有关分词的问题The accident happened yesterday must not happen again.上面这句话怎么错了 还有She dashed into her room,crying.这句话意思是她哭着跑进了房间She cried and dashed into her room 那么这句呢 有什么很大

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 06:45:24

有关分词的问题The accident happened yesterday must not happen again.上面这句话怎么错了 还有She dashed into her room,crying.这句话意思是她哭着跑进了房间She cried and dashed into her room 那么这句呢 有什么很大
The accident happened yesterday must not happen again.
She dashed into her room,crying.这句话意思是她哭着跑进了房间
She cried and dashed into her room 那么这句呢 有什么很大的区别么 怎么翻译啊

有关分词的问题The accident happened yesterday must not happen again.上面这句话怎么错了 还有She dashed into her room,crying.这句话意思是她哭着跑进了房间She cried and dashed into her room 那么这句呢 有什么很大
第一句的主干是The accident must not happen again.这里happened yesterday应该是过去分词短语做定语,因为过去分词都是表示被动之意,而happen(包括take place,break out)都没有被动,所以该句错了,改为:The accident which/that happened yesterday must not happen again.
第一句crying现在分词是伴随状语,是指伴随主要动作(dashed) 的次要动作,这里两个动作有主次之分,理解为:她一边哭着一边冲进了自己的房间.

happen和accident是主动关系,所以这句话正确表达应该是,The accident which happened yesterday must not happen again.或者The accident happening yesterday must not happen again.第一句中的which可以省略,所以原句也是正确的,但原句中的happened是动词过去式而不是过去...


happen和accident是主动关系,所以这句话正确表达应该是,The accident which happened yesterday must not happen again.或者The accident happening yesterday must not happen again.第一句中的which可以省略,所以原句也是正确的,但原句中的happened是动词过去式而不是过去分词。


有关分词的问题The accident happened yesterday must not happen again.上面这句话怎么错了 还有She dashed into her room,crying.这句话意思是她哭着跑进了房间She cried and dashed into her room 那么这句呢 有什么很大 有关德语二分词的问题:vertragen的二分词是什么?danke 有关英语名词性从句的改错.Whoever was responsible for the accident is not yet clear.Whoever was responsible for the accident is not yet clear. 怎么判断是形容词还是过去分词作状语比如说 _Frightened_by the accident,the little girl burst into tears这是形容词还是 frighten的过去分词?the little 是逻辑主语? 英语问题how the accident come about?这里的come about为什么不用过去式 英语问题:有关非谓语动词现在分词:Seeing the teacher entering the room,the students stood up.其中Seeing是现在分词作状语,entering是什么成分呢?动名词还是现在分词?可以用原型enter吗? 英语语法小问题Who is to blame for the accident happened yesterday?这句话的语法对吗我们老师说不对 她说happened前面必须要有that或which,这里不能省略 ,她说原因是过去分词作后置定语表示会被动含义 the work is done by 再加一个问题,英语里的分词指的就是过去分词吗? 英语翻译Our senses __________________________________________(和我们的全面健康有关).Do you have _________________________________________ (与...有关) the accident?The boy _____________________________________________ (看到妈妈忍 一个有关独立主格的问题The question being settled,we went home.The job finished,we went home.为什么第一句使用being第二句使用过去分词,question和job不都是被动的吗? The mother who lost her son insisted the careless driver was to blame for the traffic accident happening yesterday.请问下happening能换成happened吗?为什么happen做非谓语动词不是可以用过去分词的吗? 有关过去分词作定语的问题The (stolen )car...I have some money (left in my pocket)老师说过去分词短的放前面,长的放后面那most of the artists invited.invited不是短的吗?为什么不放artisits的前面.most of the artists the accident happenging yesterday上面的句子对吗?请问下现在分词能表过去时吗?不好意思,原句是the mother who lost her son insisted the careless driver was to blame for the traffic accident happening yesterday。请问下happe 有关过去分词的全部语法 有关语法书"非谓语动词——分词"的问题 现在分词表条件时用一个分词短语来解释整个句子 jujdi有关语法书"非谓语动词——分词"的问题现在分词表条件时用一个分词短语来解释整个句 英文自然语言处理问题,谁可以给我介绍一些有关英文分词技术的文章,不是语法中的过去分词是有关英语自然语言识别方面的内容. 分词作状语的语法问题Intended to display the work of twentieth-century artists,the Museum of Modern Art opened.为什么,状语要用过去分词形式(intended),而不是现在分词形式(indendting),与其逻辑主语musem 应该是 he himself saw the accident这句话的解释