这是我儿子的一则日记,有语法和时态错误的指出来.还没打完she was silent,and she had a smile on her face.the other girl on her right said:"we didn't like the windows open,did you have idea?we made you close to windows,you must c

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 17:59:54

这是我儿子的一则日记,有语法和时态错误的指出来.还没打完she was silent,and she had a smile on her face.the other girl on her right said:"we didn't like the windows open,did you have idea?we made you close to windows,you must c
she was silent,and she had a smile on her face.the other girl on her right said:"we didn't like the windows open,did you have idea?we made you close to windows,you must close them.you had a big mouse.why were your words so much?you close your mouse.i didn't think of you say." .i thought of she is a bad student,i was silent,i didn't like speaking to her.waited a moment,i wanted to drink.some water fell down the ground when i drink.the girl said:"my foot had some water." then she threw a bottle to

这是我儿子的一则日记,有语法和时态错误的指出来.还没打完she was silent,and she had a smile on her face.the other girl on her right said:"we didn't like the windows open,did you have idea?we made you close to windows,you must c
she was silent,and she had a smile on her face.the girl on her right said:"we DON'T like the windows open.DO you have ANY idea?IF we WANT you close THE windows,you must close them.you HAVE a TALKATIVE mouse.WHY DO YOU TALK so much?JUST SHUT UP.i DON'T WANT TO HEAR you say ANYTHING ." i thought she WAS A SORT OF bad student,SO i KEPT silent,i didn't like speaking to her.A moment LATER ,i wanted to drink.some water fell off to the ground WHILE I WAS DRINKING.the girl said:"my foot IS WET WITH THE water." then she threw a bottle to ME,

这是我儿子的一则日记,有语法和时态错误的指出来.还没打完she was silent,and she had a smile on her face.the other girl on her right said:we didn't like the windows open,did you have idea?we made you close to windows,you must c 这是我儿子的一则日记请帮我修改一下,哪句的语法或时态错误指出来,but i'm not lucky at all,today is first day of september,it also is first day of the new term.but today i'm not happy at all,too.this morning,i got to school 初中英语作文 大家帮我检查一下拼写错误和语法错误如题,这是演讲用的 my hobby 忽略标点和大小写,只看拼写和语法(比如时态和单复数),如果有更好的(在写作上的)建议当然更好了,要显 这句话语法有没有错误我妈非说我这句话是错的,请达人指教 “真速度”这句中文在语法上有没有错误 帮我纠正拼写和语法、时态错误在这里~我写的日志纠正一下.记得把评论写我的 BLOG上哦~ 雷锋的一则日记 一篇英语作文,帮我检查下有没有什么错误,就是语法,拼写,时态之类的.我直接发给你,直接提交居然被吞了. 求高中英语作文,致WWF的一封信、我最喜欢的地方各需两篇不同的要求短易懂无语法和时态错误急用谢谢先! 请帮忙检查英文文法这是一则my favourite fruit (喜欢的水果)英文介绍请帮我看文法有无错误!如有错误请帮我修正!原文:我喜欢的水果是西瓜,在台湾主要的产地是在中南部,西瓜有黄的和红的!我 急,请看我写的这句话有没有时态的错误?Do you have something want to tell me?Leave a messge,please.I'll reply as soon as possible.我拿不定...我语法不好. 求一篇作文,《一则真实的日记》是作文。 英语翻译请注意他说话的方式。翻译 ”说话“的话,是用speak,还是talk,say,utterance?我的翻译是:Please pay attention to the way he speak.不知道有没有时态和语法上的错误?词典上’说话的方式‘翻 英语翻译这是语法书上的一个例子可是这样时态就有问题了啊, 我写的这篇日记有错误吗(老师规定所有词都要变成过去式哦! 帮我看看有没有什么语法的错误可好 对汉语的语法知识的探求我对汉语语法语言组句上总存在错误.像:这个词做什么语,放在句中什么位置.你告诉我“市场经营社会又和商场社会有什么不同”的这句话语法上有错误吗,“又”是 对汉语的语法知识的探求我对汉语语法语言组句上总存在错误.像:这个词做什么语,放在句中什么位置.你告诉我“市场经营社会又和商场社会有什么不同”的这句话语法上有错误吗,“又”是 初中英语日记 (我的爱好为主题)求一篇初2英语日记 关于我的爱好之类的 如果有会的 麻烦把下面中文翻译成英文 并保证不要出现语法等错误 如果是另外关于爱好之类的作文也可以传上来