请帮我想想关于"What do you do after work?的二十个造句就是围绕着这个句子造句,也可以是回答这个问题的对话.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 15:16:03

请帮我想想关于"What do you do after work?的二十个造句就是围绕着这个句子造句,也可以是回答这个问题的对话.
请帮我想想关于"What do you do after work?的二十个造句

请帮我想想关于"What do you do after work?的二十个造句就是围绕着这个句子造句,也可以是回答这个问题的对话.
Q:What do you do after work?
A:I go home,play video games,and go to bed.But if it's a Friday night,I try to do something.Even if I get off at 10:30,I try to find friends who are out.I tend to go back to my old job.
what do you do after work?
The first thing I do is go straight home,obviously I need a bath.I take the bus or train.
Q:What do you do after work?
A:I usually go out shopping,have dinner with friends or watch a movie.
What do you do after work?
Play ball with my son who just finished a great year in his school.
what do you do after work?I go home and cuddle with my kittens.I love kitties!
Q:What do you do after work?
A:I am a singer.I’ve been singing about 10 years,three of which have been with the Hartford Chorale.We put on about three to four concerts a year and sing with the Hartford Symphony Orchestra.I also like to see opera in New York City.I play bridge every week and I like to just putter around my house doing small projects.
What do you do after work to relax?I’m pretty low maintenance.I usually just do things with my sons; play X-Box and/or PS2.
Q:What do you do after work?Do you have any hobbies?
A:My hobbies are knitting,quilting,and gardening,and I enjoy doing them in my spare time.I also enjoy and have been serving as a mentor for children for the past eight years.Originally I started mentoring teenage girls and being a “buddy” at the Cromwell Children's Home.I am now affiliated with The Children's Center Youth Mentoring Partnership and have been mentoring the same young girl for the past four years,at least five hours per week.I'm very much involved with her life,her problems and her accomplishments.


I take a shower after work . I often eat an apple. I go home by bus . ...


I take a shower after work . I often eat an apple. I go home by bus . I sit on a chair. I go shopping with my friends. I drink tea. I sleep a little of time. I cook dinner. I talk with my wife . I jump five times. I play with my son. I buy some meats. I go to my son's school. I take a flower from my son . I go to park. I play computer. I walk to home. I ride a bike.


I usually play computer game.
I watch TV after work.
I go hiking.
I drink tea.
I usually take a shower.
I eat an banana.
I go shopping with my friends.<...


I usually play computer game.
I watch TV after work.
I go hiking.
I drink tea.
I usually take a shower.
I eat an banana.
I go shopping with my friends.
I visit my parents.
I buy some tomatos.
I eat dinner.
I go swim.
I go to park.
I go swiing.
I clean my room.


请帮我想想关于What do you do after work?的二十个造句就是围绕着这个句子造句,也可以是回答这个问题的对话. HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW YOUR NEIGHBOURS?雅思的口语题`````请高手帮我想想回答好啊`````` What do you mean, what you and I together You go there! 请帮我翻译下 谢谢What do you mean, what you and I together You go there! 请帮我翻译下 谢谢 I want to you,you wnat do you like ,what like do请帮我解释一下这句话的意思 DO you have a cold谁英语好挖`帮我想想这个英语作文`Write an article called “Do you have a cold?”Write about what you should and shouldn't do.希望能帮我想想比较有意思的写法````不能写流水帐`如果可以 顺便帮 what are you doing these days?A.are you doing B.do you do.C.you are doing D.you do请帮我选正确答案以及原因 请帮我翻译一下 no matter what i do ,i always forget to forget you What do you know about him?请知道的大虾帮我看一下具体句子成分? 请英语高手帮我翻译个句子:what do you need for shcool?谢谢! What do you suggest I do?帮我翻译一下 What do you feed you dog on?=What do you feed( )( )( )帮我填一下 Why are you do that?Tell me what to do…请帮我翻译成中文.谢谢 when you asked me;what do you want to do?think i just want to make you happy请帮我解答说的事什么? Do what you believe is right.帮我译一上, 求教what are you going to do with that book请帮我翻一下,with that是不是词组? 请帮我翻译一句句子 Do you have idea what the department is from Miss Lin? 请哪位高手帮我写篇英语短文:what do you think sucess in life really mean what do you prefer to eat in the morning?why?请帮我回答一下这句话