
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 17:51:12


The secondary school education is a blind alley, going abroad is a good policy
But relatively speaking, the advantages of studying abroad at the university when it is meet the eye everywhere.
The shortcomings of a foreign gold content, reduce, anyway you want into a good school is a no, you are not easy to finish in the top one hundred schools, professional and not to your liking, anyhow there.
Disadvantages of the two, there are Chinese, Chinese too much, study abroad is the exercise of their independent living and personal study spirit and will go out one way. Now there are Chinese, then what is the learning atmosphere, to practice speaking circles are all Chinese. Do not move . " But now families have only one child, a money money immediately, one has the problem immediately find the relationship to help you solve, also talk about independent! Science ability, independent ability, self-control, and human communication ability, which has led to a garbage existence reason.
Of course, more obvious advantages
1 by the diploma for dinner, anyway, foreign than China's credit card is popular. Even if the home is also a returnees.
2advanced educational philosophy, advanced educational philosophy, is the domestic place cannot be compared. Anyway, China is still a developing country. We will have a better policy, but we now education has many problems. These are we going overseas to study compared to feel.

英语作文题目《大学生出国留学的利与弊》字数在120个单词左右. 用英语谈谈对大学生出国留学的看法~ 英语作文:关于大学生出国留学的看法,要点:1.越来越多大学生出国留学2.大学生是否应该出国留学,人们的看法不同3.我的看法4.字数120~180 英语作文出国留学的好处 许多中国学生出国 出国留学的好处 我的观点 英语作文 150字以上许多中国学生出国 出国留学的好处 我的观点 要出国留学,想租房子,写一封向房东申请租房的申请书的英语作文,90-150字! 关于出国留学低龄化的英语作文越来越多的家长让孩子读高中时让孩子出国留学分析出国低龄化留学的原因我的看法130词急 以“studying abroad”为题的英语作文出国留学的优点和缺点 150字左右 “中学生外出留学的利与弊”的英语作文谢啦,马上, 写一篇关于 出国留学热的现象,原因利弊分析,你的看法 的英语作文,120字左右 求教英语作文.1 .淘宝购物的利与弊 2.大学生自主学习的利与弊 两篇 中国当前出国留学热的看法. 微留学的好处英语作文 英语作文 书面表达!随着我国经济的发展与对外开放程度的提高,越来越多的学子走出国门留学深造.根据下面的提示,请你以“Studying Abroad”为题,写一篇150词左右的文章.内容提示:1.出国留学 求:英语作文120字要求:假设你是李华,你的美国朋友David写信询问你高中毕业后是打算出国留学还是留在国内读大学.请根据你的实际情况给予回复,并说明理由 求一篇英语作文,“study abroad”至少120字包含下面三个内容:1,目前中国很多学生出国留学;2,造成这一现象的原因很多;3,你的看法. 谁能给写3篇英语作文啊,急需!不要翻译工具翻译的!题目一friend ship(友谊重要性,不同的择友标准,你希望从朋友那得到什么)题目二study abroad(出国留学热的现象,原因及分析利弊,你的观点) 大学生英语作文打乒乓球的好处