请英语好的回答下,you want ________ you have to get the fund somewhere.A) that the job is doneB) the job doneC) to have done the jobD) the job that is done________ that the trade between the two countries reached its highest point.A) During th

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 03:18:57

请英语好的回答下,you want ________ you have to get the fund somewhere.A) that the job is doneB) the job doneC) to have done the jobD) the job that is done________ that the trade between the two countries reached its highest point.A) During th
请英语好的回答下,you want ________ you have to get the fund somewhere.
A) that the job is done
B) the job done
C) to have done the job
D) the job that is done
________ that the trade between the two countries reached its highest point.
A) During the 1960’s
B) It was in the 1960’s
C) That it was in the 1960’s
D) It was the 1960’s

请英语好的回答下,you want ________ you have to get the fund somewhere.A) that the job is doneB) the job doneC) to have done the jobD) the job that is done________ that the trade between the two countries reached its highest point.A) During th
b done 是定语了.
b 有个that啊.叫同位语把.语法几乎忘记了.

第一题选 A
if you want that the job is done
that 之前已经有want 做动词了,后面的the job is done是一个被动语态,工作被完成.
第二题选 B
我不同意一楼的朋友说的during. between是修饰trade. 翻译过来是在两个国家之间的...


第一题选 A
if you want that the job is done
that 之前已经有want 做动词了,后面的the job is done是一个被动语态,工作被完成.
第二题选 B
我不同意一楼的朋友说的during. between是修饰trade. 翻译过来是在两个国家之间的贸易.用来修饰贸易这个词的.所以选B


1. B
A 好像没有语法问题,但是很少这样说
C 这里是希望工作被完成而不是完成工作
D 很少这样说
2. B 强调句型.

B 第一个不通 第三第四个语法不对
A 说了between.. 摆明了是在两者间 当时是during啦 再说其他的不通


说实话,第一个选项都不太合适,应该是have the job done,但非得选的话,就b了




请英语好的回答下,you want ________ you have to get the fund somewhere.A) that the job is doneB) the job doneC) to have done the jobD) the job that is done________ that the trade between the two countries reached its highest point.A) During th 懂英语的回答,do whatever you want to, 英语好的朋友请进来请懂英语的朋友帮忙译下:I want you to knowour friendship means a lot to me.You cry I cry,you smile I smile,you jump out of the window,I look down and say byebye.本人好久没上网了,穷的没什分可赏. Do you want to have the “Father” in your family?Why or why not请给个具体回答,好的加分是奉贤区的一道题 初一的英语选择填空you may bring a bottle of wine __(1)___ you know what the family __(2)__.(1)A when B if C so Das(2)A eat B want C drink D ask选择后请简单的说一下为什么这样做 I want to talk with you.的同义句I __ __ to talk with you. 根据首字母填空 Do you find any d( ) between the twins 知道的人才请回答下.好的回答有悬赏. you should try __ __to learn english words __ __,and you 'll be __ __ it 你应该尽量多记单词,你的英语一定会好的 用英语回答why do you want to go abroad?面试时如果他们问,怎么回答回答的妙 And I want to tell sb(BOY).that.-if you bother me .And I want to tell sb(BOY).that.-if you bother me .问下英语好的,ORZ谢 what else do you want?说说 肯定和否定的回答.请详解 八下英语完成句子 1.这台新打印机比那台旧的打印快得多了 This new printer__ __ __ __than the old onePlease tell me __ __ __ __3.I can use the computer__ __4.You can __ __ __ __for more details5.Simon often__ __ __ __ __at weeken you don't want i will make you happy.英语好的在哪里 英语翻译帮忙翻译下;你游泳比你弟弟好.You can`t swim__ __ __(三个空)your brother.对这个故事我比另一个喜欢的多.This story is __ __ __(三个空)than that one 英语翻译I want a hot dog,please.哪位懂得请回答?人教版六年级下英语第一课翻译 what do you want to gain from college education?why?3分钟左右说完请用英语回答,3分鈡讲完 英语问句的回答Where do you want to go on Sunday What about your family? 他经常乘公共汽车去上学(翻译英语)He often __ __ __to school。请认真听老师讲Plsase __ __ __ __ carefully任何人都能负担我们的价钱__ can __ our price他能在音乐方面帮助我们He can __ us __ music 急。好