找英语高手帮翻译下..女朋友的留言.看不懂 e.e‘‘‘When we sway and turn round and round and round It"s like the first time .Just one more chance .Hold me tight and keep me ware .Just one last dance ,just one last chance ,j

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 12:52:26

找英语高手帮翻译下..女朋友的留言.看不懂 e.e‘‘‘When we sway and turn round and round and round It"s like the first time .Just one more chance .Hold me tight and keep me ware .Just one last dance ,just one last chance ,j
找英语高手帮翻译下..女朋友的留言.看不懂 e.e‘‘‘
When we sway and turn round and round and round
It"s like the first time .
Just one more chance .
Hold me tight and keep me ware .
Just one last dance ,just one last chance ,just one last dance .

找英语高手帮翻译下..女朋友的留言.看不懂 e.e‘‘‘When we sway and turn round and round and round It"s like the first time .Just one more chance .Hold me tight and keep me ware .Just one last dance ,just one last chance ,j
有错字.不过是一首叫"just one last dance"(就再跳最后一舞)歌里的
when we sway and turn around,around,around
it's like the first time
Just one more chance
hold me tight and keep me warm

找英语高手帮翻译下..女朋友的留言.看不懂 e.e‘‘‘When we sway and turn round and round and round Its like the first time .Just one more chance .Hold me tight and keep me ware .Just one last dance ,just one last chance ,j 高分求英语高手帮我看下我翻译的怎么样 高分求英语高手帮我看下我翻译的怎么样 找个英语高手帮我翻译 100字的汉语论文帮我翻译英语 英语翻译找个高手帮我翻译下这个句子. 英语翻译找高手帮我翻译下咯.THANK 英语高手麻烦帮我翻译下这句话成英语:麻烦,不会英语找词典.谢谢了、就翻译下面这句:麻烦,不会英语找词典. 我女朋友给我的留言,我不怎么会英语,麻烦各位高手解决下IStill you never said goodbye and now I know How far you'd go I know I let you down But it's not like that now This time I'll never let you go I will be, all that you want A 英语翻译《很高兴收到你的留言,但遗憾的是我不太懂英语,包括你的留言都是找朋友帮我翻译的,但是还想和你成为朋友,这是我的邮件地址.》 给女朋友空间留言要求短一点的,最好是一句话,呵呵,女朋友空间好冷清,所以.... 找个翻译英语的高手, 英语翻译麻烦各位外贸高手帮我翻译下,看下怎样可以翻译的更加地道, 求高手帮我看看一张英语的单子高手帮我翻译下 翻好了追加100分 懂英语的,帮个忙来哪为英语高手能帮我找个英文句子,要立志点的句子,不要颓废的~顺便帮我翻译下~我想在自己身上文上去 找高手帮我翻译学位认证的成绩单? 找高手帮我翻译学位的成绩单? 求英语高手帮忙! 翻译出录音里面的所有内容 想挑战的高手请给留言.2735732676 英语翻译英语高手们帮我翻译下这个句子,