CCTV放的介绍SOUTH AFRICA 的文章上次在CCTV看到一个介绍SOUTH AFRICA 的节目,英语的,写的好好,一大堆排比.哪个把那篇文章发给我~

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 18:09:58

CCTV放的介绍SOUTH AFRICA 的文章上次在CCTV看到一个介绍SOUTH AFRICA 的节目,英语的,写的好好,一大堆排比.哪个把那篇文章发给我~
上次在CCTV看到一个介绍SOUTH AFRICA 的节目,英语的,写的好好,一大堆排比.哪个把那篇文章发给我~

CCTV放的介绍SOUTH AFRICA 的文章上次在CCTV看到一个介绍SOUTH AFRICA 的节目,英语的,写的好好,一大堆排比.哪个把那篇文章发给我~

South Africa- -

Welcome to magnificent(宏伟的) country of South Africa, a place that brings back such wonderful treasured memories to me that are with me e...


South Africa- -

Welcome to magnificent(宏伟的) country of South Africa, a place that brings back such wonderful treasured memories to me that are with me everyday, of the majestic animals in their splendid glory in their natural habitat((动植物的)栖息地), the wonderful tribes(部落) of Africa, rich in traditions and culture that survive today in such glorious colours everywhere you go.
So much unspoiled scenery to savor, breathtaking and stunning with so much to see and do. You will fall in love with this country as everyone does. The modern cities of such as the capital Pretoria(比勒陀利亚), Johannesburg(约翰内斯堡,南非最大的城市), Durban(德班,南非港市) where I lived, Kimberley(金伯利) where the world's diamonds come from, and of course the city I am going to start with my South African adventure with the most visited Cape Town(开普敦). So sit back and enjoy and try to picture the dream that one day you too can share, maybe together.
Western Cape 西开普省
The Western Cape is one of South Africa's premier tourist attractions, and for good reason. It is home to the famous Table Mountain(桌山), vast winelands, magnificent beaches, world-class restaurants and cosmopolitan(全世界的,国际的) entertainment haunts(常去的地方). The Cape boasts exquisite(优美的) scenery and a myriad of(多种的,各式各样的) cultures and tourist treasures that are just waiting to be discovered, so get going to the fairest Cape.
Situated on the south-western tip of Africa, the Western Cape is the meeting point of the cold Atlantic(大西洋) and the warm Indian Oceans(印度洋). Its capital city Cape Town, is dominated(俯视) by the flat-topped(平顶的) bulk of Table Mountain.
The province has South Africa's fifth largest population, numbering in the region of 4.5 million inhabitants(居民). The story of the Republic of South Africa began in the Western Cape, some 350 years ago, when it was inhabited(有人居住的) by the Khoi, San(科伊族和桑族,南非最早的原住民) and other Bantu-speaking(说班图语的) groups. In the late 15th century European seafarers(航海家) arrived here in search of a halfway stop on trade routes to the East and thereby changed the face of South African history forever.
The Western Cape enjoys hot summers and cool rainy winters -- perfect weather for the production of fruit, grains and, most important-- wine. Thanks to its scenic beauty and many attractions, tourism is a major and growing force in the Western Cape, which hosts over 50% of the country's international visitors.
Major attractions in the area:
Cape Town Metropolitan area
The area between Table Mountain and Hottentots Holland comprises the Cape Town Metropole and encompasses(构成,包括) pulsating(搏动的, 脉动的) cosmopolitan city life, beach playgrounds, forests and exquisite nature parks.
Table Mountain
Cape Town's most famous landmark - a quick spin by revolving cable car(空中缆车) climbing to the 1,086m summit (sometimes covered in cloud that is referred to as the tablecloth(桌布)) will give the visitor a breathtaking grand view of one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and of course theequally famous South African 'Alcatraz' (恶魔岛,美国加利福尼亚州西部的一座岩石岛屿,曾经是监狱)-- Robben Island(罗宾岛,曾囚禁南非前总统尼尔逊•曼德拉的监狱岛) prison.
The Famous V & A Waterfront
The most visited attraction in Cape Town is the Victoria & Alfred Waterfront(维多利亚和艾尔弗雷德港口) with its assortment(多种多样) of shopping, eating, bars, entertainment and sightseeing facilities, all set within a working harbour(海港).
A must to do is just amble(缓步,慢行) round the shops picking up souvenirs(纪念品), then sit down to a succulent(多汁的) beefsteak(牛排) barbequed(烤肉,用调料烤) to your liking and whatever size your appetite can manage, washed down with a pitcher((带柄和倾口的)大水罐) of home brewed(家酿的) beer it is so cheap to eat in South Africa that you will be spoilt for choice.
Cape Town is home to many upmarket(高级的,高档的) shopping malls most of which include big chain stores and smaller boutiques(专卖流行衣服的小商店) as well as banking facilities, restaurants and coffee shops and movie theatres. Depending on their locations, some malls also offer curio(古董,古玩) shops.
Craft Markets and Street Markets
A visit to one of Cape Towns markets is a great way to pick-up gifts and souvenirs from a wide variety of local designers, artists and entrepreneurs.
The cobble-stoned(鹅卵石铺路的) Greenmarket Square(绿市广场) in the centre of town is a vibrant(活泼的;生气勃勃的) craft market where you will experience the pulse of Cape Town. African carvings(雕刻), masks(面具) and drums(鼓), beadwork(珠饰) and jewellery are displayed alongside clothing, leatherwork(皮革制品) and ceramics([用作复]陶器; 陶瓷制品). Items are generally well-priced and at some stores bargaining(讨价还价, 议价) is acceptable
The Red Shed Craft Workshop and the Waterfront Craft Market -- both at the Waterfront -- are indoor markets open 7 days a week. Clothing, jewellery and an array of crafts and artwork are available. Sunday is the time to head to the Greenpoint Market in the parking area of Greenpoint stadium. The market is a flea-market(跳蚤市场) and craft-market combined with goods from CD's and sunglasses(太阳镜;墨镜) to African art and beads on sale.
Robben Island
The V & A Waterfront is also the gateway to Robben Island, a former prison (now a national monument(国家文物)) where a visit is an emotional journey echoing with the sorrows of stalwarts(坚定) of 'the struggle' against apartheid((南非的)种族隔离(政策)). The island was 'home' to many of South Africa's freedom fighters including Nelson Mandela(南非前总统尼尔逊•曼德拉). This is Nelson Mandela's prison home for twenty seven years of his life
Cape Fortress
The oldest surviving building in South Africa, and well preserved too, is the Castle of Good Hope(好望堡), the pentagonal(五角形的) fortress(要塞; 堡垒) built by personnel of the Dutch East India Company(荷属东印度公司) back in the 1660s-70s. Today it houses the regional headquarters(指挥部, 总部) of the South African Defence Force(南非国卫队) in the Western Cape, and a military museum.
Africa's Most Southerly Point

