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今天我们学习第七单元,健康的生活方式中的语法部分.请你们准备一张白纸.在上课之前,我们先快速地了解一下这节课我们将要掌握哪些知识目标.请看幻灯片.第一,我们将掌握形容词和副词的比较级和最高级.第二,掌握you'd better句型.第三,掌握关于保持健康的一些建议.这样清楚吗?好的,我们进入课题.第一部分,warming up.在这个部分,老师将朗读10个关于运动的单词和短语,你必须在大约4分钟内将你听到的单词和短语默写在准备好的白纸上.这个部分结束时,答案将出现在幻灯片上,你们可以互相检查答题情况.你们准备好了吗?第一个单词,足球.下一个,网球.下一个,游泳.滑雪,羽毛球,拳击,慢跑,跳跃.好的,结束.现在请看幻灯片,并且检查一下你们的答案.他们分别是足球,网球,游泳,滑雪,排球,羽毛球,冲浪,拳击,慢跑,跳跃.你们回答的怎样?好的,现在,我们学习语法部分.我们将学习形容词的比较级和最高级.什么是形容词的比较级和最高级.当需要对比两个人或事物,可以用比较级;比较两个以上的人或事物,可以用最高级.让我们来看一副太阳系的图片.太阳系有八大行星,按照远近关系分别为水星,金星,地球,火星,木星,土星,天王星,海王星.这些行星大小不一,和太阳的距离也远近不同.请看这副图片,这些行星中最大的是哪个,最小的是哪个?A,请站起来回答我的问题?这个最大,这个是什么行星你知道吗?它是木星.那么木星比地球大怎么用英语说呢?很好.木星比地球离太阳近还是远呢?好的,那么地球比木星离太阳近要怎么用英语说呢?好的.我们来看看下一张幻灯片,它告诉了我们八大行星的大小排名和离太阳的远近排名.在这两个排名中,我们想比较两个行星,就要用到比较级.比较级的句型是这样的,A和B比较,A加上be动词,再加上形容词的比较级,加上than,加上B.看几个例子,1.Mercury is closer to the sun than the earth.2.The earth is bigger than the Mercury.这样清楚吗?当我们想比较两个以上的行星,就要用到最高级,最高级的句型是A加上be动词加上形容词的最高级.比如我们想说水星是最小的.说Mercury is the smallest.或者,水星是离太阳最近的,我们说mercury is the nearest to the sun.那么到现在,我们还没说形容词的比较级和最高级怎么变化.看下一张幻灯片.我们把形容词的变化分为两部分.规则的变化和不规则的变化.我们重点讲解规则的变化.一般情况下,词尾直接加er就变为了比较级,词尾加est就变为了最高级.如果单词以E结尾,就加r和st即可.如果以y结尾,把Y变为i,再加er或者est.如果以重读闭音节结尾,双鞋结尾的辅音字母,再加er和est.双音节和多音节的形容词在原级前加more或者less,most或者least.我们需要记住的重点是第一条规则,即比较级加er,最高级加est.现在,我们学习一个新的句型,you'd better 和you'd better not.表示你最好做什么和你最好不要做什么.它非常简单.看课本97页的例子,You’d better give up the bad habit.You’d better get up early in the morning.You’d better not come here by bus.You’d better not do it again.你们明白了吗.那么我们现在用这两个句型补充以下关于保持健康的建议的句子.

OK let's go for the Unit seven, the part of syntactic points concerning healthy lifestyle. First, I'd like you to get a paper. N' before we actually begins, let's take a rough look at the things we're gonna have to grasp in this class. and the slides,there we go- The first point is, adjective and adverb's comparative form and superlative form. And second, sentence pattern" you'd better";and third, some hints about how do we keep ourselves healthy. It's that clear? Alright. Let's go ahead and start it. The first section, warming up. In this section, I'm gonna read ten words and phrases about sport, n' you'll have to put them down on your paper from your memories within around 4 min.When you finish it, the answers will come out on the slide, and you may check and contrast each other's answer. Ready? Here we go. First: Soccer; Second tennis ball; third swimming(为省事起见,下列序号略); skiing; badminton; boxing; jogging;——跳跃?跳跃也算是个运动项目?跳远吧?——long jump; OK. Here it ends.
