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中秋节的来历中英文对照版仅供参考 农历八月十五是我国的传统节日——中秋节.中秋节与春节、清明节、端午节是中华民族的四大传统节日.“中秋”一词,最早见于 汉服中秋 The lunar August 15 in China is the traditional holiday--the Mid-Autumn festival.The Spring Festival,Mid-Autumn festival and the qingming festival,the Dragon Boat Festival is Chinese traditional festival of the four."The Mid-Autumn festival" is a word,the earliest hanfu Mid-Autumn festival is in 《周礼》.据史籍记载,古代帝王祭月的节期为农历八月十五,时日恰逢三秋之半,故名“中秋节”;又因为这个节日在秋季八月,故又称“秋节”、“八月节”、“八月会”、“中秋节”;又有祈求团圆的信仰和相关习俗活动,故亦称“团圆节”、“女儿节”.因中秋节的主要活动都是围绕“月”进行的,所以又俗称“月节”、“月夕”、“追月节”、“玩月节”、“拜月节”;在唐朝,中秋节还被称为“端正月”.中秋节的盛行始于宋朝,至明清时,已与元旦齐名,成为我国的主要节日之一.关于中秋节的起源,大致有三种:起源于古代对月的崇拜、月下歌舞觅偶的习俗,古代秋报拜土地神的遗俗.为传承民族文化,增强民族凝聚力,中秋节从2008年起被国务院列为国家法定节假日.国家非常重视非物质文化遗产的保护,2006年5月20日,该节日经国务院批准列入第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录.The rites of zhou.According to records,the ancient imperial history on the appointed feasts of the August 15,time for the lunar SanQiu attention for half of the Mid-Autumn festival,the name ""; And because this festival in autumn,so it is also called "August autumn festival","BaYueJie","August will","the Mid-Autumn festival"; And pray for the reunion of the faith and related customs activities,so also say "TuanYuanJie","sections".For the Mid-Autumn festival of the main activities are all around "month",so they are commonly known as the "month quarter","YueXi","after month quarter" and "play","worship on day on day"; In tang dynasty,and the Mid-Autumn festival was known as "straight month".The Mid-Autumn festival began in song dynasty,to the popularity of Ming and qing dynasties,and New Year's day,has become the major in China as one of the festival.About the origin of the Mid-Autumn festival,generally there are three:to the worship of ancient originated in the month,and next month the custom of song and dance mate-seeking seniors,ancient worship of god for autumn land.For YiSu down the national culture,enhance national cohesion,the Mid-Autumn festival since 2008 listed by the state council as one country legal holidays.Country attaches great importance to the protection of non-material cultural heritage,May 20,2006,the festival with the approval of the state council listed in the first national nonmaterial cultural heritage list.