周末晚会。我是想来请你一起去的,碰巧你不在。你从友谊宾馆出来后,沿着Black Street往西走,到了White Road再向北走。等到了Stone Road再往西,过了电影院不远就是张红家了。晚会时间为7:00~10:00,可以唱歌跳舞,请你准时来参加。


Tomorrow is December 3, Zhang Hong-held weekend evening. I want to join you, by chance you do not. You came out from the Friendship Hotel, go west along the Black Street, White Road to the north to fo...


Tomorrow is December 3, Zhang Hong-held weekend evening. I want to join you, by chance you do not. You came out from the Friendship Hotel, go west along the Black Street, White Road to the north to follow. When the Stone Road to the west, near the cinema is the home of Zhang Hong. Show time is 7:00 to 10:00, can sing and dance, please come to on time.


帮忙汉译英(紧急)明天也就是十二月三日,在张红家举行周末晚会.我是想来请你一起去的,碰巧你不在.你从友谊宾馆出来后,沿着Black Street往西走,到了White Road再向北走.等到了Stone Road再往西, 今天是十二月10日星期六汉译英 深圳市9月23日,也就是明天,要不要上学 崇祯六年十二月,余住西湖,大雪三日.(后面是什么?) 十二月三日是什么日子,历史上这天发生过什么重大事情? 十二月四日风雨大作 下个月也就是十二月的十号是星期几? 脏话 日 紧急紧急! 三篇关于保护环境的作文 100字紧急!三篇关于保护环境的作文 100字在3月3日完成就行(紧急!) 农历(一九九一年十二月二十四日)出生是什么星座啊! 英译汉:今天是星期一十二月三十日 紧急!请各位帮忙给这篇作文提些修改意见明天就要交了!紧急! 十二月(打一字) 渔歌子的扩写文章尽量在5月22日(也就是明天)晚上之前告诉我,500字以上 ...紧急..明天要交如图.. 福建省教育厅有没有出台风放假通知,也就是明天,谁帮忙查一下? 帮忙扩写下张岱的湖心亭看雪约700字崇祯五年十二月,余住西湖.大雪三日,湖中人鸟声俱绝.是日更定矣,余桡一小舟,拥毳衣炉火,独往湖心亭看雪.雾淞沆砀,天与云、与山、与水,上下一白.湖上 求大师帮忙看下此八字的用神、喜神是什么,需要补什么,如何化解三煞:羊刃煞、灾煞、食神逢枭.姓:唐  性别:男公历出生时间:1978年12月30日08时15分农历出生时间:一九七八年 十二月