
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 17:42:14
连词成句:together,sunday,us,hiking,go,Let 外貌描写和肖像描写有什么啊区别 外貌描写和肖像描写的区别 肖像描写和外貌描写有区别吗? 我的名字叫陈思琪 希望知道自己的英文名 我的名字最后是君希望要个英文名 求新视野大学英语第二版视听说教程4后面光盘的验证码,需要刮开的那个谢谢 Can you tell me what time he usually___(come)back? would,do,if,what,you,back,come,you,your,to,childhood,怎么造句 希望之星比赛中之"小学B组","小学组B高"英语怎样说? 很多动物 的英语怎么拼?很少动物呢? must to do sth 和 have to do sth和need to 的用法急 my name is Alice(改为否定句) did you help them ____their roomA to clean B cleansC cleaning if you are ( )of help,you can call me any time.如果你需要帮助,可以在任何时候给我打电话. The girls "are dancing" under the tree?对加引号的单词提问. 请大家帮忙分析下我的六级成绩单我是2009年6月考的六级,由于时间很紧,完型基本上没怎么看就写了,请朋友们帮忙分析一下,成绩的特点,薄弱的地方.成绩总分:438听力:152阅读:188综合:22写 做提单,这票货去沙特阿拉伯的,途中中转杰贝阿里,那么我做单证的时候means of transport and route 因该 my 英语填什么 (one)name is gina. 做原产地证单据的时候有Means of transport and route这样的一个问题.我写的时候FROM QINGDAO CHINA TO HOCHIMINH CITY,VIETNAM BY SHIP 这么写就可以么? a means to和a means of的区别?我在网上看到了英文版的解释,但是我还是不是特别清楚,我先把英文版的copy上来:When we say “X as a means of Y” suggests that X is a kind of Y.For example,I might say:2) Dining out only some drivers spent more time under their cars than in them怎么理解 0 attempts have been made to reconnect.这是什么问题呢? 分析一下Where mistakes have been made……Where mistakes have been made,the responsibility rests with me.上句中where作什么成分? many people have been made homeless句中 Today,houdehold chores have been made much easier by electrical ___ A,facilities B,equipment C,appliances D,Utilities 为什么选c, “一张”用英语怎么写? His family name is Grace?和my name is Alice?一般疑问句并作否定回答 I have a pain in my legs.(改为同义句) 同义句改写 I’ve a pain in my head.My head___________. 英文字母有半角和全角之分吗? 英国当时为何不杀掉甘地?有哪些因素使印度独立?印度独立的具体过程?