Let's now look at the slide. How about your answers?
Alright. Now, go ahead. It's syntax part. We're gonna learn sth about comparative from and superlative form of adjective. First let's make it clear what do they really mean. When you need a comporison between two objects, you need to use comparative form; and when you do that among more than two, you use superlative form. Let's see a picture showing solar system. We know that in the solar system, there're eight majour planets. Arranging by sizes they are: Mercury,Hesper,Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, each plant is in its own size different from the others', and different distance from sun. So could anybody tell me which is the biggest one among them? A? Please? This one? Do you know its name? Yeah, it's Jupiter. Then——这句我翻译不了了.我翻出来了你後面就不用讲了——Great.——这句也没法翻.话说你这不是讲比较级吗?那你问学生?他能答出来?—— OK(Gesture him to sit down.) Let's see next slide. This slide shows us how are the eight planets ranked by their sizes and by the distances they're at to the sun. In this two ranking systems, if we want a contrasting between two of them, we use comparative form. And its sentence form is : if contrasting A with B,we use A, plus be, plus comparative form of the adjective, plus than, and at last plus B. Let take a look at some examples.——例句略——
And furthermore, if we want a constrasting between more than two planets, we need to use" superlative form". Its sentence fome is like: A plus be plus superlative form of the adjective. For instance, if we mean——中文——,we can say——.
Coming to this step, and I think I didn't mention how to put inflection of the two forms onto word. Well let's see this slide. Generally, we divide all adjectives into to sorts: regular-inflection and irregular-inflection. Here we just underline those of regular-inflection. Generally, a word put a'er' at its end becomes(比较级,见前文,太长了懒得打)if we put a "est", we have a (最高级)If a word is ended up with letter"E", we just need to put r and s at the end of it; and if ended up with y, then we replace y with i, and put er or est. If it's a stressed closed syllable which ends up it, we first double the last letter, and then put the er or est.
And as for those disyllabic or multisyllabic words,we simply put more or less for(比较级),and most or least for(最高级). Here we need to notice that the first rule is the most important, which is, er, like we just mentioned(内容)、
OK. Ahead to the last section,a new sentence form: you'd better and you'd better not.which actually means——中文解释—— It's pretty simple. Let's check the example of Page 97 of our book——例句——
OK. Have you grasped my points? Then, now, we'll complement the sentences concerning the hints of keeping health using this two sentence forms.

英语翻译今天我们学习第七单元,健康的生活方式中的语法部分.请你们准备一张白纸.在上课之前,我们先快速地了解一下这节课我们将要掌握哪些知识目标.请看幻灯片.第一,我们将掌握形容词 冀教版初一下册生物复习提纲 第二单元:我们的身体与健康的生活 学习和健康是最重要的 英语翻译 英语翻译注意第七单元 英语翻译第七单元 前三段 孔子的思想在今天人们的学习生活中能够给我们提供哪些指导 英语翻译英文翻译:我们在温哥华的生活很健康.放学後回家做姜饼屋. 请用英语翻译,过着健康的生活! 今天,我们的学习条件非常好; 英语翻译:学习如何独立处理我们生活中的问题是很必要的. 英语翻译.你给予我们学习上和生活上的帮助 我们学习各类学科为将来的生活打下基础.(lay the foundation)英语翻译 《庄子·徐无鬼》中皇帝的做法对我们今天的学习和生活有怎么样的借鉴作用? 对于我们的健康有好处英语翻译 英语翻译:我们很担心父亲的健康 英语翻译1:熬夜有害健康、我们应该养成早睡早起的习惯2:为了健康的生活、我们应该有一个平衡的饮食习惯,并且要多做运动、3:多吃蔬菜和水果、这样我们就能保持健康、 英语翻译是哪个一)谈谈身体健康对我们生活质量的意义 二)谈谈我们健康的生活质量的重要性三)谈谈生活质量对健康的意义还有没更好的解释呢 英语翻译我们要保持健康,首先要有合理的饮食,其次还要有良好的心态,积极面对生活的一切,这样才能拥有健康.