
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 21:59:32


When Achilles's parents got married,they forgot to invite the goddess Eris,so come the of the Golden Apple.
When Prince Paris of Troy grew up,he followed his dad's orders to greet his aunt in Athens,he fell in love with Helen at first sight,and stole Helen away,which (in turn) caused the Trojan War (10 years).All the gods supported one of the sides,Eros A Fuluo Teeter helped Troy,God melee and Athena supported Greece,the Gods and Mortals (这里也可以用human,不过Mortal,也就是凡人,更正式) engaged in a mixed battle
其中的in turn 可加可不加,加了更顺一点.

Achilles parents got married, forget to invite eros with goddess, so has the rhys golden apple story. Trojan prince grew up in Paris to life after father to Greece after aunt, and Helen love at first ...


Achilles parents got married, forget to invite eros with goddess, so has the rhys golden apple story. Trojan prince grew up in Paris to life after father to Greece after aunt, and Helen love at first sight, robbed Helen, led to the Trojan war (10 years), the gods, o god each help party's special help Troy, Flo Hera and Athena help Greece, one god infighting.


When Achilles's parents got married, they forgot to invite Eris, the goddess of retaliation. And that caused the story of Gold Apple.
The prince of Troy Paris fell in love with He...


When Achilles's parents got married, they forgot to invite Eris, the goddess of retaliation. And that caused the story of Gold Apple.
The prince of Troy Paris fell in love with Helen at first sight and took her away when he went to Greek to take his aunt back. Paris' behavior leads to a The Tory War, which lasted for ten years.
Gods joined the war, while the god of love and aphrodite were stood by Troy, hera and athena were on Greek's side.


英语翻译阿喀琉斯的父母结婚时,忘了邀请不和女神厄里斯,于是有了金苹果的故事.特洛伊王子帕里斯长大后奉父命去希腊接姑妈,与海伦一见钟情,抢走了海伦,导致了特洛伊战争(10年),众神 英语翻译1 明天是Jack 和 Alice 结婚十周年纪念日2 你和Alice 结婚多少年了?3 他从来都不记得 结婚纪念日.4 这是我专门为你挑选的 结婚礼物./ 生日礼物5 你父母的生日是哪一天?你父母的结婚纪 英语翻译年轻时,他酷爱踢足球.当听到这个球消息时,她伤心的哭了.我的父母结婚时,一穷二白. 结婚请柬怎么写啊假期结婚的,上班后再请同事和领导吃饭,不过不知道怎么邀请,给领导的请柬怎么写啊?这个算是补请喜酒了 你的朋友小李就要结婚了,邀请你参加.求翻译 英语翻译1.他的祖母十年前去世的,她去世已有十年了2.我的父母十五年前结婚的.他们结婚已有十五年了.3.他借这本书三个星期了. 结婚喜帖的书写内容送呈(所邀请的XXX全家)台启,谨定于公历_X年X月X日(星期____),为(新人姓名)举行结婚典礼敬备喜筵.恭请_____光临(新人男方父母姓名)敬邀席设:_喜宴举行地址时 另外邀请了工程师英语翻译, 英语翻译要用到现在完成时吗?英汉互译,完整的问题是:他的祖母十年前去世的,他去世已有十年了.和我父母十五年前结婚的,他们结婚已有十五年来.这两句~ 谢谢你的邀请.的英语翻译 父母不值得我孝顺,我很他们 我的父母是非常重男轻女的人,我是个女孩,他们把多有希望都寄托在大哥身上,所有培养和爱都给了大哥,直到大哥结婚,对父母冷淡,听媳妇的话,对父母不关心,父母 一个聚会的邀请 英语翻译 英语翻译:我要结婚了. 英语翻译:你结婚了吗? 英语翻译1.七加八等於五十.2.他的父母结婚多少年了?3.我们相信农民的生活会越来越好.4.如果不告诉他真相,你会惹上麻烦的.5.要决定争取什麽和放弃什麽是不容易的. 英语翻译1.你的体温是正常的,我想你没有生病.2.谁能将问题处理的最好.3.她犯了许多错误,他的父母对他非常失望.4.他们坚持要求邀请她参加聚会 英语翻译1 她的父母反对她去学跳舞.2 她的父母反对她和那个男孩恋爱.3 她的父母反对她和那个男人结婚,因为他们觉得那个男人太穷了.主要是了解下.反对某人做某事 .合适,准确的英语翻译.4 英语翻译如题...用到括号内的词组1.不但是学生,而且老师也反对这个提议(not only… but also)2.他不顾父母反对,依然和玛丽结婚了.(regardless of)3.谁会代替李教授给我们做讲座.(take the place of )4.节