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ENIAC was a milestone in the history of computer development have been the computer of the English original words "computer" is a person engaged in data calculation. And they often need the help of some mechanical computing device or analog computer. The ancestors of these early computing devices including calculations, and can be traced back 87 years BC The ancient Greeks used to calculate the planets are moving 安提基特拉 mechanism. With Europe in the late Middle Ages, mathematics and engineering and prosperity once again, 1623 by Wilhelm Schickard developed the first computing device in Europe first, which is less than six number one capable of addition and subtraction, and ring out the answer through the "Calculation clock. " Used to operate the gears.
In 1642 the French mathematician Pascal WILLIAM Oughtred's slide rule, based on the slide rule to be improved, can be calculated for eight. Also sold many products, became a fashionable commodity.
In 1801, Joseph Marie Jacquard weaving machine of improved design, which he used a series of punched paper cards as a complex weaving pattern procedures. Jacquard-type loom, though not considered a real computer, but it is indeed the emergence of the modern computer, an important step in the development process.
Charles Babbage (Charles Babbage) is the concept and design a fully programmable computer, the first man, was in 1820. However, due to technical conditions, financial constraints and the lack of patience on the design of constant repair, this computer has been unable to come in his lifetime. About the late 19th century, many turned out to be of great significance in computer science technologies have emerged, including punch cards and vacuum tubes. Hermann Hollerith designed a tabulating machine used to achieve large-scale application of punched cards automatic data processing.
In the first half of the 20th century, in order to meet the needs of scientific computing, many single-purpose and complex analog computer deepening been developed. These computers are used for specific issues they are mechanical or electronic model as a basis. Three to four decades of the 20th century, the computer's performance began to grow and be enhanced versatility, the key features of modern computer is continuously join.
1937 by Claude Elwood Shannon (Claude Shannon) published his great treatise "of the relay and switching circuits Symbolic Analysis," in which the first mentioned digital electronic technology. He tells us how to use the switch to implement the logical and mathematical operations. Since then, through his research Vannevar Bush's differential simulator to further consolidate his ideas. This is a marked binary electronic circuit design and application of logic gates important moment in the beginning, but as a pioneer of the birth of these critical thinking, should include: Almon Strowger, his logic gate for a device containing an application for a patent; Nicholas Tesla (Nikola Tesla), he had to apply as early as 1898, the circuit contains a logic gate device; Lee De Forest, in 1907 he used vacuum tubes instead of relays.
Commodore eighties in the 20th century, the Amiga 500 computer production along such a long distance up and down the long quest to define the so-called "first electronic computer" can be quite difficult. May 12, 1941, Konrad Zuse completed his share of mechanical and electrical equipment "Z3", this is the first feature with automatic binary math and computer programming possible, but not the "electronic" computer. In addition, other notable achievements are: the birth of the summer of 1941 Atanasoff - Berry Computer is the world's first electronic computer, using the vacuum tube calculator, binary value, reusable memory; in the UK in 1943 the mystery of the Colossus is a computer display (Colossus computer), despite the extremely limited programming skills, but it is indeed telling the people to use vacuum tubes only reliable but also the re-electrification program; Harvard University's Harvard Mark I; and Based on binary "Eni Ake" (ENIAC, 1944), the intent of this is the first general-purpose computer, but not because of its flexible design, leading to its re-programmed each time it means the physical circuit electrical re-connection.
Development of Aker group Eni further improved for its design flaws and, ultimately, as we know it today, showing the von Neumann architecture (program memory architecture). This system is the basis for all computers today. Middle and late 20th century, 40 years, a large number of computer Against this 体系 began to be developed, which the British first. While the first development completed and put into operation a "small-scale experimental machine" (Small-Scale Experimental Machine, SSEM), but the real practical machine was developed is likely to be EDSAC.
Throughout the 20th century, 50's, vacuum tube computers dominated. September 12, 1958 at the Robert Noyce (INTEL company's founder) under the leadership of the invention of integrated circuits. Soon after the introduction of the microprocessor. Between 1959 and 1964, designed the second generation of computers are generally known as the computer.
To 60 years, the transistor computer to replace it. Transistors smaller, faster, cheaper, more reliable, which allows them to be commercialized. 1964 to 1972, generally known as the third generation of computers computer. Extensive use of integrated circuits, a typical model is the IBM360 series.
To the 70's, the introduction of IC technology has greatly reduced the production cost computer, the computer began to millions of households. After 1972, the computer used to be called the fourth generation of computers. Based on large scale integrated circuits, and the subsequent large scale integrated circuits. April 1, 1972 launch INTEL 8008 microprocessor. 1976 Stephen Wozinak and Stephen Jobs founded Apple Computer. And the launch of its Apple I computer. May 1977 Apple II-based computer released. June 1, 1979 issued a 8-bit INTEL 8088 microprocessor.
In 1982, the microcomputer began to spread, a lot of access to schools and families. January 1982 Commodore 64 computer, released, price: 595 dollars. 80286 issued in February 1982. Clock frequency up to 20MHz, and an increase in protected mode, you can access the 16M memory. Support more than 1GB of virtual memory. 2.7 million instructions per second, integrated 134,000 transistors.
November 1990: the first generation of MPC (Multimedia PC standards) release. Processor at least 80286/12MHz, later increased to 80386SX/16 MHz, and an optical drive, at least 150 KB / sec transfer rate. October 10, 1994 Intel released 75 MHz Pentium processor. November 1, 1995 Pentium Pro released. Frequency of up to 200 MHz, 440 million instructions per second to complete, integrate 550 million transistors. January 8, 1997 Intel released Pentium MMX. For games and multimedia functions were enhanced.
After the computer is ever evolving Moore's Law published in 1965 should continue to be issued permits to predict in the next 10 to 15 years still remains applicable.