
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 16:26:22


1.Mother is the rainbow of my life,it became so colorful and happy just because of her influence.
2.i still remember one matter happened 3 years ago,as if it just happened
3.when i fell into reverie
4.Mother clapped on my shoulder and said:"there is no trifle of the work,each matter worths our serious treatment."

1.Mother is the touch of the rainbow in my life, precisely because of his influence, my life would be so happy and colorful.
2.One thing after three years, I still remember.
3.In my imagination when
4.Mother patted me on the shoulder, said to me: "Work is no small matter, all things are worth to be taken seriously."

1. My mother has enlightened my life the same way as rainbow highlights colors of sunshine. Because of her, my life shines.


1. My mother has enlightened my life the same way as rainbow highlights colors of sunshine. Because of her, my life shines.
2. Memories are still fresh even though I recall it after three long years.
3. I was wondering in my mind...
4. Rubbing my shoulder, mother told me, " make sure you pay full attention to everying related to the work, even to trivials."


1,My mother is just like a rainbow in my life.My life could be so colorful owing to her influence.
2,The case happened three years ago ,but I still remember it as if it just happened yesterday.


1,My mother is just like a rainbow in my life.My life could be so colorful owing to her influence.
2,The case happened three years ago ,but I still remember it as if it just happened yesterday.
3,When I am in my anywhere.
4,Mom clapped my shoulder and told me:"There is nothing not important in work,and we need to be serious with everything.


1. The mother is in my life with a rainbow, it is for his influence, and my life will be so happy and colorful.
2. After 3 years of one thing, I still remember.
3. In my anywhere
4. Mother...


1. The mother is in my life with a rainbow, it is for his influence, and my life will be so happy and colorful.
2. After 3 years of one thing, I still remember.
3. In my anywhere
4. Mother patted me on the shoulder, said to me: "no working things, all things are worth us to seriously."


英语翻译1.母亲是我人生中的一抹彩虹,正是因为他的影响,我的人生才会如此多彩快乐.2.时隔3年的一件事,我仍记忆犹新.3.在我浮想联翩之时4.母亲拍拍我的肩,对我说:“工作无小事,所有事都 思念是人生的彩虹 思念是人生的彩虹 思念是人生的彩虹 《思念是人生的彩虹》的答案 她母亲是我姑姑 英语翻译 1.如何理解第一段中:思念是人生四季精神上的彩虹 我心目中的母亲 英语翻译你我都来自彩虹中学 思念是人生的彩虹的阅读答案 思念是人生的彩虹 阅读 如何理解标题 能给我个权威的答案天空中的正南方可能出现彩虹吗?不都是说彩虹多出现在太阳的相对的方向吗?我在1997年我们家得正南方就看见过一道彩虹,不算长,当时太阳就在彩虹的上面 《怀念母亲》 练习题一、结合课文写出下列近义词.忍耐( ) 异常( ) 思潮起伏( )二、结合课文内容理解句子中的词语1.我现在才知道,古今中外的母亲都是一样的!“都是一样的,”是怎 彩虹是气象中的一种光学现象 英语翻译如果说人生是五彩缤纷的,那么青春必是其中最绚丽的一抹;如果说人生是动静交融的,那么青春必是其中最活力四射的一份.麻烦帮我翻译下,不要工具翻译 成为一名记者是我梦想中的工作 英语翻译 给我一篇600字作文,题目是成长中的一道彩虹,文体不限,急需 母亲是我人生的第一位教师这句话运用什么修辞手法