口语题:if a person want to be happy,he or she should like his or her job厄..我没说清楚,想要一份口语答案

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 10:50:32

口语题:if a person want to be happy,he or she should like his or her job厄..我没说清楚,想要一份口语答案
口语题:if a person want to be happy,he or she should like his or her job

口语题:if a person want to be happy,he or she should like his or her job厄..我没说清楚,想要一份口语答案




口语题:if a person want to be happy,he or she should like his or her job厄..我没说清楚,想要一份口语答案 求高人解答托福口语题!which person you want to know more If a person can not forget the past,will want to return to the past it? If I want to find a person,you will be the Just want you to know a person well.如题 IF you want to talk to me talk to like a normal person I am not a whore I think habits are the most important if you want to be a perfect person(改为同义句) I think______is______important________habits if you want to be a perfect person. I just want a person like quietly Just be a person i want to 跪求一道托福口语题decribe a person you'd like to know more To be happy for a lifetime,do Buddha; To be happy for a while,a few; If you want to a person happy,have a dream; To be the family happy,cooking; To be a happy person,to reciprocate. If you want a boy to be a person who can be telled about your sadness .please. I am这是什么意思? 雅思口语describe a famous person in your country 雅思口语范文(describe a person、place、festival、activity) A person you lived with雅思口语范文 dunno if I could marry someone and have my first time be with a person I really didn't want to marry.这话怎么翻译? 英语谜题大家来想想吧1 This person can help you if you need some help.And he or she is brave too.Wecan call them______.2 We go there if we want to post a letter or post a parcel.There is a green post box beside it.Where is it It is a________ How to quickly forget a person?Does not want to miss a person