
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 20:28:28


1.When he passed the park,his wallet dropped on the ground,so he stopped to pick it up.
2.I often participate in various activities since I joined this club for 16 years.
3.How long have you have this book from the library
4.The football match has been over for half an hour.
5.When I arrived home,my pet was dead more than thirty minutes.
6.How long has been the film on?

1.When he was through the park, his wallet dropped on the ground, so he stopped to pick up.
2.I often participate in various activities since I joined this club for 16 years.
3.How long have y...


1.When he was through the park, his wallet dropped on the ground, so he stopped to pick up.
2.I often participate in various activities since I joined this club for 16 years.
3.How long have you borrowed this book in the library ?
4.The football match has ended one and half an hour ago .
5.When I arrived home, my pet was dead more than thirty minutes.
6.How long has the film started?


When he passes park, purse, fell to the ground, so he stopped to pick up.
I often take part in all kinds of activities, because I attend the club has 16 years.
You borrowed the book in the library?
The football match in half an hour before it ended.
When I arrived home, my pet died 30 minutes.
The movie?

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