
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 13:20:51


There has been happinesses,sorrows,enjoyments after success,frustrations after failures.But past is past.

We enjoyed the joy & happiness of success, experienced the sorrow and depression of failure, however, all those mentioned above became the past.

I once experienced happiness, sorrow , a joy of success and the depression after failure , but all that is just past tense .

We had joyous, sadness, happiness of success and despression of failure. But these had been past.

may it be joy or sorrow, cheer over success or frustration about failure, they are all in the past

There came joy and sorrow, cheerful delight over success as well as gloomy moods after failure, but they are all gone.

Having experienced happinesses and sorrows, joyful successes and failure depressiones, but now, all has passed.

We had joy, sadness, happiness of success and despression of failure. But all those had been gone.