Cape Agulhus(阿古尔哈斯角,南非一块崎岖不平的大陆岬,为非洲的最南端。) is the most southern point of South Africa with spectacular views of the ocean. It is at this point that the Indian and Atlantic Oceans meet.
Cape Point
A stop at Cape Point gives the visitor the opportunity to boast of(吹牛,自吹) having been at the most southern point of the Cape Peninsula(开普半岛).
Some 26 shipwrecks(船只失事, 海难) have been recorded at Cape Point, some of them presenting good diving spots. A funicular(索道) takes visitors on scenic trips to an old lighthouse(灯塔) and the spot is a bird watcher's(观鸟者) paradise.
Township, vibes
Township tours will remind the tourist how the will to survive can overcome any adversity. In Guguletu(古古乐土) and Langa(兰加) expect to be overwhelmed(淹没) by hospitality, informal roadside traders, rowdy taverns(吵闹的小酒馆) serving local beer and toe-tapping jazz. Guided tours are recommended to get to most out of the experience.
Most Fabulous Beaches in the World
There's a beach to suit every mood in Cape Town--Boulder's Beach(博
得斯海滩,这里是著名的南非企鹅的栖息地) at Simon's Town is home to a colony of Jackass penguins(斑嘴环企鹅又名非洲企鹅或黑脚企鹅,其叫声似驴的) that are so famous, to watch them waddle(摇摆行走) up and down the beach is a real treat.

