可数名词和lessless可以修饰可数名词么?Only seven people this century have been killed by the great white shark,the man-eater of the movies—less than those killed by bee stings.这里面的less修饰people可以么?还是应该改成few

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 12:09:40

可数名词和lessless可以修饰可数名词么?Only seven people this century have been killed by the great white shark,the man-eater of the movies—less than those killed by bee stings.这里面的less修饰people可以么?还是应该改成few
Only seven people this century have been killed by the great white shark,the man-eater of the movies—less than those killed by bee stings.这里面的less修饰people可以么?还是应该改成fewer?

可数名词和lessless可以修饰可数名词么?Only seven people this century have been killed by the great white shark,the man-eater of the movies—less than those killed by bee stings.这里面的less修饰people可以么?还是应该改成few
less or fewer
举个典型的例子:在美国超市里买东西,结帐时你可以选择走普通通道或快速通道.快速通道上面必定有显眼的标志:For X items or less(购买不超过X件物品的顾客可使用此道).到目前为止我还没有看到任何一家超市用For X items or fewer.
被许多语言学家推荐的M erriam-Webster’s Concise Dictionary of English Usage 有专门的less/fewer 条目,里面确认了这一现象:Here is the rule as it is usually encountered:fewer refers to number among things that are counted,and less refers to quantity or amount among things that are measured.This rule is simple enough and easy enough to follow.It has only one fault----it is not accurate for all usage.(通常的原则是:fewer形容可数名词,跟“数”挂钩;less形容不可数名词,跟“量”挂钩.这个原则简单易行,只有一个缺陷----它并不总能准确描述所有的用法.)
关键问题在于,什么时候会出现特例?M erriam-Webster给出了几个大类:
1. 如果可数名词是距离、金钱或时间单位,less than 比fewer than 更常用.比如:The odometer showed less than ten thousand miles.(里程表显示车开了不到1万英里).He had somewhat less than a million dollars to his name when he went to Washington.(刚去华盛顿的时候,他的财产还不到100万美圆).
I’ve known you less than 24-hours .(我认识你还不到24小时).
2. 如果出现“不少于某具体数字”的句式,no less than 比 no fewer than 常用.比如:This language is spoken by no less than 100 million people in the world.(全世界说这种语言的人不少于1亿.)
3. 如果出现“某具体数字或更少”(也就是“不多于某具体数字”)的句式,一般用X or less,而非X or fewer.前面提到的超市快速道的X or less 就属于这种情况.再举一例:Readers are encouraged to keep their comments to 500 words or less.(读者最好将留言控制在500字以内).
4. 如果“少”跟在“一”后面,用one less,而非one fewer.比如:Every time you keep quiet and refuse to step up to the plate,you have one less chance to prove yourself.( 每当你保持低调,不肯出面采取行动的时候,你就少了一次证明自己的机会.)
由此可见,less 比 fewer 要更灵活一些.前者同时使用于可数名词和不可数名词,而后者只适用于可数名词.M erriam-Webster总结的很精辟:If you aer a native speaker,your use of less and fewer can reliably be guided by your ear.If you are not a native speaker,you will find that the simple tule with which we started is a safe guide,except for the constructions for which we have shown less to be preferred .(如果英语是你的母语,用less 还是fewer,靠“听起来顺不顺耳”就可以判定.如果英语不是你的母语,“less 对应不可数名词、fewer对应可数名词”的简单原则可做可靠引导,除了上面列出的特例.在这些情况下,less是更好的选择.)

必须用less than,“少于”固定搭配。如果是多于的话就是more than了。

less是little的比较级 修饰n不
当然在这句里面不能改,less than是词组


从语法上严格讲,可数名词是用fewer(few)修饰的,不过真正使用的时候可能也用到less(little), 也就是说真正的日常应用并没那么严格遵循语法规则。

less than本来就是可以修饰可数名词的。这是个词组,如果分开只看less、那么一般就是修饰不可数名词了。下面有个修饰可数名词的例子。
I'll stay here not less than three days. 我将待在这里至少三天。