
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 12:26:54


Dear teachers, good morning! My name is xx, is 08 levels of English this regular professional training students, I dissertation5 topic is "the cultural differences between Chinese and western communication". Papers are in the x professor of meticulous coaxed completion, here I asked my tutor our deepest thanks to all the teacher pains to attend my thesis heartfelt thanks for three years, and I have a chance to listen to all teachers teaching our heartfelt tribute. Below I will this paper designed and main content to each teacher makes a report, kindly fellow teachers criticized guidance.
First of all, I want to talk about the graduation thesis of purpose and meaning.
As China's social and economic development, world various nationalities between commercial frequent communication and cooperation. People in different cultures in the process of communication is cross-cultural communication. To understand the cultural differences between Chinese and western communication can better promote the national economy, cultural exchange between and communication. This paper with the relationship between language and culture of Chinese and western culture by listing from daily communicative language communication to the understanding of the euphemism, taboo language and posture language differences in learning English analysis how to foster intercultural communication competence, avoid in our daily communication appear misurclerstanding was discussed in the paper.
Secondly, I want to talk about this essay structure and its main content.
Thesis mainly divided into five parts.
The first part is the introduction. Summary of Chinese and western culture communication system in today's social importance.
The second part is the relationship between language and culture. Through the description of the relationship between language and culture, explains the relationship between language and culture are inseparable, deep influence culture, different language caused the cultural difference.
The third part is the cultural differences between Chinese and western communication. For example demonstrated through communication between China and the west in everyday language used in the course, euphemism, taboo language and posture language is different, thus explain that communication between Chinese and western cultural difference.
The fourth part is of the cultivation of intercultural communication competence. Lists related to foster intercultural communication competence methods, in order to avoid people in our daily communication appear erroneous zone.
The fifth part is summarized and Suggestions. In order to succeed in cross-cultural communication, will realize our national culture and western culture, the differences between in communication right choice accords with western cultural norms expression in order to achieve the aim of communication. Foreign language learners should not only try to master the accurate and fluent and natural English language, learn to decent, naturally transmitted and received communicative message, Also want to understand and grasp of English countries cultural background knowledge and customs, learn to overcome in communication barriers produced cultural differences. Meanwhile, foreign language learners but must take the culture differences, trying to broaden their perspective of culture, to learn more about English culture of the country, in a solid foundation of language application ability at the same time, develop their intercultural consciousness, improve their ability to cross-cultural communication.
Finally, I want to talk about this essay and system deficiency.
This essay writing and modification process, also is the more I realize his lack of experience and knowledge of the process. Although, I will try to collect materials, we try our best to use their own knowledge thesis paper writing, but there are still many shortcomings, needs to be improved. Please, judges much criticism and corrections, let me in the future learn more.
thank you

英语翻译上午好!我叫xx,是08级英语本科班的学生,我的论文题目是《中西方交际文化的差异》.论文是在x教授的悉心指点下完成的,在这里我向我的导师表示深深的谢意,向各位老师不辞辛苦参 英语语法,排列.比如,我叫XX 我想干XX英语是怎么排列的。是XX我想干是XX叫我还是干XX非常好。又或者...... 英语翻译维尔登口腔通知您,您来复诊的时间改为13号,本周日上午9点,给您带来不便,(大概的意思是这个,麻烦英语好的人帮我翻译一下,) 英语翻译各位老师同学上午好/下午好.我的名字叫***.我今年14岁.我来自**中学***班.我一直很喜欢英语,因为我的英语老师将英语教的很有趣.我最喜欢的运动是打羽毛球,它能让我减轻学习的压 我要升初中了 求一篇英语自我介绍我的名字叫XXX 我今年xx岁 我从xxxx小学毕业 我喜欢xx 我最喜欢的颜色是xx 我家有三口人 xx xx xx 我爸爸是一个 xx 我妈妈是一个 xx 我长大想当xx 我爱我的家 英语翻译各位评委好,我叫xx,我平时是一个乐观开朗并且幽默的人,同学关系处的不错,专业课成绩也不错,我的爱好有很多,最爱的还是做甜点.言而总之,总而言之,本股票颇具竞争力.今天能站在 英语翻译上午好,我叫xx,今年14岁,来自福清.我有很多兴趣爱好,如打篮球,踢足球,看书等等.我为人真诚,做事认真,责任心强,性格比较活泼,热情,具有亲和力.我真诚的希望我能考进,希望能给我一 英语翻译这个人叫Abdul Alhazred,是我在一本漫画上看到的,好像是个阿拉伯人, 英语翻译我叫XX(姓名),今年XX岁,我出生在XX.我的生日是1995年8月6日.我是一个有艺术气息的男生.我会演奏很多乐器,比如XX.XX,XX.虽然擅长乐器,可是不太喜欢唱歌.我的爱好是XX和XX.我喜欢收集 我的姓叫X 名是我的XX 用英语怎么说 给我介绍一本好书吧xx 英语翻译我叫XX,今年XX岁.我在XX工作已经10年了,我的妻子与我是同事,我们去年结婚了.我们计划明年去韩国度蜜月.我们的共同爱好是学习英语.学习英语是为了获得学历,获得学历是为找工作, 这是我的外祖父,他的名字叫XX 用英语怎么说 英语自我介绍,我叫xx,今年12岁,爱好是看书. 我叫XXX,今年XX岁.我们家有爸爸妈妈妹妹和我.我的爱好是唱歌.英语翻译 帮忙给我用英语说下下面的一段话吧我叫XX,我今年12岁,我的爱好是写作,我的妈妈叫XX,我的爸爸叫XX,我还有一个好朋友,叫XX.可不可以再问一下,有3个字的名字用英语怎么写?四个字呢?比如柳如 英语翻译我的名字叫XX,今年12岁.我喜欢的颜色是橙色和黑色,爱好是听音乐. 英语翻译xx让我和xx要一本书 句型怎么说呢?