Shopping Frenzy
Cape Town has many markets and impressive shopping centres and malls. One of the most talked about shopping venues is the impressive 400-outlet Canal Walk(南非最大型的购物商场) Century City(世纪之城,开普敦市郊之新兴城镇). It also boasts a 20-theatre cinema complex and for adrenalin-pumping(令人兴奋的) entertainment, there's Ratanga Junction, a 30-attraction theme park with and the glitzy Grand West Casino & Entertainment World
Great Gardens of the World
A day in Cape Town might end with a classical concert at sundown in one of the world's great botanical gardens(植物园) -- Kirstenbosch(开普敦国家植物园), a repository(博物馆)for many rare fungous(真菌的) species and a wealth of indigenous(本土的) plants, trees and flowers.
Cape Town city centre is known to many as the party capital of Africa, down just a few streets in the Mother City there are hundreds of bars, restaurants and clubs just waiting to be explored through to the wee hours of the morning. Cape Town is also known as a pink city, offering a warm welcome to the gay(男同性恋) and lesbian(女同性恋) community.
The Winelands

Just a 45-minute drive from Cape Town and you're in the mountains and valleys of the Winelands -- all gracious gabled Cape Dutch(开普荷兰式) homesteads(家园, 田产), cask-lined cellars(酒窖), oak-treed towns and ultra(超乎寻常的) fine restaurants. The towns of Stellenbosch, Franschoek and Paarl(南非三大著名产酒地区) are delightful and beg to be explored and savoured very slowly, like good wine.
The Garden Route
This land of lakes, bays, mountains and forests languishes on the southern coast from Heidelberg(海德堡) to the Eastern Cape's(东开普省) Tsitsikamma Forest(茨特斯卡玛大森林) and Storms River(暴雨河). It's a nook(幽僻的地方) of the country that offers inspiration to writers and artists whose presence gives the Garden Route a trendy flavour. It is also a top priority of many a foreign visitor.
25This coastal drive links a series of charming towns interspersed with natural wonder. Along the way, every kind of adventure activity is possible -- scuba diving(水肺潜水,也就是需要背上氧气瓶), abseiling((登山运动中的)沿绳滑下法), fishing and more


South Africa is a country which is little more than a remote (遥远的) and mysterious (神秘的) land for most Chinese people. But recently, the Chinese Government listed it as one of four new countries open t...


South Africa is a country which is little more than a remote (遥远的) and mysterious (神秘的) land for most Chinese people. But recently, the Chinese Government listed it as one of four new countries open to Chinese tourists. So, now it may be your next holiday choice.
From modern art galleries (画廊) to ancient (古代的) cave paintings, museums to cultural (文化的) villages, you can taste the rich history of cultures in this vast land.
A traditional Zulu village, for example, is a favourite place to visit. The Zulus are an ancient tribe (部落) in South Africa. Guests are greeted with traditional Zulu etiquette(礼仪) and entertained with dances and songs. It is part of their traditional culture that only the unmarried girls and young men dance, staying in separate groups.
The rich cultural diversity (多样性) of South Africa is matched by its natural diversity. Wilderness trails (野外追猎), or safaris (游猎), open up the wild bush (灌木丛) to visitors.
There is nothing like standing in the middle of nowhere and getting a close-up view of a black rhino (犀牛) or lion. In the vast silence, you are surrounded by the smell of grass with only the sound of your heartbeat for company




South Africa is a country which is little more than a remote (遥远的) and mysterious (神秘的) land for most Chinese people. But recently, the Chinese Government listed it as one of four ne...


South Africa is a country which is little more than a remote (遥远的) and mysterious (神秘的) land for most Chinese people. But recently, the Chinese Government listed it as one of four new countries open to Chinese tourists. So, now it may be your next holiday choice.
From modern art galleries (画廊) to ancient (古代的) cave paintings, museums to cultural (文化的) villages, you can taste the rich history of cultures in this vast land.
A traditional Zulu village, for example, is a favourite place to visit. The Zulus are an ancient tribe (部落) in South Africa. Guests are greeted with traditional Zulu etiquette(礼仪) and entertained with dances and songs. It is part of their traditional culture that only the unmarried girls and young men dance, staying in separate groups.
The rich cultural diversity (多样性) of South Africa is matched by its natural diversity. Wilderness trails (野外追猎), or safaris (游猎), open up the wild bush (灌木丛) to visitors.
There is nothing like standing in the middle of nowhere and getting a close-up view of a black rhino (犀牛) or lion. In the vast silence, you are surrounded by the smell of grass with only the sound of your heartbeat for company.
And South Africa is the land of gold. Johannesburg (约翰内斯堡) was once the biggest gold mining area in the world. And there are many old mines to visit. (about 190 words)
