
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 17:44:12


<断臂山> Brokeback Mountain
A raw,powerful story of two young men,a Wyoming ranch hand and a rodeo cowboy,who meet in the summer of 1963 sheepherding in the harsh,high grasslands of contemporary Wyoming and form an unorthodox yet life-long bond--by turns ecstatic,bitter and conflicted.
In 1963,two young men hire on as ranch hands in the Wyoming mountains.During the long months of isolation,an unusual bond starts to develop between them,one which they are only vaguely aware of--until one night when it rises to the surface in a passionate encounter.When the season ends,they part ways,only to realize the true depth of their feelings.Thus begins a decades-long affair that the two of them desperately try to hide from those around them--one which will prove simultaneously beautiful and devastating.

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