帮我翻一下下面英语Thanks for your CV.We will contact you within 2 months if your profile fits for the position.Otherwise we will keep it and contact you if other vacancy arises.Thanks for your patience.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 17:07:13

帮我翻一下下面英语Thanks for your CV.We will contact you within 2 months if your profile fits for the position.Otherwise we will keep it and contact you if other vacancy arises.Thanks for your patience.
Thanks for your CV.We will contact you within 2 months if your profile fits for the position.Otherwise we will keep it and contact you if other vacancy arises.Thanks for your patience.

帮我翻一下下面英语Thanks for your CV.We will contact you within 2 months if your profile fits for the position.Otherwise we will keep it and contact you if other vacancy arises.Thanks for your patience.

帮我翻一下下面英语Thanks for your CV.We will contact you within 2 months if your profile fits for the position.Otherwise we will keep it and contact you if other vacancy arises.Thanks for your patience. 英语翻译Thanks for you leaving me before you fall in love with me.,那位猛人麻烦帮我翻一下 . 帮我把这句话翻译成英语,下面我要阐述一下他做实验的具体步骤 Whew!Thanks for putting 110% into signing up for AOL accounts.Love your passion!We'd also love a我申请Aol的邮箱 ,结果显示的是这个 ,我不是很懂 能把那个帮我翻一下好吗 英语翻译会英语的大神把给我把下面这段中文翻译成英语吧...“为什么我每次发推特都被无视.”帮我翻译一下~ thanks for giving me some wonderful memory.帮忙翻译一下啦帮我翻译一下阿.是什么意思阿 帮我把下面的英文译成汉语Thanks for all you have done for you for our class.This poem is for encouraging for both of us. 阅读下面英语短文 帮我做一下! 帮我翻译一下下面的英语短文, 请英语高手帮我把下面文字翻译成英语一下,新技术环境下制造费用的数额和比重大大提高 ,传统成本 thanks to 和thanks for 怎么区分啊?我学英语学到现在...好吧..竟然学着学着就把thanks to 和 thanks for 给弄混了....给我区分一下..什么时候什么情况应该用哪个..谢罗! 麻烦帮我翻译一下好吗!.It was nice to meet you and thanks for your kind words. 求英语大拿帮翻一下 Intelligent Fault Diagnosis System for Frequency Conversion Speed Control Pump 英语翻译有谁可以帮我翻译一下下面的号码?翻译成中文(汉字). 能不能帮我翻一下下面图的英文什么意思! 英语翻译路归路,桥归桥.翻译成英语,都帮我翻一下, 英语翻译会英语的知识份子们帮我翻译一下“一天说一句英语”这句短语言thanks very much! 帮 我 翻译成英语!