
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 20:53:58


High-temperature gas-cooled reactor with high thermal efficiency (40% ~ 41), burnup deep ($20MWd/t uranium), conversion ratio is high (0.7-0.8), etc. Because of the helium chemistry stability is good, good performance, and trap heat, after birth TingDui radioactive waste can be a good performance, safety belt.


High temperature gas cooled reactor with thermal efficiency (40% ~ 41%), burn depth (maximum up to 20MWd / t uranium), the conversion is high (0.7 ~ 0.8) and so on. As the helium chemical stability, heat transfer performance, and induced radioactivity is small, can heat after shutdown belts out, good safety performance.

High temperature gas cooled reactor with thermal efficiency (40% ~ 41%), burn depth (maximum up...


High temperature gas cooled reactor with thermal efficiency (40% ~ 41%), burn depth (maximum up to 20MWd / t uranium), the conversion is high (0.7 ~ 0.8) and so on. As the helium chemical stability, heat transfer performance, and induced radioactivity is small, can heat after shutdown belts out, good safety performance.


The advantages of high-temperature gas-cooled reactor are high thermal efficiency(40%~41%), high burnup level(the highest can reach 20MWd/t uranium) and high conversion ratio(0.7~0.8). It has a good s...


The advantages of high-temperature gas-cooled reactor are high thermal efficiency(40%~41%), high burnup level(the highest can reach 20MWd/t uranium) and high conversion ratio(0.7~0.8). It has a good safety performance due to its excellent chemical stability of helium and good heat transfer performance, as well as very low induced radioactivity,the waste heat can be easily brought out after shutdown.


英语翻译高温气冷堆具有热效率高(40%~41%),燃耗深(最大高达20MWd/t铀),转换比高(0.0.8)等优点.由于氦气化学稳定性好,传热性能好,而且诱生放射性小,停堆后能将余热安全带出,安全性能 压水堆和高温气冷堆的区别 高温气冷堆的原理是什么 高温气冷堆和压水堆的区别是什么?高温气冷堆真的用到094上了? 什么是高温气冷堆?它有哪些主要特点? 什么是高温气冷堆?它有哪些主要特点? 核反应堆一共有几种快中子实验堆,高温气冷实验堆,聚变-裂变混合堆是不是这三种? 为什么王炳华痛恨我国先进的高温气冷堆核电技术 不使用慢化剂的核反应堆是( )A.重水堆 B.沸水堆 C.高温气冷堆 D.钠冷快堆 氦气直接循环高温气冷堆的氦气为什么需要冷却、压缩后送回堆芯? 冷却、压缩的作用是什么 帮忙介绍一下高温气冷反应堆. 高温气冷堆堆芯结构是什么 高温气冷核反应堆泄漏的氦气有没有放射性 什么是高温气冷核电站,它的安全性比压水堆强吗? 谁能说说高温气冷反应堆的工作原理是什么?那这么来说的话压水堆比气冷堆的功率是不是更高呢?因为液体比气体的的比热要大这样的话单位输出功率也会大呀 不知道我说的是不是 高温气冷堆用石墨做慢化剂,那在外壳破裂,漏入空气的情况下,高温的石墨会不会燃烧?据说里面的煤球能承受1600度高温,要是这时候容器破了,空气进来了,会不会着火燃烧? 核反应堆问题1高温气冷堆和快中子反应堆的区别?.2核电站原理是什么,怎么启动和关闭?怎么控制功率,什么是堆芯融化?如果把控制棒全部抽出会发生什么?.3航母或核潜艇的反应堆与核电站的 请问电饭锅发热盘热效率是多少?电炉丝的热效率是多少?谁的热效率高?