what is so special about Halloween to a certain group of people in America? What do they do and why不是要翻译啊,是要回答问题!谢谢大家的帮忙啊!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 18:20:28

what is so special about Halloween to a certain group of people in America? What do they do and why不是要翻译啊,是要回答问题!谢谢大家的帮忙啊!
what is so special about Halloween to a certain group of people in America? What do they do and why

what is so special about Halloween to a certain group of people in America? What do they do and why不是要翻译啊,是要回答问题!谢谢大家的帮忙啊!
Halloween is a traditional holiday for America,to those people who love dressed up and pretend to be someone else,it s a great holiday for them.Kids can ask for candy from their neighborhood.


Halloween (or Hallowe'en) is an annual holiday observed on October 31, which commonly includes activities such as trick-or-treating, attending costume parties, carving jack-o'-lanterns, bonfires, appl...


Halloween (or Hallowe'en) is an annual holiday observed on October 31, which commonly includes activities such as trick-or-treating, attending costume parties, carving jack-o'-lanterns, bonfires, apple bobbing, visiting haunted attractions, playing pranks, telling scary stories, and watching horror films.
1. origin of the name
The word Halloween is first attested in the 16th century and represents a Scottish variant of the fuller All-Hallows-Even ("evening"), that is, the night before All Hallows Day.[4] Although the phrase All Hallows is found in Old English (ealra hālgena mæssedæg, mass-day of all saints), All-Hallows-Even is itself not attested until 1556.[4]
2. History
Halloween has origins in the ancient festival known as Samhain (pronounced sow-in or sau-an),which is derived from Old Irish and means roughly "summer's end".This was a Gaelic festival celebrated mainly in Ireland and Scotland. However, similar festivals were held by other Celts – for example the festival of Calan Gaeaf (pronounced kalan-geyf) which was held by the ancient Britons.
The festival of Samhain celebrates the end of the "lighter half" of the year and beginning of the "darker half", and is sometimes regarded as the "Celtic New Year".
The celebration has some elements of a festival of the dead. The ancient Celts believed that the border between this world and the Otherworld became thin on Samhain, allowing spirits (both harmless and harmful) to pass through. The family's ancestors were honoured and invited home whilst harmful spirits were warded off. It is believed that the need to ward off harmful spirits led to the wearing of costumes and masks. Their purpose was to disguise oneself as a harmful spirit and thus avoid harm. In Scotland the spirits were impersonated by young men dressed in white with masked, veiled or blackened faces. Samhain was also a time to take stock of food supplies and slaughter livestock for winter stores. Bonfires played a large part in the festivities. All other fires were doused and each home lit their hearth from the bonfire. The bones of slaughtered livestock were cast into its flames. Sometimes two bonfires would be built side-by-side, and people and their livestock would walk between them as a cleansing ritual.
Another common practise was divination, which often involved the use of food and drink.
The name Halloween and many present-day traditions, derive from the Old English era.
3. customs
1)Trick-or-treating and guising
Trick-or-treating is a customary celebration for children on Halloween. Children go in costume from house to house, asking for treats such as candy or sometimes money, with the question, "Trick or treat?" The word "trick" refers to a (mostly idle) threat to perform mischief on the homeowners or their property if no treat is given. In some parts of Ireland and Scotland children still go guising. In this custom the child performs some sort of show, i.e. sings a song or tells a ghost story, in order to earn their treats.
People dressing in Halloween Costumes in Dublin.Halloween costumes are traditionally modeled after supernatural figures such as monsters, ghosts, skeletons, witches, and devils. Over time, the costume selection extended to include popular characters from fiction, celebrities, and generic archetypes such as ninjas and princesses.
Dressing up in costumes and going "guising" was prevalent in Scotland and Ireland at Halloween by the 19th century.[19] Costuming became popular for Halloween parties in the US in the early 20th century, as often for adults as for children. The first mass-produced Halloween costumes appeared in stores in the 1930s when trick-or-treating was becoming popular in the United States.
Halloween costume parties generally fall on, or around, 31 October, often falling on the Friday or Saturday prior to Halloween.
3)Games and other activities
In this Halloween greeting card from 1904, divination is depicted: the young woman looking into a mirror in a darkened room hopes to catch a glimpse of the face of her future husband.There are several games traditionally associated with Halloween parties. One common game is dunking or apple bobbing, in which apples float in a tub or a large basin of water and the participants must use their teeth to remove an apple from the basin.[29] A variant of dunking involves kneeling on a chair, holding a fork between the teeth and trying to drop the fork into an apple.[30] Another common game involves hanging up treacle or syrup-coated scones by strings; these must be eaten without using hands while they remain attached to the string, an activity that inevitably leads to a very sticky face.
Some games traditionally played at Halloween are forms of divination. A traditional Scottish form of divining one's future spouse is to carve an apple in one long strip, then toss the peel over one's shoulder. The peel is believed to land in the shape of the first letter of the future spouse's name.[31] Unmarried women were told that if they sat in a darkened room and gazed into a mirror on Halloween night, the face of their future husband would appear in the mirror. However, if they were destined to die before marriage, a skull would appear. The custom was widespread enough to be commemorated on greeting cards[32] from the late 19th century and early 20th century.
The telling of ghost stories and viewing of horror films are common fixtures of Halloween parties. Episodes of television series and Halloween-themed specials (with the specials usually aimed at children) are commonly aired on or before the holiday, while new horror films are often released theatrically before the holiday to take advantage of the atmosphere.
万圣节的庆祝活动来源于All Hallows Day 或 All Saints Day,每年的11月1日。原先是异教徒们纪念死者的节日,但是逐渐演变成一个纪念基督圣者的节日。Halloween 这个字来自于All Hallows Eve,也就是All Hallows Day的前一天。人们认为在当天晚上,亡者的灵魂会重新复活。
Dressing up in costumes 是最受欢迎的万圣节风俗之一,尤其受孩子们的欢迎。按照传统,人们会dress up in costumes(穿戴着一些特别的服装,面具或者装饰)来吓跑灵魂。
流行的万圣节服装包括vampires(吸血鬼),ghosts(死者的灵魂)和werewolves(每当月圆时变成狼形的人)。Trick or Treating 是现代万圣节的风俗,孩子们穿着特殊的衣服走街串巷,讨取treats(类似糖果和玩具之类)。如果他们要不到任何treats,他们可能就会对屋主 trick了(恶作剧或胡闹)。Jack o' Lantern 的传统来自于一个民间传说,一个名叫Jack的人戏弄了恶魔,之后就不得不提着一盏灯在地球上流浪。Jack o' Lantern是用蜡烛插在中间挖空且雕刻成脸形的的南瓜做成的。和万圣节有关的superstitions还有很多。Superstition是一种不合常理的想法,比如人为13是不吉利的数字.万圣节还和一些supernatural creatures(如鬼魂和吸血鬼)有关。这些生物不是自然界的一部分。他们实际上是不存在的...或者他们其实真的存在?Witches 是万圣节很受欢迎的人物,人们认为他们有强大的魔力。他们通常戴着尖顶的帽子,骑在扫帚上飞来飞去。Bad omens 也是万圣节庆祝活动的一部分。人们相信bad omen会带给人类厄运,譬如黑猫,蜘蛛或者蝙蝠。
