
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 13:26:49


Purchase Order is a document authorizing a vendor to deliver required materials or services at specified prices and terms and must be executed by someone with purchase execution authority.

The purchase order is a document which approves of suppliers to deliver goods or do service according to specific prices and time periods, and is carried out by a person who is authorised to purchase goods.

A purchase order is a document which approves the supplier to provide products or services as per price and time limit set in it and appoints the one who excutes the pruchasing right to carry it out.

the order of purchasing is a file authorizing the suppliers's consignment and service within established prices and time limit, and all these should be done by only one person who is in charge of purchasing。

In 1982, the population of elderly people aged over 60 was 754,000 in Nantong, which made up 10.2% of the city's total population. Since then, this figure has been increasing at an annual rate of 3.2%...


In 1982, the population of elderly people aged over 60 was 754,000 in Nantong, which made up 10.2% of the city's total population. Since then, this figure has been increasing at an annual rate of 3.2%. By 2005, it has reached 1,600,000--18.2% of the total population. Estimates based on the average increase of the 'over-60' population between 1991 and 2001 predicts that the number of aged inhabitants will reach 2,200,000--22% of the whole population, in 2020. By 2050, Nangtong will have entered its demographic peak with the number of the elderly reaching maximum. In response, the local authority has established sets of guidelines (namely 'Organised by the government, joined by the society, cared by the people'), and policies for the social work of elderly care.


The purchase order is a document prescribing the specific prices, time periods and the authorised excutor of the purchase for the suppliers.

The order slip is a document that authorizes a supplier to deliver goods or perform services according to previously agreed-upon terms and conditions; to be issued only by a person with authorization to place orders.

A purchase order form is a hard-copy order for supplies or services
that a company sends to a vendor. In return, the vendor fulfills and ships
the items or delivers the services to the ordering company based on the
specific price and time limit.
P.S. 差不多是这样了

PO. (purchase order) is a piece of document which approves suppliers to deliver goods or service demands with specified price and time , and is carried out by the person who is authorised to purchase goods

Purchase order is a document, approved suppliers in accordance with the specified price and time to delivery or service demands and rights by the implementation of the procurement of a person to practice.

英语翻译采购定单是一个文件,批准供应商按照指定的价格和期限的要求来交货或服务,并且由执行采购权利的一个人来实行. 英语翻译美国已经同意我们供应商的图纸了,我们是继续定单还是自己开发呢?如果我们自己开发我想我们应该进早的通知美国和取消供应商的定单 英语翻译我们在美国定单单价不变的基础上供应商的价格下降了5个点.意思是我们国外的定单单价不变,但是供应商的价格要下降5个幅度,来增加我们的利润 英语翻译有一些文件需要你批准! 英语翻译您的定单确认和我们的定单是不同的,请查收附件.定单中的第一个和第四个.我们根据您的代码下定单我们需要的是卷装.不是盒装. 英语翻译我的专业是工商管类类市场营销.我是一个耐心,谨慎,富有责任心的人.有两年工业辅料例如包装材料,劳保用品等的采购经验,熟悉产品特性,了解市场规律.能独立开发管理优质供应商. 英语翻译附件是翻译后的文件供你们检阅(review),发现任何问题请随时联系我如若翻译文件没有问题,请批准付款. 英语翻译这是我们第一次合作,我希望我们的合作有一个好的开端.由于时间和气候的原因,也为了我们能够按质,按量,按时的完成定单,我们降低了定单的数量,请谅解.我们将会把新年后的第一 英语翻译后续:现在需要各位经理批准后收货仓才能确认入账,然后供应商才能收到此批货款, 向几家供应商发招标文件,招标文件是要约还是要约邀请? 英语翻译小菜鸟先在此谢过了是供应商评估手册里的一个选项。 英语翻译我的顾客可以接受下定单的时候增加它的生产日期,却没有办法接受它一直没有出运信息,顾客已经对我们失去的耐心.如果我们在没有一个准确的信息将由供应商负责空运.我们都知道 英语翻译在商品管理总部担任采购助理,主要工作内容是,辅助采购经理做好商品谈判的工作.主要负责和各供应商签订陈列协议、特价协议、DM协议等.做好销售分析,以供采购经理作参考. 英语翻译1:负责IT管理工作2:IT设备的采购、清点和报废“3:IT供应商管理 英语翻译我的主要职责是协助上级领导洽谈价格,向供应商下定单进货,并对货物进行全程跟踪直到货物到达并最终入库,同时完成资料的整理归档.在此过程中会遇到各种紧急问题,我需要不断 英语翻译我的主要职责是协助上级领导洽谈价格,向供应商下定单进货,并对货物进行全程跟踪直到货物到达并最终入库,同时完成资料的整理归档.在此过程中会遇到各种紧急问题,我需要不断 英语翻译经营范围涉及行政审批和许可证的,在取得批准文件和许可证后,并在有效期内经营 政府采购的采购人、供应商、采购代理机构的权利义务比较?