will /be going to 用法区别?There _____(will be/is going to be ) a meeting tomorrow.I think it _____(will/is going to )rain tomorrow.第二个老师讲的是用will,但是表示天气推测不是固定用is going to 到底是怎样啊?请具体细

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 18:46:04

will /be going to 用法区别?There _____(will be/is going to be ) a meeting tomorrow.I think it _____(will/is going to )rain tomorrow.第二个老师讲的是用will,但是表示天气推测不是固定用is going to 到底是怎样啊?请具体细
will /be going to 用法区别?
There _____(will be/is going to be ) a meeting tomorrow.
I think it _____(will/is going to )rain tomorrow.第二个老师讲的是用will,但是表示天气推测不是固定用is going to 到底是怎样啊?请具体细解.

will /be going to 用法区别?There _____(will be/is going to be ) a meeting tomorrow.I think it _____(will/is going to )rain tomorrow.第二个老师讲的是用will,但是表示天气推测不是固定用is going to 到底是怎样啊?请具体细
(一)be going to表示即将发生的动作;will表示将来发生的事情,不一定是最近期间之事.例:
She told him she was going to quit the job.
She will go to Australia next year.
(二) be going to可以用以表示某人打算做某事;will则用以叙述某件将要发生之事.前者含有主观意愿;后者只是客观的叙述.例:
He is not going to be made a scapegoat.
He will not beome a scapegoat.
(三)在表示按计划或安排要发生的动作时,可以用be going to;will只表示单纯的将来,并无按规定或计划之意.例:
The railway is going to be open on October 1.
This railway will be electrified when there is a need