
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 10:07:49


Before having the passport for this visa application,I have had an old passport.The foreign company I worked before took back all the former passports before giving the new ones,and I cannot find the related people in the company since there has been several personnel alterations.Therefore,I cannot provide the copy of my former passport.Hope you can notice this.Thanks!

I have the former passport before applying for the new passort. Because the previous overseas enterprise take back the former passport before giving...


I have the former passport before applying for the new passort. Because the previous overseas enterprise take back the former passport before giving out the new passport. It changed so many times in the original unit and can't find it out.So I can't provide the former passport's copy. And thank you!


I am in the visa application for passport before, once held the old passport. Because before working for foreign enterprises in the renewal of the new passport, has the old passport United recovered, ...


I am in the visa application for passport before, once held the old passport. Because before working for foreign enterprises in the renewal of the new passport, has the old passport United recovered, the original work unit has many changes, cannot find. Solid are now unable to provide the old passport copy. Hereby note! Thank you!


I apply for a visa in the passport used before, who held the old passport prior to working for a foreign business units in the renewal of this new passport, have to recover the unity of the old passport, original work has many internal changes, can not find . Old passports can not provide solid recovery now.thank you!

I apply for a visa in the passport used before, who held the old passport prior to working for a foreign business units in the renewal of this new passport, have to recover the unity of the old passport, original work has many internal changes, can not find . Now can not provide solid old passport. It is noted! Thanks

英语翻译本人在此次申请签证的所用护照之前,曾持有旧护照.因之前工作的外国企业单位在换发此新护照之后,已将旧护照统一收回,原工作单位内部已多次变动,无法查找.固现在无法提供旧护 护照签证的号码 P 英语翻译用户取得护照后 将开始申请办理签证 如果签证的办理顺利的话 他们预计2010年1月15日-1月31日将到达SIS公司进行预验收 英语翻译我很能高兴去澳洲和你见面,也很期待见到你的家人.我刚已经办理了护照,不过关于申请签证的程序我不是很清楚,他们说办理签证需要准备双方的一些资料,特别是要有担保人,就是在 英语翻译请翻译以下段落:“我的常住地为北京,大部分家人也在北京,但由于我的先生长期在深圳工作,所以我经常往返于北京和深圳之间,此次我将同我的先生一起在位于深圳的英国签证申请 公务护照和因公护照有什么区别?如何办理签证?哪个护照需要邀请函?去外办申请又是怎么说的呢?据说公务(还是因公?)护照旅行社不能送签的,那签证是自己去领馆办的吗?签证费用和因私护照 英语翻译但主要取决于拿到名单后取得护照和签证的时间 英语翻译经营范围1 国内、国际机票代理2 国内、国际旅游、会务、酒店预定3 代办各国的签证及港澳通行证、护照4 代办外籍人士在沪的签注(护照、居住的延期、过期手续) 英语翻译经营范围1 国内、国际机票代理2 国内、国际旅游、会务、酒店预定3 代办各国的签证及港澳通行证、护照4 代办外籍人士在沪的签注(护照、居住的延期、过期手续) 英语翻译于2014-03-18申请B1/B2 团体旅游签证,按约定其护照由旅行社到指定中信银行办理领取业务,统一安排机票和美国的旅游行程.但(xxx)于3月21日不通知旅行社的情况下,擅自将护照取走,并 英语翻译于2014-03-18申请B1/B2 团体旅游签证,按约定其护照由旅行社到指定中信银行办理领取业务,统一安排机票和美国的旅游行程.但(xxx)于3月21日不通知旅行社的情况下,擅自将护照取走,并拒 哪个欧洲国家的旅游签证最容易之前从没去过欧美,现在想选1-2个国家旅游,不知道哪个比较容易申请.之前有人说法国最容易,但现在又有人说意大利和德国.请指教.补充:本人在广州,夫妇同行 英语翻译尊敬的签证官:本人陈人于2011年9月15日,向澳大利亚馆申请“旅游签证”因676.221(2)(a)的原因导致拒签.事实上我申请旅游签证的原因主要是陪同我年幼的女儿(1996年1月27日出生)到 英语翻译授 权 委 托 书法兰西共和国驻广州总领事馆:本人AAA(身份证号:XXXXXX)兹委托我司BBB先生(身份证号:XXXXX)前往贵馆代本人领取护照及签证(护照号:XXXXX).特此委托!委托人: 英语翻译本人在XXX年XXX月XXX日向贵国广州领事馆递交了四份旅游签证申请,但在之后我发现由于我的错误操作,将DS-160表格中的问题“是否曾赴美及是否曾获得过美国签证”选择错误,四位申请 我护照有美国签证,而且在有效期内,现在我申请了英国签证,状态是ready for collection,但是我现在不在北京,不能立即取,但又要立即付机票钱,想问问有经验的朋友,我签证通过概率多大呢, 关于申请summer school本人现在大二,准备留美读研,想参加summer school锻炼一下!有达人可以指点下吗,现在晚不晚?已经办了护照了。签证等什么都没有准备!现在该怎么办 英语翻译亲爱的签证官您好,我是此次移民申请的受益人,上次我和我的妈妈同时发了邮件,这是我的唯一电子邮件,请您回复我.待我得到通知下一步通知时,可否选择邮件和邮包双通知?