
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 11:20:46


A very successful lawyer parked his brand new Lexus in front of the \x0boffice,ready to show it off to his colleagues.As he opened the door a \x0btruck came roaring past and completely tore off the driver's door of the \x0bLexus.The lawyer immediately grabbed his cell phone and dialed 911.\x0bWhen a policeman arrived,the lawyer was still screaming hysterically.\x0bHis Lexus,which he had just picked up the day before,was now \x0bcompletely ruined and would never be the same,no matter how the body \x0bshop tried to make it new again.\x0bAfter the lawyer finally wound down from his ranting,the cop shook his head in disgust."I can't believe how materialistic you lawyers are",he said."You are so focused on your possessions that you don't notice anything else." "How can you say such a thing?" asked the lawyer.The cop replied,"Didn't you notice that your left arm is missing from the elbow down?It must have been torn off when the truck hit you." \x0bThe lawyer looked down to his left side and let \x0bout a terrible scream:"Oh my God!...MY ROLEX!"


你老师有病啊 还搞笑!!!
好 下面我来告诉你怎么搞笑:

英语翻译是我自己要的,有点素质好不好! 欧洲人的素质好不好的? 怎样锻炼自己的心里素质?我发现自己的心里素质不好……… 英语翻译.你可以提高自己的素质 谁能给我讲个笑话最好有点素质的,有点内涵的,越多越好,谢谢 如何培养自己的素质 怎么培养自己的素质? 如何提高自己的素质 英语翻译我的职业目标是,我希望在市场方面接触到更多的层面,提高自己全方面的素质,成为一名能独当一面的市场人员.需要高手翻译成英语~ 英语翻译rgnt.wycxyl.jzmwxqhbhwy不是“我要”的意思,hbh不是好不好的意思!第一句是,如果哪天. 英语翻译在用人单位转变用人观念、社会公平价值观提升,全社会营造女性就业良好氛围的同时,更重要的是,女性自身要先努力提高自己的个人素质,增强自己在社会中的竞争力.不必完全一致 英语翻译听说北二外新开的翻译硕士不知道好不好考?我要考英语翻译硕士, 怎么样才能提高自己的心里素质?我感觉我自己不是很自信,一上台货人多的地方就行李素质不好,我该怎么办?(要详细一点的) 文理分科好不好?要辩论,我的观点是不好 素质的意思是 英语翻译这个网站上的文章翻译完成,答对追加500分.以下三位一看就知道是用翻译机翻的,我也会用,自己翻好不好,我给500分呢! 作文 我的小天地最好是自己写的 好不好 帮帮我 谢谢 300字 250字 谢谢 请问做英语翻译都要具备哪方面的素质