
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 20:15:40


She is in a pink coat and a red wrapped skirt,with a pair of striking red High heels,looks like a double-layer Strawberry Cake from a distance.She has a plump cheeks under the raven black bob,the lips in bright red which like two hot dogs especially come to front.She glances at the ground scornfully all the time,it seems that she is impatient with queuing such a long line up.

Wearing a pink coat, a red wrapped skirt, and a pair of striking red heels, she looks like a round double strawberry cake from far away. The plump cheeks under the black short hair, which makes the br...


Wearing a pink coat, a red wrapped skirt, and a pair of striking red heels, she looks like a round double strawberry cake from far away. The plump cheeks under the black short hair, which makes the bright red lips stand out like two well done hotdogs.Her eyes sideways glance at the ground without any lift; it seems that the long queue has already made her impatient.


She wears a pink blouse, red skirt, feet on a pair of eye-catching red high-heeled shoes, far look something like a round double strawberry cake. Black hair has a plump cheeks, under the bright red th...


She wears a pink blouse, red skirt, feet on a pair of eye-catching red high-heeled shoes, far look something like a round double strawberry cake. Black hair has a plump cheeks, under the bright red thick lips particularly prominent, like two ripe hot dogs. Her eyes lift also don't lift, contemptuous glance at the ground, it seems such a long queue has made her very impatient


She was wearing a pink blouse, a red skirt and eye-catching red high heels, and looked more like a round double-layer Strawberry cake.Under the black hair was her plump cheeks. Her distinctive thick r...


She was wearing a pink blouse, a red skirt and eye-catching red high heels, and looked more like a round double-layer Strawberry cake.Under the black hair was her plump cheeks. Her distinctive thick red lips were like two well-done hot dogs. She had not lift up her eyes ever and was scornfully glancing at the floor. It seems that waiting in such a long line had made her extremely impatient.


英语翻译她身着粉色上衣,红色包裙,脚踏一双醒目的红色高跟鞋,远远看些就像一个圆圆的双层草莓蛋糕.乌黑的短发下有一张丰满的脸颊,鲜红的厚嘴唇格外突出,就像两根熟透的热狗.她的眼睛 红色上衣用英语翻译 舞台上有一身着黄色上衣和绿色裙子的姑娘在跳舞,当用黄光照射时,她上衣和裙子的颜色分别是?A.黄色、黑色 B.黑色、黑色 C.黄色、绿色D.黄色 红色+什么颜色=粉色 红色粉色混合是颜色? 小说里描写人物外貌的句子,女主头发红色的,身着红色纱裙,眼睛也是红色的,不要复制的 她什么时候丢了包 英语翻译 英语翻译1.除了音乐,她还喜欢游泳(in addition to.also)2.他的音乐使他文明于全世界(made)3.她穿着红色上衣看起来很漂亮, ‘红色的的包又大又轻’用英语翻译 我有一个红色的漂亮的包.英语翻译 脚踏西瓜皮打一歇后语 Are you smart?初一哒科学在没有任何其他光照的情况下,舞台追光灯发出的绿光照在穿白色上衣、红色裙子的演员身上,观众看到她( )A.全身呈绿色 B.上衣呈绿色,裙子呈紫色C.上衣呈绿色,裙 英语翻译凯特穿着一件红色上衣.Kate____ ___ ____a red coat. 红色加上什么色是粉色 红色加什么颜色等于粉色 红色加水能得粉色吗 she ____ a red jiaket ______.她穿着一件红色的短上衣.两个空格怎么填? 英语翻译五一小长假第一天,我到地里锯了两棵树,在回家的路上看见一身着黑丝短裙的大美女站在埃埃黄土上,看了半天不知她要做什么,于是就骑车走了…